>go to India
>Get rapekilled
>Going to poo land, ever
British tourist raped and murdered in India
What is it with Brits going to South Africa also? Every week it's "old British couple murdered in SA" or something similar
Is it just because they have cash?
She was actually Irish, but yeah
Guess she isn't McLaughlin anymore.
It's because they don't, and wanna be thrifty in some third world shithole.
Absolutely no sympathy. Don't swim in shark-infested waters and then cry when a shark rips your legs off. She was probably one of those Eat, Pray, Love types that believed in "exploring the world" which meant visiting 3rd world shit-holes. Dumbass
travel whore who cares
this, its always fun when this happen. libtards truly believe we and nonwhite are equal kek.
Anyone who is stupid/ naive enough to go alone, as a white woman, to India, the country with the highest rape rate out there, deserves this
>we and nonwhite
> traveling to uncivilized literal shithole
> get raped
"uhh india is such a spiritual place omg!!"
Maybe she just went for the rape and got more than she bargained for?
czechs are germanic, ask any german
Libtards have absolutely no sense of danger, kinda like lemmings.
I love when they get killed off. It's not like they were going to reproduce anyway, but still.
you people are more niggerlike than actual niggers
she was also anglo so you can imagine how mad i am :)))
buhuhuhuh cry me a themes.
Goa is quite nice and very much unlike India , spent 6 months there chilling on the beach and going to raves
>pic related
not the first time it happens
euros still going to India
meanwhile Indians women don't get systematically raped in the UK
guess who's mocking who?
Uhh, every fucking idiot knows Kerpal loves to rape women. Going to India by yourself as a single female is retarded.
Must be one of your Indian immigrants, bongs
Did they poo on her?
>implying rapes don't happen everywhere
haha...stupid fucks
Thats true, but going to places like this as a white female on your own is idiotic
They probably took turns shitting in her cunt
Looks like Taliban prison camp is great for weight loss.
Not when enrichment is seen as some kind of good.
best results since 1944
It was for desecrating their designated shitting street among other things. It was among the poos some real greaseball shit, and we had to sit here and take it.
Travel to stupid countries, win stupid prizes.
Would you guys ever date a travelwhore?
>Would you guys ever date a travelwhore?
its not like people on pol have even chance to date
>implying it's not on purpose
better alone than dating a travelwhore?
Did they poo on her?
i would rather raise wifes black son then being alone
You degenerates should stop coming here and ruining our culture. You and your whores and fucking kids with 20 fathers can fuck off
>Indian culture
good joke
It could save your life.
I have and it was unbearable.
Spending tens of thousands of dollars to go to third world shitholes, just to be constantly harassed by toothless, dirty midgets trying to sell you beads and shit - all the while having a constant shit-eating grin, completely oblivious to the garbage, sewage, extreme poverty, crime, and horrible stench she's surrounded by.
I'd rather burn the money.
I don't know why Brits can't just stick to staycation when they are short of cash, that's what the Japanese do even when the Japanese have money.
Before I would even go out of Canada, I would want to visit all the provinces first. Yukon have hot springs! Otherwise what would I say when someone ask me what Canada is like? First all the provinces in Canada, then some American cities, after I look up the crime rates and the demographics...
Ugly flat chested ginger whore. Got exactly what she deserved.
Ditto. It wasn't like India = Rape haven't been all over the news for the past several years.
I reserve my sympathy for the women who have no power to get away, like the poor Yazidis girls.
They are pretty good at culturing poo
Traveling among young millenials has become a cancerous meme. They treat it like expensive virtue signaling. They belive they somehow become smarter and wiser, which makes them even more obnoxious to deal with when arguing. Let's not forget the sluts who use it as a slut tour, feigning it as finding "foreign romance" to be even more of a special snowflake among their social circle.
Ironically, this kind of thinking toward demonstrates how daft these cunts are. No thanks.
>The Canadian government was reportedly close to finalizing a deal with Haqqani recently but the deal fell through when Boyle refused to leave his wife and two kids behind.
Didn't expect to feel reading this
Jesus Christ, that is one intense RAPE FACE!
