Should she be put in a gas chamber?
Should she be put in a gas chamber?
That's not how genes work sweety
Black traits tend to wash out White traits - without a doubt. But Whites race-mixing with Blacks is primarily an issue because Blacks traits are far less beautiful (slopped forehead, protruding jaw, flaring nostrils, large lips) and because they are less intelligent on average than Whites. I wouldn't call any of that "strong."
Yes, prime example.
They really are playing with fire aren't they. I'd love to tie this slag down and drill a hole through the roof of her mouth.
Absolutely disgraceful
So she is saying Hitler was right?
she is a dumb nigger.
Robert deniro is an ass anyway
Pretty much. Dirt can be found anywhere, but green grass only grows in fertile lands.
Well, you better make an effort to red-pill those within your sphere of influence - because Blacks and minorities think in these terms. White people don't. White people are disconnected from the laws of nature, from conflict, from racialism, from conquest and its various forms (particularly conquest via immigration and miscegenation). Blacks and minorities don't truly believe in equality - they believe in it only for its consequences, which include access to White wealth are resources. Whites ACTUALLY believe in equality and thus are willing to mix themselves out of existences. Plus Whites hate themselves.
>1 post by this ID
Yes, exactly.
Yea, blacks have warrior genes which lead to nigger behaviour and their traits make my daughters kids look nothing like her.
Also mixed race kids are predisposed to mental disorders and chemical imbalances at a MUCH higher magnitude than if you didn't mix.
Mixed people mean weak genes for everybody
Africans are unable to understand the future, they just can't envision the idea of a future more than a few hours away, more than their next fuck.
Fuck that diseased prostitute? Sex is good!
Drink that tainted moonshine? Alcohol is good?
Take the drug that causes flesh to rot? It makes you high right now!
High time preference. They care about the here and now.
They also seem to be unable to think in abstracts. When they say whitey stole black culture, they think whitey literally took it, left, and now they dont have the ability to practice it anymore
those women who mix don't know thatk kid won't look like her's
Mixed people means a word in which everyone is brown, ugly as fuck, and retarded - and, of course, all ruled by Jewish overlords.
dominant genes exist so you can always have an abundance of slaves. go to war. enslave your enemies and force them to breed with dominant genes creating more slaves.
I always thought there should be a sequel to Idiocracy where the main guy realizes this was all a plan by (((Marketing companies)))
Why Japanese are so apathetic towards everything?
It's almost like in watching depressed, bored youth in Russian province, but in modern, prosperous cities. Went to Tokyo in February, lots of people walk around with dead faces, not bothering to look around even when something interesting is happening.
Today here in serbia i saw a black kid for the first time in my life and i have to say that its the ugliest kid i ever saw.
We need to change the terminology of genes.
It shouldn't be dominant and recessive, that leads to false thinking. \
You'll probably be seeing more in the coming decades. They'll be dating your daughter!
>if you shit in the toilet you can't drink the water
Is the water weak or is shit just shit?
Are you sure he wasn't just a dirty gypsy?
Maybe if you use soap on him and scrub him thoroughly, he might look different.
baka look at all these so-called white people upset about a woke properly melanated hue-man
That's a man, baby.
We are pretty emotional. We just don't show it on the streets to random strangers.
It's a cultural thing, i guess.
Exactly, they have no idea what an idea even is. Loyalty, a promise ect. Many African langues do not even have these words
Tha Zulu word for "Obligation" does not exist. the closest word they have is "rope". Their word for "promise" is the same as "task". When they promise to do something they are not actually promising, they are saying they may do it, they are not capable of being held to their "promises" as they don't actually have a word that means promise.
Most African languages do not have these words for concepts. many have no numbers after 10 as they run out of fingers, some do not even have numbers, they have words that mean 1, more than one, many more than one.
African Americans have an average IQ of 85 due to selective breeding, there are some places in Africa where the average IQ is well below 60. Education does not affect IQ, although Thinking does.
Yeah, ok Liquid.
If you mix ice cream with dog shit you get a big tub of dog shit
Shes right thought.. white ppl come from albinism... a disease. they are deeply ashamed of it. Their genetics are weak. Just look how cowardly and scared they are to even accept the truth. The truth is like kryptonite to white ppl. It kills them.
