>College is a waste of mon-
Honestly ,why didn't you go to college? It's always said here it's not worth it.
>College is a waste of mon-
Honestly ,why didn't you go to college? It's always said here it's not worth it.
Because Pol is full of blue-collar trash
>make as much as someone with a bachelor's degree as an electrician
I'm okay with this
Correlation does not equal causation.
What, as opposed to indians?
Lmao. Indian degrees are literally fucking worthless, they are given out like candy and require next to no effort to acquire
an Indian with a degree is still worth less than your average blue collar worker
Don't ever post here again you dirty fucking fecalised spastic
>tfw I should be earning 62k a year
Who else cant find employment?
>doctorate @ 25
Because the men in my family don't go to college. Simple as that. We get actual jobs.
>this butthurt
A pajeet who will eventually automate you out of your job is objectively 100x worth more than blue collar trash like you
I make 120k a year as an Hvac service Tech. Went through an apprenticeship but no college.
>tfw i have master's degree
fells good man
master's degree = professional degree = doctorate degree>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>other
Same here. CNC Machinist. No degree required.
Everyone going to college is a meme. Free college for everyone is pointless if there isnt a job for you.
>Gender pay gap is not rea-
poltards BTFO.
Why aren't trade school jobs on that list?
I fell for the college meme. Now I'm making more then a bunch of my friends from school since I became a welder.
I dunno man. Taking a 30-60k loan out(that I can't discharge through bankruptcy) without a guarantee of improved employment or wages after I finish my degree seems like a high risk to take.
You aren't doing it right if that's all you make
If you have the funds to become a Master Electrician, start your own business, and find an area not saturated by other Electricians, then sure. As a Journeyman punching the clock, not so much. But still a good living.
depends highly on where he lives
>being THIS assblasted
>t. Blue-collar trash
Bill Gates, Mark Zuckenberg, Steve Jobs never finished the college
Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft etc..
>go to college
>end up in an industry where no one cares if you went to college
yea it looks nice on a resume but lel what a shit reason to spend 30 grand.
also wouldn't have had the internship I had which led to where I am now
it's a wash I guess
Oh wagie wagie, you will never learn
just heard on the radio : 1 million lib scum college grads defaulted on student loans. #chaingangs4snowflakes when?
why the fuck should we listen to opions of people who have no morals. a man is only as good as his word.
I gain 50k a day and i didn't finish school.
What's your excuse, wageslave ?
Wait, what is more offensive, "wage slave" or "wagecuck" ?
I want to be as insulting as i can, so this is important.
Doesn't take in to consideration the X amount of years it's taken graduates to get their degree whilst others have spent that time earning money
Doesn't take in to consideration the debt graduates have to pay off whilst others are earning without paying this back
Also, some qualifications aren't worth the paper they're written on, ask your local Macdonalds how many art, drama and dance degrees they all have
>implying an Ivy-League dropout is the same as Blue-collar trash
Mountain Nigger pls
>Because Pol is full of blue-collar trash
>Says the subhuman that literally bathes in trash and corpse filled rivers
yeah but they went to Harvard...
>no college, wroking until 65
47*38102 = 1790794
>college, working until 65
(44*64074) - 60000 = 2759256
1 million dollar difference
1 million defaults on student loans just in 2016.
>t. Butthurt blue-collar trash
Day of the Robot soon
Goal posts have been moved. Apparently its ok to drop out now as long as you pick the right school lmao
All your chart proves is that college is racketeering at its finest.
>buy our outlandishly expensive product or you will die in poverty...but it's your choice!
may i please have $5k?
Ever heard of Athletes? You think best Boxers, Olympic Gold Medalists or Football players finish Colleges?
Yet they ALL have more money then you as long they become Pros.
I've got a Physics degree and fly helicopters for the Army
Looks like the paki defense league is out in full force today.
Mfw going to college to learn how to beat criminals with sticks
Nice what are you doing? Stock market?
Also I think wageslave is more offensive. In Poland we use korposzczur. It means a typical employee of big corporation
ok moron. invest 50k at age 22 instead of spending for college. after 40 years it will be worth like 2 million. r u just pretending to be stupid?
>Goal posts have been moved
Not really. Can you seriously compare a Harvard dropout with a random community college dropout?
>Person inherited wealth from his family with no college.Is rich and owns a company.
>Person finish college, it middle class and works in a company
But that's wrong, wagecuck. Plenty of indians work here at engineering level jobs.
imao, bachelor's degree is worthless
on the contrast, it is very very worth to have master's degree and professional degree and doctorate degree
u post stinks. clean poo from under fingernails before typing please
>invest 50k at age 22
Not money you can spend until you sell your shares or withdraw (did take me a while to find the Jew there kek)
I'm sorry the retarded women in your family disillusioned your men into thinking college is only for learning worthless liberal arts subjects and soft stem. Doesn't help that you probably also live somewhere full of retards who equate fields such as chemical engineering with a shit degree in nutrition.
>implying successful athletes are even one basis point more than 0.1% of the total college dropout/uneducated population
Colleges are full of Red Commie Professors.My sister told me, she is forced to read Karl Marx.
