We should take Persia back
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cyrus > muhammed
Even if Geert Wilders wins today I still won't have a qt redpilled Sup Forums bf. What should I do lads?
>islam destroyed persian empire like christianity destroyed rome
prove me wrong
Kill the sandnegros
Both deserved what they got
have you ever bothered to study history?
>tfw the Roman and Persian empires were ended by Islam
>Arabs and Turks respectively
what did roman empire ever do to deserve to be ran over by wild asian tribes?
>modern day iranians
>it's the persiaboo Finn again
Maybe they're less bad than semite scum but they're still muzzie mongrels. Persia is dead m8.
byzantine empire wasn't nearly as great as roman empire
besides, it was conquered by t*rks
I'm persian my self mr.Burger
This is guy is right you know
Iranian chicks are one of the hottest bitches on Earth
Right up there with white Swedish chicks, redheads, Japanese and blasians, French and Italian bitches
no, he isn't, the persian empire was defeated by romans first and muslims later, the western romans were defeated by huns, germanics and even themselves, the persian empire died because of a new religion that made tribals go nuts, the roman empire died because of corruption, overextention, immigration, degeneracy and constant invasions.
first of all persians won against Byzantium and got fucked by arabs, and persia died when islam arrived but about rome I can say the same because rome was divided to two areas Western and Eastern know your history mr mario
>the persian empire died because of a new religion that made tribals go nuts
absolutely not islam
> the roman empire died because of corruption, overextention, immigration, degeneracy
absolutely not due to christianity
i know my history pekka, the roman empire died in 1453, the western half died because of barbarians and infighting, not because of christianity
due to islam, the persians
not due to christianity, the romans, or the eastern empire would have collapsed too, stop reading gibbons and actually read something valuable
The nose ruins them for me.
stop falling for jewish tricks and worshiping pedophile kike loving faggot who claims to be god's representative on earth
stop believing in made up history just because it suits your needs
Everyone always ignores the plague that killed a third of the population in Rome. That is what started Rome's death spiral.
Only highly arabized iranians have those kinds of noses. If its a true persian their nose will be the same as white people
>still denying the obvious
do you have any actual argument?
Fool because of religion they divided by two at the first place..
no they didn't, when the empire divided in 395 both emperors were christians
I've never seen what you are referring to. They are either really ugly in general or are good looking with a nasty nose that can poke your eyes out
The empire was divided in 4 when Constantine was born
it wasn't the same thing at all
the italian is right
>posts a picture of pope licking nigger feet and submitting to his jewish overlords
>nod an argumend :D
are you this fucking delusional?
yes, it isn't an argument at all
what does the pope performing a rite have to do with roman history?
Then you haven't seen old school persian phenotype yet. It still exists. But you are right, the nose is one of the most important bodyparts for determining someones genetics.
And iran does the most rhinoplastys in the world
the schism happened in 1054...
Why don't you explain them because my main goal was to show that the empire was divided before Christianity became the state religion
it was an administrative division, not an actual split like the eastern and western halves in 395
Post an example then
we were talking about catholicism, don't change the subject
> he can read what my link says!
Yes and that is what the Finnopersian meant.
Rest of you guys are just talking random bullshit and I'll leave you to it.
>the persian empire died because of a new religion that made tribals go nuts,
I think the reason for the fall of the Persian empire to the Arabs was as a result of being weakened by long wars with the Byzantine Empire. What is sometimes called the 'Muslim invasion' was actually an 'Arab Invasion' because Islam was not established at the time of the Arab invasions. Islam was used by the ruling Caliph at the time as a way to gel all the Arabs together and because he wanted Arabs to have their own religion - not Christianity or Judaism.
Diocletian divided the empire into four regions, each ruled by a separate emperor, the Tetrarchy.[26] Confident that he fixed the disorders that were plaguing Rome, he abdicated along with his co-emperor, and the Tetrarchy soon collapsed. Order was eventually restored by Constantine the Great, who became the first emperor to convert to Christianity.
>stop falling for jewish tricks and worshiping pedophile kike loving faggot who claims to be god's representative on earth
I have to agree. However, Muslims need to wake up too because Islam isn't even a religion. It's an oppressive and medieval ideology.
