SMIRNOFFS NEW AGENDA: Watch this, try not to rage. Smirnoff went full retard
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SMIRNOFFS NEW AGENDA: Watch this, try not to rage. Smirnoff went full retard
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Shameress bumpu
I Just want the war to get here already.
Me too lad. Me too
I wish they would promote gay people, who are actually marginalized legally in Africa vs. just women.
women cant make music cuz they don't know how to use reason or logic
Women are pretty bad at most stuff, just a fact. I'm a designer and while women can be technically proficient, they usually lack vision that makes for great work.
>have you ever seen so many chicken before?
There where like 12 chickens
Those poor niggers
I have more chickens in my backyard than that entire African village.
I just hate the whole argument of 'women are underrepresented in X industry; it must be sexism! It definitely cant be the free market and peoples free choice of what music they listen to'.
A club wont hire a female DJ who makes shit music just for the sake of muh equality when they can get a better known male dj who makes better music.
I heard of a stock trader whose technique was to short shares in companies that said they were taking on diversity initiatives, and hes done really well; because when a company forgoes profit motives for diversity, they start failing.
Smirnoff is shit, I didn't support them anyway.
THis is like saying "rap music is like 90% black people, we need to have more white people in rap music". How well do you think that would go over?
I see what you did there, leaf bro.
>It definitely cant be the free market and peoples free choice
The free market and freedom of choice are obviously patriarchal constructs and as such have no place in the great feminist utopia. Educate yourself shitlord.
It's not just that, it's that women aren't represented in X industry because they didn't create X industry, where X industry is all of them.
Because women don't do that. Think about it, was it outcast girls in highschool who'd meet up with their other outcast friends to play tabletop and videogames in the basement and hope to god nobody at school found out and beat the shit out of them for being weird? Of course not. Women don't do outcast. They don't do weird - real weird, not socially approved "quirky". So when those loser nerd boys grew up and helped turn their niche hobby into a popular, multibillion dollar industry, who was going to be the main represented person?
Because they don't color outside the lines. They don't do weird shit. They don't stray from the herd to explore the curiosities of the land. They'll go, of course, but only with the herd, and only after the pioneers have scouted.
They are utterly content to simply be the first woman to do anything - to take their social gratification and walk away. It is only men who feel that drive to be the first human whatsoever, and that is why women will always start off underrepresented in any of the worlds men open up for them.
>6 minutes
Fuck that.
>started to do music because of gender inequality in that domain and not because she actually liked it or wanted to do this kind of music for a living / hobby
i fucking hate niggers and i fucking hate kikes who put all of us on this damned road
Degenerates wanting "equal" oppertunities to perform degenerate activities.
The fairy tale ending is that all these fat fucks end up trying suicide at some point.
this reminds me of when they tried to trick us into believing womens soccer is as fun/good to watch as mens soccer.
anybody else embarrassed that this disgusting creature is probably the first white person those africans have ever sen?
This should not be famous
>deadly drug manufacturer
>well known for targeting young adults with marketing
>perpetuates degenerate electronic music and drug culture
>trying to come off as wholesome
>Smirnoff to Vodka to Russia to Communism to Jews
electronic music sucks if you're not off your face on ecstasy and once that wears off all you want to do is murder the dj and those around you, followed by yourself.
Add it to the boycott list.
Smirnoff as in the shit votka Smirnoff? I usually drink Ruski Standard, Stoli or pic related anyway.