Fuck that shit, I will just inherit money in future,I don't need no fucking college and their socialist indoctrination
post talked about wages earned from 20 to 60. not eveyone with a job is a jew, mohammed
> Get decent manual job.
> Company goes under.
> Finding employment proves difficult.
> Can't claim benefits without being looked on as a parasite of the lowest order.
The government are a bunch of judgemental kikes.
Uneducated people are illiterate ones and don't who didn't finished high school. I do have education just not high one.
Half of Hollywood actors didn't finished college too, fuck off.
Silence, trash. Do yourself a favour and kys before the robots inevitably do
You can travel to other locations where the pay scale is much higher, and the large jobs paying OT are open. I have done this when my local market is thin. But it does happen to be in the upper range if pay.
Only a journeyman and I can easily clear 100k+ without having to carry insurance on a masters.
Of course, what else can give those numbers ?
Though i'm trying to get into entrepreneurship, far from France though, no way i'm paying more taxes to feed niggers.
Why the fuck would i have 5k in liquidity ?
Do i look like i spend money ?
Besides, what would you even do with it, buy petrol to sniff ?
you should go if you have a plan. college isnt a solution, its a rock you have to step on before getting somewhere else. why would you cross a river with pebbles if you dont know which path to pursue?
i exclusively majored in math bc i knew what i wanted to do, so i avoided distractions and made sure i applied my degree for internships during the summer instead of wasting away on Sup Forums and vidya. now im less than 30 years old and make 6 figures. its possible, and im not even that smart.
>using sportspersons and actors as examples to support your argument
Can you drill down so we can compare advanced ebonics to engineering, say?
27/m/36k net 48k gross 2.7gpa high-school 3 semesters college. Gave up realizing biology wasn't going to get me a job I would enjoy even if I really loved the subject. It's still a hobby to read medical and science journals but in all honesty we can't let biology get the nuclear codes.
T. Post Office Badass
>indoctrination camp that gives you lies, band speech and let's you go with thousands in debt
This honestly gives Sup Forums too much credit. Sup Forums is filled with white-collar children who talk a lot about work and self-sufficiency by using internet their mommies pay for. The "Nationalism" theme here is a copout since they need to rationalize their own personal failures by living vicariously through some abstract vision of "race" or "country", and they vilify people who are more successful and driven than them (e.g. college educated "libtards"). Sup Forums is their safe space where they can froth at the mouth with other similarly useless NEETs.
>t. professor
Yes goy, college (((sets you free)))
Stop bringing everyone down to protect your ego. That's SJW behavior.
Sure, but it doesn't exactly fit Sup Forums's narrative that "everyone who goes to college majors in womens studies and makes no money"
Aww, am I not politically correct enough for you?
you do realize not everyone can or wants to move? 40k living where I do in Michigan is a pretty decent wage. 40k living in California is poverty level.
An on topic comparison... My brother is a master electrician. he makes a little over 50k a year. Has a nice house and cars. people would think he's upper middle class if he was living in california.
pol btfo once again..
Post office jobs can be tough depending on your postion but even still theyre highly underrated.
California where water reservoirs is literally always a year away from drying up?
I'd rather not get cucked by Colorado, thanks.
t. Hawaii
white ppl came from albinism.
Here's the problem with your little chart there.
It includes all the broken late millennials working at Star Bucks and McDonalds who don't know how to work for a living.
And on the higher end it averages out all the overly compensated corporate overlords with every idiot who fell for the college Jew and is still working at Star Cucks.
Thanks to /fit/ that's not a problem. I get irked that so many people here are lazy and weak and can't lif the 70 lbs which was required upon hire.
This place is good for people who want to milk retirement and a decent cola (25% base pay tax exempt)
But fuck we all make the same hourly but some cunts have the movement of a dump truck.
Don't go to college if you are gonna study women studies.
OP seems like a person that is in enrolled in some obtaining some useless degree and needs something to justify his 6 figures student debt.
Protip: you can't, causation != correlation
18 year old here. Are trades a meme? Thinking of becoming an electrician but not sure. Please help.
In this era, we've gone into the hockey stick part of debt growth, we're inside the Credit Singularity. They managed to put us all in stasis for the past 8 years by keeping interest rates at 0, but that's ending because people are seeing them for the faggots they are.
And the strategy is very very simple - just stay out of debt. You stay out of debt, you win. You don't need to bother with college, don't make this complicated. Just stay away from all the assholes wanting to lend you money and you'll be one of the last men standing.
>thinks he's more motivated and driven
>studies communcations
College is still worth it. You just need to be smart. I joined the National Guard and they pay my tuition. I go to the top school in my state, and don't have to work besides going to drill weekends once a month.
I have a major I love and will graduate with no debt.
Trades are a meme.
Just like doctors there will always be sick people and there will always be things needed to be fixed.
I'd recommend a/c and refrigeration whole you're at it. Electricians pretty much have their foot in the door where you can do jobs pertaining to broken machines as well as wiring and structural shit like running lines through new buildings or old houses.
Good on you and good luck with electrician shit.
