Since it's Election Day, can Dutchies tell me more about him? I know he was an openly gay politician that was called a Nazi and murdered for criticizing Islam
Since it's Election Day, can Dutchies tell me more about him...
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Van Gogh right?
Geert will lose.
Pim was the hero our country needed, but didn't deserve. :(
R.I.P Pim :( Still miss him.
He's the Dutch political James Dean.
He started out in the Dutch communist party and taught marxist sociology on the university of Groningen, then decided he wanted a different kind of populism so he started a right-wing adventure because the last guy, Hans Janmaat, stopped a short while before that.
He was doing mediocre well in the polls, got shot by an animal rights activist, and people now rever him like some kind of god. 'IF WE STILL HAD PIM, WE WOULD NOT BE IN THIS MESS'
Which is bullshit, because he was basically the same as Wilders. He just died before people discovered his ideas were impossible.
After his death, his party members ran his party into the ground pretty quickly along with the rest of the parliament, and when we had to re-vote, his party faded into obscurity.
He was much, much smarter than Wilders. Nobody could stop him. They tried literally everyting to take him down, but he kept getting bigger with every move they made. He took NL by storm.
Why is his murderer still alive, yet alone free on parole?
He succesfully pulled the 'everyone is equal to the law'-defense. Killing one person is killing one person, wether he's a politician or not. He got sentenced to 18 years or something. (Note, this is not possible anymore nowadays. The killer of Theo van Gogh got life without possibility of parole)
If you behave well, you only have to do 3/4th of your sentence, so he's already out on parole.
Also in prison he spent his time studying law, so now he knows exactly what his rights are. As soon as the government tries to impose anything on him, he sues them and wins.
Because European justice system is about to rehabilitate a convict while in the anglo-saxon world it is to punish.
Pim was murdered by an extremist SJW.
Truly a Hero who fought for his country. Just as he was about to win the elections in a landslide, he was murdered with a shot to the head by a leftist cunt.
If you think Trump had it bad with the press... look into this guy. You'll be amazed.
Shit that grey palour. Only seen one dead guy IRL and he looked exactly like this.
I vaguely remember when this happened. The assassination that changed Dutch history.
Pim and opposition.jpg
Check out this video. Before starting his own party late into the elections, he was a member of LN. Although they agreed with him, they were too cucked and afraid and basically forced him to adjust his tone... which he refused to do. This is the video that shows that moment. Afterwards he founded his own party and skyrocketed in the polls.
Enable subs.
He wasn't even the biggest party in the polls. Before his death he was polled at 30 seats and CDA at 45.
After his death he still didn't become the biggest party.
Guy eminates a certain warmth.
Justice is missing from this world.
That's gay af. Reform your laws.
Like there's no reforming a loony sjw or other scum. There are a few crimes that you shouldn't be able to live down.
But to be fair the Anglo system did produce a pretty good country.
We reformed our laws. It wouldn't be possible now.
Fuck the polls. He became the biggest party in Rotterdam in one clean sweep. The ruling parties were decimated. The same thing would have happened nationally.
A lot of people voted CDA because then it was the "next best thing". I still remember people saying that.
Yes. He was very charismatic. A real statesman. Presidential material.
sadly, his story is not well known outside the Netherlands. Such a thing happening today would redpill many people
Listen to this sleazy leftist weasel... their tactics still haven't changed a bit.
>decided he wanted a different kind of populism so he started a right-wing adventure because the last guy, Hans Janmaat, stopped a short while before that.
You are projecting your own bias you little fucker. There are many reasons he outgrew marxism and embraced identitary politics, none have to do with your bullshit explenation.
>because he was basically the same as Wilders
Today, i have voted for the first time in 15 years. I would have voted for Fortuyn, but have never voted for Wilders. Voted Fvd now. The very fact you equate those tho show us how much of a dumb fuck you really are.
>He just died before people discovered his ideas were impossible.
How the fuck would you be able to tell what people would have "discovered" if Pim would still be alive?
Fuck you and everything you stand for. In the spirit of Fortuyn, i voted for Hiddema today. Deal with it, faggot.
Original Based Faggot.
Wanted Muslims out of the country cuz he saw they were shit
Killed by a liberal because the media told him to do it.