Victim of Düsseldorf Axe Attack

I wonder when Germans will finally realize what our cities have turned into. Shitskins who deal drugs, rape and attack innocent people with axes. I was born and raised here, there's no place I'd rather go. How can we turn this around?

Sauce: Facebook, full screenshot in next post

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Fuck Merkel

You know, I genuinely think that events and photos like this from Germany upset me more than the majority of actual Germans.

You made your bed. Now lie in it.

I feel the same.

I think you mean (((they've))) made his bed

Germans want to be removed

Thx, here, have a badge

((((They)))) going to eraise all the germans whit lllllloveeeee

Tbh we need another Marcel heße but this time he kills rapefugees and muslimd only

holy fuck that's shit tier ETT securing, if that dude isn't restrained that thing it's getting ripped out when he does a breathing trial

Seems like mental issues are on the rise in Germany. At least that's what I get from reading the MSM about these "mysterious" axe attacks.
can you translate Sauerkrautbro?

Another poor man literally drowns in pussy after using Axe. When are we going to finally ban assault deodorant?

Germans are the faggots of Eu. Together with their leader they suck muslim cock and even say thank you. From nazis to pussys top kek

Return violence with violence

I think a better question is...

How can we fucking help? Like i don't want to sound like some faggot larper but this shit really fucking rips at my heart.

I've never been to germany nor the EU, but they're the fabled ancestral homelands i've read about all my life. I dream of 'returning' and making shit right but i have no clue how to go about this

Lets face it, these politicans are too cucked to do a god damn thing about it, so its going to fall on you the people to take a stand, and god damnit i want to be standing with you.


"This is my son Domenico lying in intensive care at Uni (= University clinic)...
Amok run in Düsseldorf at the central station
Someone hit him from behind with an axe... he's been in surgery for a while
The media are downplaying this
That's horrible and i don't get it
Feel free to share this ....
I love you, my son"

you can start by channeling your energy to Geert Wilders, if the Netherlands get PVV as majority ruling party (they will, blessed by Kek) then the whole political tendens in Europe will shift. Have faith and fight!

Day of the Axe for all german faggots soon.

Hiro delete this or gif $100 million

>fucking mexico

He's a Jew. All our "right-wing" politicians and personalities are either Jews or Jew puppets. Even fucking Trump. Worst timeline

Start befriending them and sending them to the nicer areas.

This is so sad. I'm so sorry that my country helped the kikes ruin yours.

Really, you guys need to get angry and make your voices heard. Yes, you'll be vilified and probably arrested, but you need to ask yourself if you're willing to sacrifice for your people. Get a bunch of like minded guys, dress up in scary clothes and start beating the shit out of these shitskins and make them know they aren't welcome. Take back your country. Everyone will hate you for it, but in time you'll be recognized as the heroes you were.


We'll get 4 more years of cucking around under the next government. After those 4 years of terror and violence the burning house will be handed over to the right, the elites will crash the economy within the reign of the right and everyone will blame them so they will never get to power again and we will again get worse governments than now. That's what i think will happen, i hope i'm wrong, i hope people wake up and realise how we're being fooled.

Juan, shouldn't you be be begging for pesos to pay for the wall?

I don't want to sound defeatist but this isn't going to help. Sure it will make you feel better (if you are ok with dealing with the consequences) but on a large scale this will be the greatest thing for the leftists. They will implement even more quotas and programs helping migrants.

I hate to say it, but the only way is to wait... wait for the conflict in Europe. It's close and many can feel it, but it's just not here yet. Ironically we need another massive terrorist attack, something like Madrid or London. Anything else will be swept under the carpet.
Only then there will be an open hatred for shitskins nationwide, everywhere. Without that pure and fresh hatred you can't jump start prosecution of mudslimes by just creating some tiny skinhead gangs and beating up on muzzies.

Would love to: Sentences for violence are generally quite low here, but we'd be completely ostracized. If our names get leaked to the public, my gym would fire me so that they don't get protested against for "employing a Nazi".

My buddies would face similiar consequences. Guess we'll have to be smart and wear Balaclavas

he has the mark of the beast on his left trap

I also forgot, murica is mexican clay.

im going to Düsseldorf in 2 months how fucked am i?