I always wanted to either be a cop or a plumber.
I this cool thing called a computer, where I can find seminars, teachers, books, etc. on every topic your brain can think of. Neato, isn't it? I mean, I suppose I could spend +$30,000 a year AT LEAST for college to do what I already could basically for free, along with a nice indoctrination booster shot from my professors and peers, but why would I?
Seems kinda dumb, doesn't it?
Unless you're getting a full ride, I'd say it's not worth it
Basically this. Don't even worry about what you do or how much it pays.
Just avoid as much Jewery as possible.
Same and I am educated with a STEM degree.
>Doesn't move.
>Has a home.
>Have nice white wife take care of things while away.
>Travel's for work a few weeks/months at a time.
>See's different parts of the country
>Meet people in different parts of the country
>Confirm biases
>Work 9-10 months of the year
>Not live on poverty wages
>Make more than friends in the same age bracket with bachelor+ education
As long as you are happy with what you got
As far as whether you should go to college - are you actually college material? Those entrance exams are there for a reason - did you do well on them?
Are you interested in doing something that requires a college degree? If the answer is "Well, I'm not sure", then stay away.
brainlet detected. You will never get hired without showing that you put in four years of hard work from a prestigious university. What are you going to put on your resume?
"I watched maps of meaning by Jordan Peterson on one of my monitors while nude and playing Europa 4"
The university system is filled with internships and research opportunities that will at a minimum get you direct experience in your field, and at best a job as soon as you're done.
You could have gone to community college for 2 years and paid very little... gotten A's, and then transferred. You could have joined the guard. You could have taken 10 credits and worked part time. You could have received financial aid and scholarships.
I studied writing, which is even more "libtard" than that by Sup Forums delusional standards, and i currently make ~130k / year (give or take since i am partially commission based) in software sales.
Sup Forums has this autistic focus on your 'major'. while there are certainly majors that will give you more marketable hard skills, simply HAVING a degree is a major foot in the door that the average HS degree fag/tradeschool fag simply wont have.
note that my point is also not that "hurr durr everyone should go to college and you can only make money by going to college"--my point is that Sup Forums's "college is useless" meme simply doesn't sync with reality (like most views Sup Forums adheres to).
>median personal income
>i never went to college and still make 100k
>median personal income
>9 in 10 go on to be 10k yearly neets
>1 one goes on to make a million annually
>we all make 100k per year
really makes me think
It can also be overrated. I work for myself literally mowing lawns in the summer and snow removal in the winter. I make around 60k/year (+/- 20k depending how many extra jobs I pick up), and take around 3 months off in total inbetween seasons.
Shit sometimes I'll get huge cash offers to do easy as fuck jobs. Last year some rich couple offered to pay me $1000 to dig up some shrubs and take weeds out of the soil around it. I didn't even know how to remove shrubs, but I just said ok, went home, researched the best way to do it, and the next day spent around 8 hours doing the job. $1,000 for a days work. Literally $125/hour. And I picked up jobs similar to that all the time. The only person who makes more money than me out of everyone I know is my friend who's the head accountant at his company. And even after his taxes are taken off, he barely makes more than me (because I get paid in cash mostly)
This. It's an excuse for justifying their failures in life. They play off the "I'm just like muh daddy mike rowe... dah backbone of dah country.... I'm a real man".
>be british
>calling university college
How are all these retards taking this bait
LOL Canadian dollars.
masters > doctorate
what are you smoking, nip-san?
If you live in America, it is actually a waste of money as the only thing you will learn is how to check your privilege in C+=.
Fuck off Indian, I know how bad the uni standards in your country are. Africa-tier.
It's ironic that you accuse him of being a brainlet and then go on to repeat the tired old college jew sales pitch.
Plus employers are looking for useful idiots.
100% of the time, middle management is staffed by brainlets like you, who fell for the college Jew, owe tens of thousands of dollars for some shitty degree they aren't even using, etc.
And the suits will say "Hire me the best and brightest."
And even though you're a retard you'll say "Well I want that to be me." So you'll intentionally be a passive aggressive pile of shit to anybody who is already smarter than you in the organization and you will only hire useful idiots.
Plus do the fucking math. There's 2 partners at a law firm surrounded by hundreds of paralegals.
The world of the college educated moron is like The Matrix for useful idiots.
lmao I'm 27 no college and I'm already almost to bachelor level earnings. take some fucking initiative you weak faggots.
>The world of the college educated moron is like The Matrix for useful idiots.
Wow Leaf that really makes me think
>Sup Forums vilifies people who go to college because they are more successful
>We praise and strive to be like all these leaders and philosophers though
Weird, almost as if we don't do what you say.
33, masters level. Have a few post-secondary qualifications that my employer paid for me to get. But otherwise only high school edjewcation.
I have an 89 average and can go to every University in Canada for arts and Im thinking about the trades.
Your naivety would suggest to me you are still getting milked by the Jew. You can attack me with your cognitive dissonance. But I'll be the one laughing when you realize I'm right.
This isn't the 1990s, the cut-off now is 95.
Unless you're brown.