CNN are pretty much ignoring Trump taxes today

>Never shut the fuck up about the taxes 24/7 for 18 months

>Taxes come out and show fuck all.

>Radio silence on CNN.

Did the left just play one of their last cards?? Is Maddow /ourgirl/??

Maddow got madcow

lol did he release them? first thing i hear about .

It was literally just 2 pages from almost a decade ago with no investment or charity information.

About the only thing we learned is he paid taxes that year and how much.

2 pages turned up in a reporter's mailbox.

They were marked client copy.

Trump's house leaks so more than a colander.

>About the only thing we learned is he paid taxes that year and how much.

lol HURRR DURRR le ebil Drumpf won't show taxes BECAUSE HE DOESN'T PAY ANY TAXES!!!!!!!!

He had some made by the same guy who did Obama's birth certificate, then they got "leaked."

I can't really imagine anyone taking the news seriously up to this point. You either have to be retarded or so brainwashed that you literally can't think for yourself other than with info you're spoonfed. They're really running out of things to "prove" Trump is a "bigot".

On second thought, I think i can imagine it. Humans are incredibly retarded. There's still people up to this point that don't understand why Hillary lost with majority votes.

Those wernt his real tacks returns
the bitch is fake news

It's just filler bullshit with a catchy title on a topic people vaguely remember, that Maddow ass pulled to try and get slightly better ratings that day.

They'll come up with some fresh inane dumbassery soon, maybe going back to Russian hacker drone spy ninjas in the meantime.

I hope to God Trump presses charges against them all. Leaking tax returns is a federal crime here in the U.S. Everyone, top to bottom, should be prosecuted. It's the only way.

>w-we didn't care about his tax returns anyway

To be fair, we know he didn't pay any taxes for some of the few years we have info on. It just so happened that 2008 wasn't one of them.

As he said, not paying taxes makes him smart. He was just retarded in 2008.

>Is Maddow /ourgirl/??
Pick one.

Either way, 'it's' done.

>implying some of the leaks aren't intentional

you must mean Italian forensics

Why does Berine have a lower tax% than i do when i only made 58k last year? Pls resbond

You're not a politician.

Typical socialist.

>Why does Berine have a lower tax% than i do when i only made 58k last year? Pls resbond

Bernie is a millionaire, so it's ok.


why is bernie paying taxes if his income comes from the taxpayers?

Bernie isn't a millionaire, his net worth is ~500k

No member

>2005 was 12 years ago
>almost a decade

>Bernie isn't a millionaire, his net worth is ~500k

He bought a fucking summer home for $600k a few months ago.

>taxes come out

no that's not what happened. just 2 pages have been leaked, whoing nothing. and it's just from one year, like 10 years ago

this is trump leaking a tiny bit which seems innocent in an attempt to make ppl stop asking questions

this from the man who didn't believe obama's short-form birth certificate was real

Gotta love trump and his 6d chess,

be careful what you wish for libtards

Feel the bern

They just jump from one conspiracy to another and never learn from the last one. Then they want to mock Pizzagate. Which seems to be at least on par with their reporting.


Reading the tweets yesterday was hilarious.
>Liberals cry for months about "muh tax returns"
>Get teased about them being revealed
>Chimp out in joy
>Tax returns show he actually paid 38 million in taxes
>"T-T-This is just a diversion from more important issues like our health care and Russia"
Oh lord

yeah they would do well if they just waited for CNN to tell them how to handle this

Um so apparently we let OUR candidate Ber(niisan)ders pay LESS taxes than that FASCIST?!

Alright I grabbed my parents change jar from the kitchen and went to a coinstar, I'm donating MY LAST 38$ MATCH ME!!!!

>Top CEO's pay less tax then their secretaries
>38 million
How fucking much do secretaries get paid?

henlo dutchie
hello Stinky ducthie
Go get raped by refugees, ugly.

oh come on

you guys are just going to get embarrassed even more when the full forms come out

Because when you write down a $1B loss for a failed airline, you ain't gotta pay shit in income tax until you recoup that.

This is fucking glorious. Holy fucking shit. At our department meeting this morning not a single fucking peep out of the mass of liberals who have been bringing it up during the department meeting every week to try to appear snarky. When it was my turn to talk about current DBA shit, I spent it passing out printouts of the tweets, tweets/articles about Bernie talking shit, and articles on the tax return release and 1 blank page that shows data from the bottom with a huge smiley face in red.

They actually had the balls to say "m-muh Russian plant" lol. one of the liberal cunts went around and gathered it all up and shredded the documents after the meeting lol. I had the board member that was in the meeting shake my hand when it was time for me to sit down and said he would tell H.R. to raise my pay.

Today is fucking beautiful.