Well, AfD probably won't break 15% this election, but that's no reason not to vote for them.
You'll need to start laying the groundwork for the next election. At of you retarded countrymen - if some of the posters here are representative - think either that Merkel will get a handle on it, or that Schulz has some ingenious trick up his sleeve. Neither will do anything of any substance.
So ask people what they think will happen when under Merkel or Schulz - if they expect things to improve, for them to magically make things better. Get them to make concrete predictions.
And then wait, and throw it back in there faces when things deteriorate.

>i want to be standing with you.
The average german would gladly have you thrown in prison for all your "hatred" and "racism."

You can't help cucks that like being cucks. They have to walk away from this shit on their own or drown in it. All you would do by "helping" them is replacing an african bull with an american one. Until they decide to stand up for themselves they deserve no help and no pity.


A lot of normies in the west - particularly Germany - still think that these refugees are lovely people and the problem is far right nazi terrorists.
Doing this would just confirm their fears and drive them further left. If someone's beaten too badly and dies, that will be chalked up as an example of how every race and people have terrorists, the white Germans are just as bad as muzzies.

So whats with the star of david on the left side of his neck, is it coincedence that he's a jew.

No one can protect germans from themselves. sage.

"haha you guys got conquered by the muslims more than a millenia ago and then you kicked the shit out of them, that justifies my wife's daughter sucking ahmed's dick TODAY haha get rekt Paco!"



Depends where you're going. Take pepperspray with you, try to circumvent the main station and make sure you're not staying near a refugee camp.

Gott segne dich, user

I'm afraid it will be too late wolfgang. Enjoy your land while you can.

Don't start it, ok? The majority of white youth in ALL first world countries is brainwashed and/or scared to the point they 'll never oppose this crap.

One day you're brainwashed, the next you're scared, then it's the fault of the jews. You're a bunch of faggots, looking for excuses. Muslims dominate you just cause you allow them.

STOP trying to blame this on ALL muslims you loser.

This is why Trump supporters opinions are INVALID because you speak with hate. You take victims of crimes and politicize them so they fit into your agenda. Pathetic.

Christianity is a fraud and only morons believe in.

Shut the fuck up you muslim cunt. All muslims are to blame cause islam and the quran are poison.

Sounds like you lost touch with reality, bro.

>Nice, France?
>Paris, Bataclan?

I could go on and on, we should get rid of Muslim refugees altogether. They're a threat to us.

All this SJW bullshit along with "black culture" started in US, it was your country which imported it into Europe and anglosaxon countries. I am pretty sure it were american funds which supported brainwashing in european schools since the end of WW2.


> Christianity is a fraud
GTFO, satan, you are not going to trick anyone here.

A week ago you were probably shitposting about Trumps tax returns. Kill yourself.

Get anywhere near my kids and i will break your fucking neck you child molesting muslim scum.


Oh, you mean the tax returns that TRUMP leaked out because he wanted to show the one and only year where he actually paid taxes because he OWED THEM FOR YEARS PRIOR and was then forced to? Those ones? Yeah.

Now I'm waiting to see all his other ones because I know for a fact he didn't pay shit. But GEE i wonder why he won't just release them?


Thank god I'm not the only one who noticed.

And Euros have to gall to bitch about our healthcare.

We're not lost yet. Change is already happening. I think (((they))) didn't consider that their little invasors would do so much shit and now they can't keep up with covering all of that in europe so people start seeing through the bullshit. The refugees welcome attitude is dead and a few more happenings will turn the people in the opposite direction. I can already see that change in my family and friends. People i know who were left all their life turned right.

At least we don't mutilate our children under the guise of "healthcare".

yeah you are right - but what happened after the Paris attacks? The left and media doubled down and barely any normies even remember it now. W Europe is cucked as all fuck, but wehter they like it or not there will be push back.

If I was in Europe I would be taking my gun to the range weekly, working out & martial arts every day, reading books on strategy etc.

War in coming within 25 years

Im not spanish just live in this shithole

The German people are essentially being brainwashed into accepting multiculturalism, their media are always the apologists for Islam whenever there is a terrorist attack. "Oh he was just mentally ill", "There are no links to ISIS" etc.

It's because they want to prove that they are not Nazis anymore, so they go all out cuck. The German people have proven to be VERY predisposed to believing whatever their govt./media tells (this is how the Nazis could control the public so effectively). I don't see any hope for Germany sadly.

What do you think helped most to turn them around?

Agreed and that might be part of the problem.

Within ten, maybe less

Well at least we HAVE the choice to mutilate them or not

Fuck merkel. Fuck antifa

Start to hold rallies...

