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Why are turkish roaches and dutches fighting?
Turkey supports the Islamic State. Not everyone in Europe supports this.
Germany and France do
Why are turkish roaches, dutches and ((luxembourgs)) fighting?
Turkey wants to destroy the Netherlands. Netherlands doesn't want to be destroyed.
Turks need to chimpout to be relevant/distract their hordes of roaches from their imminent collapse
tl;dr government told a turkish minister to not hold a rally here for turkish citizens living here, she did it anyway, she got arrested, now erdogan is calling us nazis
and the rally was in support of a referendum to allow the president (erdogan) even more power which of course turks will vote yes on because they worship erdogan and can't think for themselves
because being butthurt is the national turkish passtime
quick rundown
>King Roach wants to be formerly crowned King Roach
>Referendum to change constitution and essentially abolish the seperation of powers will be held on April 16
>Despite the average double digit IQ of the turkish voter, poll show that he is likely to lose
>This will most likely cost his party the majority and him the leadership
>Under the guise of speaking to the large roach diaspora in Europe, he and his ministers violate diplomatic procedure as much as they can
>They get called out and several rallies that were not declared as such get canceled in Germany, Netherlands ask turkish politicians not to come
>One Roachminister tries anyway, gets detained and sent home
>King Roach rallies his supporters by shitposting the Dutch as hard as possible and declaring every response as fascism and islamophobia
>nonstop shittalk since then
>Roaches eat it all up because of their massive inferiority complex
It's all a ploy to win the referendum
>turks in netherlands don't want to follow dutch laws because they're loyal to Erdogan and want turkish laws in Europe
>Dutchs basically say fuck you won't allow turks to do whatever they want
>Erdogan proceeds to call everyone in Europe who won't kiss his ass a nazi and screeches autistically
>tfw your country has a lot in common with roachsitan
Feels bad famalam.
>erdogan call them nazis for not allowing his government to campaign for a referendum that will make him a dictator
Really makes you think.
why are these sandniggers still supporting Erdocuck as their president?
they were likely the only democratic muslim country in the world (also laic) and he's messing everything up.
how far can this go before average roaches will figure out what's really happening?
>Netherlands not oranje
>turkey not muslem green
exchange the fucking color
What's the star flag?
They want this.
Because roaches were behaving like niggers and the dutch told them to fuck off. So they are just roaching out.
Erdogan was great for a while
>Boosted economy
>Developed peace process with the kurds
>Strengthened ties to Europe
He is very popular, his party regulary had +50%.
Turks have a massive inferiority complex and Erdogan played off that perfectly.
Shouldn't the Iraqi be running away - pic rel
The Turk must always have an enemy to fight, to unite the people in a nationalistic fury and to allow their liberties to be curtailed. In Turkish museums the Gallipoli campaign is compared to the Trojan War and is considered the most important battle in world history that saved the Turkish nation from being exterminated.
>roaches revolt in 1908 under the lead of Ataturk
>Ataturk found a western-style republic
>no caliphate
>gender equality
>universal suffrage
>adopted latin alphabet
>basically created the most culturally advanced predominantly muslim country in the world after 15 years of efforts
>still acclaimed by roaches as the father of their nation
>2015/2016 (?)
>muh Sharia
>roaches go back being roaches
>all in a couple of years
And in British museums the entire WW1 is portrayed as "these heroic Indian soldiers SAVED US, now go, remember and THANK THEM!" Which is quite sad desu.
Didn't they lose that war?
10/10 post.
i think Erdoman is blowing this up to use it as political propaganda. He can paint the whole EU as the great enemy, and if you have some serious enemy the people are more likely to unite and allow dictator to take the power