Well fuck, this makes me want to say fuck having boarders and laws and shit

Well fuck, this makes me want to say fuck having boarders and laws and shit

Other urls found in this thread:


can we please send back the nigger somalis and qutar niggers they let in since 9/11? i dont even know why they were let in to begin with.


Well, this is it.

Drumpf is done. It's over for him.

melbournefag here, trust me you dont want somalians

>Globalist twatter
Really activated my almonds

Somali refugees are some of the worst. Cat chewing cunts roaming around with their niglets as a paycheck.

Suck it. Stay in your own-created hell hole.
I hate this "oh no these poor people are suffering we need to take them in" cuck meme. These people created their own misery themselves.

We don't dump our shit into the street. It goes in the sewer.

Somalia is like the world's sewer and I would prefer that the shit stay inside of it.

There are however many people who would rather we start dumping shit into our streets, like people did back when we had to worry about dying of plague before we were 30.

>that nigger is 16

Jesus Christ lol

Somails are the worst don't let them in