Maybe you're right. Maybe it's about a massive bomb attack (not those Paris Stadium fart explosions). I guess people would react different to that than just muzzies shooting at people.

>gun in Europe

This video breaks my heart, the fact that a foreign media source was the only one able to report on this makes me angry, the fact that pic related is the likely next chancellor makes me furious.

Does it look like a god damn Star of David? How retarded are you?

What are you waiting for to leave?

Fuck him, if he survives he's probably going to blow a refugee just to let it clear he is not racist. At this point only people's blood can help Europe understand. Well done ya feminazi degenerates.

germans wtf? why you so coward?

I live in nrw we're blasted with refugees. It's their behavior, they destroy alot, steal alot and never face consequences everyone knows that and it get's people pissed around here. Everyone knows someone who had bad encounters with them. The only people who are still pro-refugees are big city lefties who are diehard sjw's. Also i think the numbers will turn alot of people away from pro-immigration, Insurance payments will go up, people who are retired now already have to work small jobs for a living and if the state throws more and more cash at the refugees the feel of betrayal will prevail.

The funny thing is that this is how I learned to deal with death, killing, attacks etc.
I assume from the very beginning that all those who got killed were leftist cucks and would probably be protesting against racism ATM. My heart gets warmer every time I see murders right now.

Let's be honest muzzies and niggers usually kill people in the big cities and big cities are ground zeros of degeneracy.

Knowing that most Germans care less than I do makes it even worse.

>Also i think the numbers will turn alot of people away from pro-immigration, Insurance payments will go up, people who are retired now already have to work small jobs for a living and if the state throws more and more cash at the refugees the feel of betrayal will prevail.

That is a good point. It'll be apparent to all your pensioners that this was an awful idea when it hits them in the pocket

This is the future you chose.

Ikr, I also get that feeling like "it's what you deserve" or "yeah more people will stop being commie fucks with this"
Hate to admit it but sometimes I just think when the next great attack is gonna happen just to tell everyone "I told you, didn't I tell you?"

Haha , get merkeled mein sohn.

>I wonder when germans will finally wake up

The holocaust myth.

It all comes back to the holocaust myth.

You need to dispel its power.

And the US is the responsable for most big wars in the last 50-60 years, that's why we have all this rate of rapefugees and stuff.

>Day of the Diet when, burgers?

until they get off their asses and start dealing with the media and politicians that are letting this shit happen,,.. nothing is going to change,.

The only thing is that I started fucking up a little, because whenever there is an attack these days and I happen to be with my family and we're watching the news I will just start laughing and be glad.
Some awkward stares are exchanged.... but I'm starting to get them over to my side. They begin to see that things are fucked up.

Shitskins need to die, the mark of the shitskin is a massive fucking ego. I'm serious. They have to be the center of attention, and everyone must suffer if not.

Burgers fuck up, we pay the bill.

>that david star on the shoulder
Nice try Shlomo

All of the "what-ifs" in Trump's tax returns that you cucks obsess over while completely ignoring the hard evidence of corruption and collusion involving the Clintons, and dems as a whole. Do yourself a favor, and stop blindly backing one team.

There's plenty to criticize Trump for without clinging to the hope that one day you will turn on the evening (fake) news to find Anderson Cooper blowing a load all over the desk while some "gotcha" story about Trump is playing behind him.

It is the city people who keep supporting this shit, and it is the city people who keep getting murdered.

So I guess eventually the problem will solve itself.

>german subhuman died
Nothing valuable lost

>this is how the Nazis could control the public so effectively

The reason the Nazis could control the public so easily was because they were the only ones offering them hope at a time where everything was shit.

Great. Something similar happened with mine too, although I wouldn't laugh but only to explain why they deserved it.

F-fuck, I didn't need this today

>If I was in Europe I would be taking my gun to the range weekly


German police say suspicious package found at finance ministry contained explosives.

Not really.
The cities will just be full of muslims and the germans will be outnumbered.
The problem will get worse and you're a fucking retard who should probably shut the fuck up and lurk more.

>How can we fucking help?
You already did help a lot by electing Trump. That was the first chink in their armor, because it showed people that even though the globalist control everything, they can still be beaten. Their dominance and the problems they bring don't just have to be accepted as a force of nature.

>How can we fucking help?

drag every single one of your neocons into the streets and brutally murder every single last one of those fucks.

until then you cuck faggots can all go fuck yourselves

Bro you need to share dank beats and vote AFD