I do not understand why a white woman would want to go to a country thats now infamous for all the white tourists that get raped there
If you're dating a girl ask her about the places she has been. The right answer: nowhere.
Women travel for the express purpose of drinking, taking drugs and fucking a lot of dudes. They could do these things at home, it's true. But they are so afraid of the judgement of friends, family and community that they will travel the world for cock.
#Rekt sadly
Before your alcohol guzzling animal ancestors colonized us, yes.
But you wouldn't know what culture is. You're probably watching cuck and scat porn prepping your wife for the brown paki and letting pakis groom your teenage daughters.
Has ahmed arrived yet?
We indian crave for white skin like dying man crave for food.
Whenever they see white skin girl i feel like fucking her. Some indian girls have fair skin but thats nothing compared to whitw brit girl.
This is me, working for intel having $70k salary from metro city. I would rape and kill her if alone in goa beach.
Imagine unemployed indians living off labour job.
Well deserved
Alone too
Roastie got what she deserved.
>British tourist raped and murdered
And nothing of value was lost.
Not really the rapey part of India.
Me and my GF were fine in Goa and only the drugged up Israelis and Russians were harassing western tourists.
>women goes to shithole country
>learns why white men fought wars to keep shitskins out
>learns why whites are the only good race
She probably came a hundred times.
It was his idea to go to the Middle East in the first place, his wife was against it.
>Goa is known as the premiere beach resort destination in India
>it's nothing but dirt roads and shanties
>beach is packed ass to ass with smelly indians
>ocean water is carcinogen soup with refuse garnish
>wild cows and bulls on beach walking around everywhere shitting on everything
>wild indians on beach walking around everywhere shitting on everything
>go to hotel to take a shit
>all the toilets are "out of order"
Lookee here... DSS Man is back on the attack!
scouser, nothing of value lost
>drugged up Israelis and Russians
Continued: Most of the Israelis and Russians were well-behaved but the drugged groups were absolutely intolerable and harassed tourist women.
She probably voted leave, bitch had it coming.
Funnily enough poor Brits just go to Spain and Greece. It's the better off people that love going to violent shitholes like S Africa, India, Indonesia, Brazil etc. I guess they are so out of touch with reality, they start thinking every corner of the world is just like their comfy suburb.
Irish, you can tell from looking at her anyway
>Going to shit tier third world countries for vacation.
I'll never understand why people do this.
why would anyone willingly go to the turdworld?
>I'll never understand why people do this.
She was a Brit, please don't refer to them as "people", they'll only get uppity.
Its only middle class people, guess they think the world is safer than it is
Not sure why, but I love the fridge body and small tits.
Maybe I need to get laid.
>Would you guys ever date a travelwhore?
Yeah, just so i could get her hopes up. Then i dump her because she spent her prime years pissing away money on dumb hedonistic living and most likely fucking all kinds of guys.
>It is thought Ms McLaughlin (pictured) who had a tattoo saying 'Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery"
Really makes me think
That's actually a good point. If you fall for the "everybody is equal" bluepill, you don't suspect as many bad things from shitskins, as you ought to.
no its because they are new, stupid and misjudge danger and no-go-zones
Remember, these people have it shoved into their heads everyday that the rest of the world is ''diverse and beautiful''. They are brain washed. Liberalism has so much blood on it's hands.
Good riddance, go to 3rd world countries expect 3rd world treatment.
was she traveling alone? Yep she's retarded
Middle class uni hippies think everyone is a lovely flower.
I know one called Holly and I'm trying to red pill her slowly, she's gorgeous too, rapekill from a brown would just be a waste.
Fucks sake poos! I'm always trying to fight your corner. Why so obsessed with the rape?!
>Superior white culture
yep, she should have gone to koeln or copenhagen instead
Pajeet, I..
It's all Pajeets and Rajeshes.
>close to 30
>single female
>traveling around rapey india
>specifically going to druggy parts
She knew what was coming and could have just hanged herself and saved a bunch of time and money.
But then, that would have deprived the poor poo-in-loo of the few moments of fun he had with her.
paris im guessing?