This wouldn't happened if you elected Hillary!!!!!!!!!!!
This wouldn't happened if you elected Hillary!!!!!!!!!!!
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64 year olds need to die soon anyway. Why give them subsidised insurance ?
"You wouldn't be making 26k a year if you weren't such an useless stub of human"
>People who use healtcare most should pay most
>bad thing
>a 64 year old making 26,500 a year
So, this is an admission that the Republicans are right, since you have to choose such a ludicrous example.
A 64 year old aught to have enough saved to not feel that.
Insurance shouldn't be free. Hospitals should also refuse people who can't pay. This would simplify the matter, and motivate people to make more money.
>a ludicrous example
You mean a retired teacher ?
>motivate people to make more money.
t. temporarily embarrassed millionaire
wow I guess I'm voting for Hillary now...
Nice meme commie.
>he thinks Americans can save money
64 year old making $26,500 a year?
I'm pretty sure there's extra welfare for retards, so don't worry about it.
>64 year old making $26,500 a year?
Again. That's an average retired teacher outside of some special states.
In that case why have a fucking state if all it does is shoot at you for not following whatever stupid fucking laws they make up?
>retirded aka not working
>getting free money
>have time to get a job
Too bad they retire as teachers.
Not my problem though.
The weak should perish.
This might be hard for you to believe, Pajeet, but the life expectancy in the west is well over 75 years, even for men.
>Refuse people who cant pay
Against hippocratic oath and thats some kike shit. As long as they're citizens (and white) they should be treated.
Because we don't kill our old people in the US. We also shit in the proper place.
>but if we balance healthcare and social security what excuse are we going to use to bring millions and millions of hostile foreign citizens!
Yeah it would be WW3 already.
If you save 10 dollars a week from 18-63 in a 401k at 7% that would give you enough to pay for your health insurance from 63-90.
You can do this on minimum wage.
There is no excuse.
Ryancare < Obamacare < Paulcare < Public option
Nigger they gonna get a state pension fat as fuck and social security. Plus state workers get to stay on the group plan at a subsidized rate. The fuck out of here with your cry ass shit.
Bitch should have got married instead of wasting her life brainwashing niglets.
Don't you qualify for Medicare/medicade at that point, so it's free anyway?
>64 year old making 26,500 a year
What 64 year old is making that shit wage LOL
I make 8400€ a year, now stfu you ungrateful prick
>This wouldn't happened if you elected Hillary!!!!!!!!!!!
Which is why I voted for Trump
>64 year old
Why aren't you retired and living off your employment's retirement insurance.
This will maybe teach the average murrican a valuable less on how to treat their body.
Im not surprised most Murricans get scared when it comes to healthcare being expensive, given that most of you obese fuckers need it so desperately after neglecting your body for literally all your life.
>Slovenian economy is the same as Americas
Are you actually this retarded
$10 - $20 dollar a week example
I graduated less then a year ago from a shit state school and I make ten times as much as you, AND get my own healthcare. Maybe don't do something worthless with your life.
Our excessive lifestyle is just a drawn out suicide attempt. We don't really care about healthcare that much.
Then stop crying about it, you fucking hypocrites.
>This wouldn't happened if you elected Hillary!!!!!!!!!!!
stop dragging that old nag out and get focused on who you're going to run next,
Pocohontas sucks, she has no legs and will die quicker than Clinton did
>Im not surprised most Murricans get scared when it comes to healthcare being expensive,
I just use ancient medicine, works better and costs less
most Americans are retarded
No you dont you neet boypucci lover
Im just saying be gratefull with what you have because there are people who make much less than him. But i just cant fucking believe amerifats bitching MUH 30 grand a year is so shitty, while having gas more than half cheaper and you can fucking buy a house for 40.000$ while if all else fails you can join the army and be a welfare queen.
lets look at the facts. Who uses more healthcare? Which generation had more upward mobility and is still more wealth?
Fuck 'em. Their generation robbed us.
Why not just stop the (((manufacturers))) from marking up the price of $0.02 pills by 9500% in order to line their pockets?
Or are (((they))) willing to assassinate anyone who would dare stop them from lining their wallets on the backs of the american people
>americunts literally can't into affordable healthcare
How does it feel to be a third-world country?
Actually this. Wasn't there a scandal recently of some manufacturer cunt increasing the price on HIV medicine from 15$ a pill to 700$?
It's not 'shitty' per se, but it's pretty low since you need to pay for a lot of stuff large amounts of money and plan ahead. (Health insurances & retirement for example).
Also, the 40k houses are made of plywood and cardboard, if you want a real house, it's as expensive as elsewhere.
The boomers must pay for the debt they created, it's only justice.
That would be based Martin "tax for the fags" Shkreli
He did that to bork the market and force companies to create a better product. Media smeared his name.
Ryan is going down. 4d chess master will solve it
gubberment should be minimal in healthcare cus they are awful at it.. the rich will be the only ones with health care soon they won't give a crap about any uninsured.
Isn't baka supposed to come out as baka?
Oh, it's case sensitive, I see.
Reddit. Reddit smeared his name.
Maybe that's what the healthcare bill is doing.
White Americans can
Where the fuck are they getting this data? This shit literally makes no sense.
You fucking idiots 2020 will be a democratic landslide
I wish we could go back to a free market and everyone just pays for their own care. Charity care or set up a medcore offshoot of the army to take care of people without money.
Lol retired teachers are fat paid in burgerland. Since they are public employees, you can view their pay. My old music teacher was clearing over 100k when he retired.
Aren't 64 year olds on medicare anyways?
>introduces extremely high premiums into a market
>removes all restrictions on competition
>free market moves back in to compete
>new providers constantly fight against each other for lower premiums
>government can now say they provide healthcare without anyone actually using it
>freemarket reigns while liberals get to be "like europe"
A legal us citizen would have full Medicare coverage at 64 and not have to pay premiums. This argument is only being made because these faggots want illegals to be covered.
t. useless stub making 28
well if that's all they want then let me just say, no.
When you let illegals use your healthcare then you end up with a situation like here when your health service haemorrhages money and implodes on itself as more people use it and none of them are making contributions
>he must mean a mercy killing
You gotta admit that's a good line
t. useless stub making 7
>forcibly steal money from tax payers to cover your own medical costs.
Gee, I should just quit my job and go to the emergency room for every cut and scrape.
But that's wrong....if you double your contribution, it doesn't just double the output, the effect is far greater.
and eat less burgers and take care of their health
Plenty of people at that age are semi-retired and work part time. 26k is probably in the ballpark for a lot of them.
Public school teachers get healthcare already. Most government employees do.
Was Ryan ever on our side? Wasn't he a establishment goon? Something about him seems very off.
considering the boomers had all the advantages and fucked my generation i have little sympathy for their negligence to save for their own retirement/health. i dont owe them my money
>cares enough to reply that he doesn't care
Full-blown autism
Why doesn't trump introduce a single payer system for all Americans who have at least three generations born in the US. Everyone else has to pay full whack or zero coverage. This would both be fair and prevent scrounging immigrants from thinking they'll get a free ride.
I like how liberals just suddenly becoming experts on healthcare and health insurance.
yeah but my taxes are lower.
Paul Ryan needs to be purged in a Night of the Long Knives
Take some inspiration from 30s Germany