Twitter Hacked to Display Swastika

The Twitterverse is waking up to a major hack today.

A strange tweet beginning with a swastika and containing hashtags saying “Nazi Germany” and “Nazi Holland” made the rounds early Wednesday morning.

The tweet was sent thousands of times from numerous high-profile accounts of brands, businesses, and public figures, including Worcester State University and Polar Seltzer.

In a 5:36 a.m. e-mail to the Globe, a Twitter spokesman said a third-party application was to blame for the hack.

>hey rabbi, whatcha doin?

Gas all turks.




All our favourite comedians are Jewish.


>being a t*rkroach

Dutch white army would slap their non-nation back to the jurassic era

That's good?

>implying twitter admins didn't do this as a psy ops to link Geert to nazism on Election Day.

Lenny Bruce was my first real redpill and Woody Allen is the best screen writer Hollywood has ever had.

so this is the happening?

twitter hacks and emma watson leaks?

i was expecting alien disclosure or something like that

A german turk invented the cry engine, prepare your anuses for major digital chimping

Sauce me on good ones please.

Good joke, but to keep conversation there's Lewis Black's polical shit is great, Mel Brooks, Larry David (well, just curb) Groucho, Mort Sahl, Don Rickles is ok in small doses
but the best is definitely Lenny Bruce for me at least.

I'm 32 and what is this

maybe its one of those cicada 3301 puzzles

find the ass and win a prize, protip: its not an ass

I know 3 Aussi comedians, jim Jeffries, jim kar(cant remember) and that one who drinks beer in hes stand ups.

Well, all the ones are from the US so not real kosher, I don't know any Israeli Jew comedians.
I didn't mind Jim Jefferies when I first saw his stuff. I liked Lano and Woodley when I was a kid, they're probably my favourite ones from Aus and the only ones i'd recommend.

all the ones I mentioned*

dutch "army" lmao. Niggu,the army has to yell BANG BANG BANG during exercise because netherlands can`t afford ammo. Our country has shit army.

>Shalom asayag
Very racist, love him.
>Erez nehedert
Was a good show with alot of political related shit , also racist.
>Asi cohen
Top tier
>Guri alfi
A little bit lefty
>Shalom Michaelshwili
>Mariano idelman

suit is a size too small I'd venture


>that pic
she has the body of a 13yr old boy and the feet of a 32yr old Kenyan barefoot distance runner