>avoid confrontation
why am i getting suspicious about this (((research)))?
>race is a social construct
>but muh blackness
ding ding ding
she should be raped by a pack of feral niggers then gassed.
I'm sorry for assuming it's gender!
You guys have a shithole with 250 million people down here to use as counter-example.This shouldn't even be a discussion.
Russians will tell you exactly what they think of you, good or bad.
>im okay with black men destroying the purity of the black race for white pussy because black women are inferior
Racist cunt
Imagine if blacks took over the world. By the way, keep feeding Africa and accepting refugees and immigrants from those places and they will. They simply outbreed us 1,000,000 to one.
>cities burning
>once great areas reduced to third world ghettos
>whites enslaved and beaten because WE WUZ SLAVES ONCE
>history re-written completely.. Egyptians, first Americans, European kings, Jesus, Mosus, Santa, the tooth fairy, all black.
They're coming guys. You won't make them leave by posting about them on Sup Forums.
Eastwoods son looks nothing like him. Clint's got that stereotypical sperg look, while his son looks like he was created in a lab.
>large lips
>not beautiful
So you like thin lipped women? Disgusting.
I believe that the number will stay the same since most of them i see i suspect are only tourists and if they stay they could be added to the wiki of genocides.
He looks like your stereotypical nig nog curled hair, monkey like jaw and so on.
She is 100% right. White are so weak they cannot even accept the truth.
Some forms of Muscular Dystrophy are 'dominant'. So... does that mean normal healthy genes are 'weak'?
People are so dumb
t. Malik
Is this the only black woman who wants white women to sleep with black men?
>Progressive and regressive genes
>The same as weak and strong genes
Sure keep saying things like that it's not like any of us are about to violently snap or anything. No.
We actually have a word for women who racux with Asians, blacks and Muslims - inkwell or shitwell. Idk how to correctly translate racist slang, but close enough :^)
Let me explain the life of a Japanese man.
I go to work, I got this job from my uncle, I do very little actual work because my output doesn't matter, everything that matters is automated. I Just have to stay here pretending to work for 12 hours a day being "busy". Even if i did do a lot of work, and i could complete my tasks withing 3 hours if i worked hard, it does not matter. you get promotions based on arse kissing and time worked not output.
everybody speaks in a professional manner, nobody says anything real, it's like we are all actors just going through pre-approved conversations.
Soon I will be expected to "date" and then marry a woman i have never met, but out parents are "friends" as much as friends exist here. We will have one or at most 2 kids, then she will not let me touch her, as i am a stranger and we are just doing our duties for our parents.
we will raise a child we hardly know as they will always be in school and we will always be working, and then when they get jobs us or a family member has secured for them and we retire, we will find them a partner and the cycle continues.
Nothing we do matters, we are just playing parts in a play, living fake lives out of politeness and tradition. we will not have any freedom until our parents die, as if we disrespect them we will lose what little comfort our lives have and be forced into total isolation without even the few minor connections we have. and by that time we will be expected to run our adult children's lives, and live vicariously though them forcing them into the same cycle
>t. Black tranny who literally wont date niggers.
What type of mental illness does it to take to accept such contradicting ideas?
t. Joe the English teacher
except they look nothing like white people.
why don't you just move out
Bullet to the head. Why waste perfectly good gas?
sad :/
Notice she doesn't include black women because nobody wants them
>65% are single mothers
And btw, i'm not scared, i'm relieved desu. Those white women, who, in a world of constant pressure, gave in and fucked a nigger, is going in the gas chambers. Those women who are left and stood strong against the (((pressure))) are glorious and marriageable women. It's natural selection. The bad women gets removed, the good ones get to live.
>Fuck that diseased prostitute? Sex is good!
Explain why whites frequently fuck whores in Thailand then
English teachers, we hate them all. but at the same time we love them. They Quicken us, you remember movie with Tom Cruise as a vampire? how they need new vampires to quicken them so they can adapt to new eras?
Japan needs foreigners, we need an outside force to drive us, to FORCE us to change our traditions again.
They have genetically provable lower intelligence than whites as well.
They have a statistically poorer lifestyle led with crime.
Let's chat about what we have proof for.
