Man nearly kills (((refugee))) with katana.
What is wrong with this fucking state?
Man nearly kills (((refugee))) with katana.
What is wrong with this fucking state?
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Lack of proper form, obviously. Git gud.
He should've summoned his dragon spirit to help him finish the job, stupid gaijin.
That's what's wrong with your state.
>teleports behind you
how can you not kill someone with a katana?
No wonder you lost every worldwar
And still you do as we say
>nearly kills
shameful display
He currently has a lifethreatining condition. There is still hope.
Also, he thrusted with the katana.
don't act tsundere, magyar-kun
we all know that you will be at our side once again when we march against the foreign horde :3
>German fencers
You are the foreign horde Ahmed
>marching anywhere on their own
Unless we drag you with us again you're just going to sit there and rot away and get invaded by even more mudslimes you stagnating turd of a country you are.
Stab with a sword that's designed to slash? Fucking amateur.
Likely a low quality blade, unlike mine that's been folded over ten million times by three generations of nip blacksmiths.
..... amateur...
The Sacred Blacksmith
Damn Austria I thought Germans were your boys what happened
Why not use a glorious zweihaender?
So it was a muslim or a jew?
Mine was forged from the iron in the blood of ten thousand virgin maidens who sacrificed themselves during a lunar eclipse, forged by 3 zen masters who used their bare fists as hammers and their backs as an anvil in the fires of mount Etna and quenched in collected morning dew.
When it drew its first blood, the earth shook and silence befell the land.
I currently use it as a leter opener.
>Why not use a glorious zweihaender?
not manlet compatible
He didn't use a longsword.
Could have killed 2 with just one swing!
>glorious german efficiency
>having postal service
the jews only allow bills to be delivered
He forgot to teleport,
>what is wrong
"Nearly". This fucking piece of rapefugee shit should have been murdered. Shame this man couldn't get the job done.
> I currently use it as a leter opener
My mind read it wrong ... litre opener
"Cant kill a man with a Katana"
Just proves that the Husquvarna is the german Weapon of choice
>Just proves that the Husquvarna is the german Weapon of choice
but don't forget the chainsaw license :^)
I guess he acted in self justice, because our justice system sucks
u mad?
probably a weeb
I am.
All samurai swords and swords in general have no be forbidden.
>he thrusted with the katana
Of course
Sicher nicht
B-b-but he can't do that! Its illegal!
Time to grow up there, Hans
What he didn't fucking succed what a fucking weeb. Jesus christ it's not that fucking hard to kill someone.
Not your call to make.
Why own a katana, when you can own a machete?
Here in Brasil, we call it "facão". And is our weppon of choise for drunk fight and collect firewood for bbq.
Every male knows how proper use one. (Unless you are a faggot living in the southeast coast)
Nothing really Special, here in Germany you can buy one at ALDI for 10,-€
He needs to go back
They actually dont
Also, is super efective against non whites. Easy to call for self defense when you got caught by police.
wait, you cunts need a license for a saw?
(((Man))) it's also a refugee...
Ofc Lügenpresse won't mention
yep, machetes re GOAT
wonder what SA and brazil has in common that causes everyone to have a machete
>(((Man))) it's also a refugee...
sauce needed, or did you just pull that out of your ass
Thrusts with swords are more lethal than cuts since they always pierce organs, while slashes only get skin and bones at most. Thrusts provide more reach so you are less likely to be injured in a counter attack too.
Have you ever even held a sword, faggot?
Just don't forget the gold rule to chose a good machete. It must have the size of your arm. And the mote thick. Better...
Steel quality don't means anything!
Wouldn't thrusting be the logical thing to do if you don't have any training in using bladed weapons?
Should've had a 5 step plan
see pic related
>Mine was forged from the iron in the blood of ten thousand virgin neckbeards who sacrificed themselves during an internet outage, forged by 3 professional atheists who used their raw intellects as hammers and their euphoria as an anvil in the fires of r/atheism and quenched in collected mountain dew.
>When it hit its first bible, fedoras were tipped and upvotes befell the reddit.
if you use it at your work or something yes but at home no
Thrusting a katana doesn't do anything since the tip is so blunt, and because a katana is so thin it can easily snap if you try it.
Shaka Zulu knows his shit/
Why is this so funny?
We havent been culturally enriched enough get back to work and praise allah
Not only Brasil, entre south america owns one.
Back in the old days, people build their doors verry small, so if some indian try to invade your house, you could easy chop his head off.
Where common to hear histories about a woman kill 4 or 5 indians alone, while is husband was in the fields...
Fucking genji mains cant get their shit together
shamefur dispray apply yourself
rapefugees use knifes or illegal firearms
only a weeb autist would use a fucking katana lmao
Agreed fuck that cunt
Indeed. The katana is as thin as a cunt hair due to being refolded over 9000 times by a grand master that has dedicated his life to the craft and committed to seppuku if he ever produces a sub par blade.
The only thing I see wrong with it
is the fact that he didn't finish the job
>Thrusting a katana doesn't do anything
The jew fears the samurai
A challenger appears.
The money fears the jew
you can buy them at any hardware store, no questions asked
never heard of a license for chainsaws, though it wouldnt surprise me if such a thing actually existed. german bureaucracy is hell.
SS Führer xXDorthVidarXx
Real men fight using their own fists.
a common thing between northeastern brazil and south africa?
Ich tu dir weh
Tut mir nicht leid
Das tut dir gut
Hör wie es schreit
>katana is so thin
Are you kidding? Katana blades are thick as fuck, this is why they are so fucking heavy compared to their lenght. They snap becouse they are really hard and not particulary elastic like let's say european swords and sabers which bend and spring back into shape.
oh, and a link, sadly ofc only in german
>always pierce organs
not always, no
>less likely to be injured in a counter attack
thrusts are also more likely to be ignored if someone is amped up on adrenaline
that wasn't a katana
And honestly if you're actually going to attack another human being for real with a katana you god damn well better slash and yell KAI while you do it or you fail as a weeb
we have similar regulations here, perhaps the jew fears the cucksaw.
>that wasn't a katana
now you're being maximum autistic. even if it was only a tanto or wakizashi, the manufacturing process is is almost the same, resulting in a shorter version of a katana
>rape german women
>no one cares
>insult his waifu
>gets stabbed ken sama style
We're discussing the use of katanas against other human beings in the Current Year, I think it goes without saying that autism will be involved
And the shorter length makes it more suited to stabbing, and less to slashing, which is relevant
there is a chinnese in your armor
Nippon steel fails again
Sou gaucho...
Quase todo mundo tem um facão...
nobody said the weapon in question was a full sized katana just because media uses the term samurai-schwert