>conned by the don

trump looks like hes got mild down's

praise kek

>almost a decade ago

so... do you not know what year it is, or not know what a decade is?

Nigger, they spoke about it for hours this morning. Fuck off with your fake news.

Yeah, uh huh.


>Nigger, they spoke about it for hours this morning. Fuck off with your fake news.

It has been mentioned for 5 secs twice in the last 3 hours you lying fucker.

What kind of retarded job do you have where shit like this is what you discuss during meetings?

Welcome to healthcare services where women discuss their periods, children, and non-work related topics every day in every meeting. They even told the men the day before Woman's day to be thankful that women even work there to make it a successful business

its a hosital and a non-profit

>be maddow
>in bathroom
>shaving cream on cheeks
>shaving peach fuzz from face
>hetero cis white male secretary bursts into bathroom
>”Sir! It’s here! Come quick!”
>you splash some water on your cheeks to wash the residual shaving cream from your face and look yourself in the mirror
>”the itsy bitsy donny went up the water spout,” you sing to yourself, “down came the rain and LEAKED THE TAXES OUT!”
>you and your hetero cis white male secretary cannot stop laughing
>it’s almost as funny as a tiny trump
>but far more powerful
>surely it will lead to trump’s impeachment
>you put on your vanity bulge codpiece and pantsuit
>you enter the studio triumphantly and take your seat behind your desk
>the camera turns on
>”to my fellow self-identifying marginalized americans. we got ‘em!”
>”let’s all have a look at pic related shall we?”
>but wait, something’s wrong
>instead of a big fat zero there’s actually a sizeable number
>no worries because it’s actually the rate that matters
>you run some quick numbers in your head and realize the rate is actually quite significant too
>you swallow hard
>your voice creaks, “as you can see…”
>hetero cis white male secretary bursts into the studio and hands you a piece of paper
>with white house stationary and all it reads: Congratulations on your big scoop Ms. Maddow. We think you’ll make a great addition to the trump public relations team!
>and it’s signed The Little Dutch Boy
>”no, no, no! take down pic related! this was a set-up! He’s a con man! This is another one of his cons! Where are you HILLLLAAAAAARRRRRYYYY!”
>MSNBC goes to “technical difficulties” screen..

>down came the rain and LEAKED THE TAXES OUT


user, 2005 was 19 years ago...

You obviously have never held a job before

>19 years
>implying we're in 2024
>without trump being the galactic president

Trump is the galactic president in 2024. Just not DONALD trump.



What in the hell, Common Core?!

checkmate atheists

>2001 was 2000 years ago.

>1990 was literally, no meme, over a quarter of a century ago

>implying leaks weren't intentional

>I can't really imagine anyone taking the news seriously up to this point. You either have to be retarded or so brainwashed that you literally can't think for yourself other than with info you're spoonfed.

>He bought a fucking summer home for $600k a few months ago.
He was given that house as a payoff to shut his mouth and support Hillary.

that's bullshit but i believe it

And Fox is totally ignoring the health care bill. That's the way the world works moron.


>>He bought a fucking summer home for $600k a few months ago.
>He was given that house as a payoff to shut his mouth and support Hillary. digits confirm
Praise Kek

>Trump is 8 years in office




The Democrats never take Trump seriously and then end up getting BTFO by him. I've never seen anything like it. Their tactics have been so successful the past few years they don't know how to switch to new tactics, hell they haven't even realized what the problem is. I've never seen a more humiliating string of ass-whippings than the ones the democrats and their media have endured this past year. All thanks to President Trump

I'm love'n it.

I believe the theory that he leaked the return to make the press look like the asses they are, and that he's going to continue to use them like this to give the final death blow to their credibility while helping his own image. He would never prosecute his own useful idiots.

>implying CNN doesn't behave exactly like FOX

>Implying news this good for Trump would be reported if it wasn't 100% real
Fuck off shill

>you ain't gotta pay shit in income tax until you recoup that.
>implying 38 million in taxes is "not paying shit"

that was with the money the hildebeast gave him for laying down and doing nothing about getting screwed her and dws

yea trump is in some deep shit. can't wait fo the day he's impreached



In other years, earlier I believe. Gov't allows if you lose a ton of money.

hello cia hope you're enjoying your conversation with yourself.

try 12

your correction mostly just reinforces his point

>Sup Forums in charge of basic critical thinking

>didn't pay any taxes
It's more contextually appropriate to say he didn't OWE any taxes.

I bet then everybody started clapping, and your highschool crush sucked you off right?


Chris matthews

I still think they could have not even talked about this

They could have literally just not say a word that theu had the taxes since it goes against there narrative, they really are retarded

>12 years
>almost a decade

Do you not know the current year?