>not top right
It's because they are fucking degenerate
It's like taking a runny diarrhea shit all over a perfectly prepared steak.
black women are conditioned to be unwanted by their culture 2bh
if you meet a black girl from a family who has been functional for at least two generations, you'll see how much of a difference it makes, both in personality and her looks
As much as you think you might want that you don't want that. Other races are horrible. At best you'll end up with liberal white people which is still very bad. At worst niggers and Muslims. Change things from the inside. Thinking you need diversity is kikery.
>genes are weak
What did she mean by this?
I did, I moved into my own apartment, my mother comes 2 hours on the train every 3 days to deliver frozen food to me so i don't starve, she was very upset when she saw i had a stocked kitcheon, that i was with a woman and had not told her about this woman and was cutting her out. it is i am told not my place to cook as no man cooks.
>Anglos avoid confrontation
this chart is bs
No man, I'm talking about just leaving Japan
Rarity is the driver of value.
we don't want them to live here forever, just bully us into changing. Perhaps another war is needed? something to give us a reason to do better.
Maybe we can change how we treat our kids this generation, treat them right instead of packing them to after schools
What? So, my father who works his ass off in the freaking coal mines somehow didn't work because some user said it on the Internet? You're confusing media narrative and your own biases with reality. Also, the white trash people you are so quick to put down are very important to society. And niggers, really? You might be surprised but some black people actually do work.
sounds despressing man. no wonder your people are literally killing themselves in record numbers
>They'll hate us.Fix it? No, fuck em!
That's the jewish problem.
Are you fucking blind? apart from small differences he looks exactly like his father.
Where would I go? What would I do?
Are you special?
what she calls "dominant genes" i call "low standers of what counts as black"
And It is also that i care about my nation and my people. my people come before me, please understand, you might be a colonial nation but i am tied to my country, i am a part of it, as the leopold big cat is native to your rainforrest, i am native here.
That's not how genetics work. Only hair and eye color are recessive.
>What is a variable IP
Have you thought of moving to a different place to live rather than put up With Japan? I wish my uncle gave me a job, I'm NEET and its horrible.
Are you smart? You could try to apply to a Norwegian university, for example.They bar is set lower than other European countries and they've a lot of welfare for students.
Please stop with your degenerate acceptance. Your dad should have been smarter.
You are not a natural person in your country. You do not belong to America as I belong here, please understand that a Japanese person to leave japan is like a Buffalo living in Australia.
my ex wife was half black, our daughter is white af with almost whiteblonde hair and bright blue eyes, and white skin. black can be washed out it just takes 2-3 generations
>Be me, live with wife in beautiful white suburb.
>We are white. Wife is from interacial family.
>Her father is white, her mother is white, they are divorced
>Her stepmother is whte but she has a mixed son who looks mostly black and obviously identifies as black.
>This half black son comes from a previous marriage where the black father abused the mother (big shocker i know)
>This means my wife has a step brother who is half white and half black. Lets call him Devin.
>To my knowledge Devin's black father prefers women that are not from his own race, black.
>Devins father is currently with a none black woman. He obviously takes delight in this.
>Devin takes after his father and dates only none blacks. He obviously prefers white girls.
>Devin dates white girls his whole life.
>Devin gets a 100% white girl pregnant. White girls family is obviously mortified but reserved to keep family peace
>Devins half family and blood famiy think its a hoot.
>Fast forward 9 months, baby is born.
>Baby looks 100% white.
You will never breed out white. If you toil with white genes long enough you will eventually just destroy your own black identity of your family. Your black heritage will slowly disappear amd it will be your fault.
Devins Dad has a white grandson. Devin has a blood son that doesnt look like him. Devin has white washed his own lineage.
Devins son will probably choose a white woman. Devins black genes will be erased in the next generation.
UPDATE*** The older he gets the whiter he looks, lolz
Losing an empire really takes a toll on someone
Some places were africanized so hard that the "african way of life" has become a mindset, something more than skin deep. It's not uncommon to see pure europeans engaging in sodomy and reckless activities where I live. I have an alcoholic friend "because drinking alcohol everyday is manly" and a degenerate friend "because fucking girls in the ass and asking african entities to provide more girls to fuck in the ass is manly".
Sad world we live in, japanbro.