It was the humiliating and devastating last battles in that war which weakened them. Because for first 27 years they were kicking ass
nope, i was specifically talking about the fall of two empires
and that has to do with religion because...?
>Because for first 27 years they were kicking ass
Yes, the Middle-East and the World would have been a different place if they could have kept Persia together. All this bollocks about 'Islamic age of enlightenment' and so on is bollocks because the Arab invaders didn't know how to administer shit and had to re-employ locals to keep everything running. All the architecture and other 'golden age' things were simply taken from the Persians - what was left of it after burning most of the Libraries.
Persians are partially white. So sad to see that they have gone full Muslim.
It didn't. I'm showing that the empire was divided before Christianity was the state religion
Make Persia White Again
well, i know that, i'm not arguing against it
I know i don't know why you started arguing in the first place
Yep.. it's clear as lake, as our Serbian mate mentioned religion was a big part of falling of the empires
Are any of you actually Persians or just LARPers?
What you're saying is true, the persians were weak because they fought Byzanitum empire, if they had alliance with them they wouldn't have lost the battles against arabs...
I'm a Persian born in Iran and moved to Finland when I was a child, I plan to take what belongs to us and restore peace to middle east and world by bringing persia back and removing that shitty religion and give people freedom of what they want to worship
Stop giving Arabs a bad name Shar Al-Zoroastri
I hope one day for Iraq and ME to be Christian again. The best we can hope for is successful Ba'athism. I can't wait until we can call the White "Man" inferior.
Daily reminder that Persians are based and are just struggling thought a hard time right now
ITT Persian fag who's family fled Iran because of grandfather having ties to this political party
That's like saying Bosnians are Human, the are all Muslim. Iran being white is just a meme, go look at footage from everyday life.
Same, except Iraqi, which makes Khuzestan my land :^)
Bosnians are Turks
you act as if arabs could get a worse reputation than this
Arabs and Jews are Semitic people and are the spawn of the devil
Cockroaches aren't human, what's your point?
I don't want to be a Fuck like the wyt boi
Cuck* fucking kike cattle
Oh your one of those Arab leeches
do i look white to you?
ITT Arab shit from Khuzestan
We should of killed you all when we had the chance with those fucking Kurds
>When Khuzestan is predominantly Arab but Iranian kikes take their oil
What did he mean by this
Want to have babies an kill Kurds with an Iraqi-Iran marriage?
It's our land and Our oil
You only deserve a bullet in the back of your head Arab shit
Become Christian or Zoroastrian. Those are the only two things you can do.
Islam has a lot of Arab culture that comes with it. Christianity, as a religion, is extremely culturally flexible. Zoroastrianism is traditional.
A society without religion will not survive long-term. History has shown this.
No, if you think this, you've not read enough actual history.
Not if Saddam says so.
No dirty Iraq Arabs
oh, nothing
Last I saw saddam he had a noose around his neck
He's stupid Arab I guess
i'm a trueblooded proud mediterranean
You underestimate international jewery
The Safavids and Nader Shah were the best dynasties that weren't just a series of vassal states paying taxes.
Shia Islam hates martyrdom that isn't about killing Arabs while trying to stay alive
Makeup and plastic surgery
I'm an athiest I don't practice religion, you've seen many things that religion fuck up, my main goal is to restore peace to middle east and give persians back what belongs to them
By the logic of calling yourself Iranian, I am of the original Mesopotamians, oh wait, but I am.
Khuzestan Is and for Iranian people
Not arabs
Khuzestan is the Kosovo of Iran
If your inference is that Christianity doesn't build great societies, and is as degenerate as Islam, how do you explain the greatness achieved by a Christian Europe over centuries? And now that aetheism and materialism has taken its place, how do oh explain the current strife it faces? Prove me wrong
You guys realize that "Arabs" and "Iranians" hating each other is just another ethnic conflict between Arabs? What is an Arab if not characterized by Islam?
You Arabic
You are of Semitic root
>Wants to restore peace
>Plans on starting war for land
They were quite alright, but the ancients ones were the best man. In the time when world was so ignorant the persians were wise. They outlawed slavery, let people choose what they want to worship and didn't force their culture toward other people and of course Cyrus' human rights
How so?
You fool without a war there won't be peace...until islam exist in persians lands it means we're in war..