Hey can anyone help me on how to immigrate to the United Kingdom? Thanks!
take a gun, put the barrel in your mouth, pull the trigger and you will be transported to Britain
But that takes me to heaven? (inshallah)
He can't afford a gun
>A muslim who thinks suicide gets you to heaven
Imagine that.
whats there to imagine u fucking indian sikh
>But that takes me to heaven?
Gurkha used to believe heaven was britain
Its funny that glycerine is a main component of TNT amd munitions, pig fat is essential in the production of glycerine; so every muslim blowing himself up has been infused with pig in the conduct.
Stay in your own country fucking shitskin
Why not just make your current country like the UK?
OK Somalia
are you stupid or wha ?
fuck off were full
what is ur ph num ????
I suggest moving to India.
>Don't have to worry about pooing in loo
>They hate you already so what else do you have to lose
> Was a british colony so kinda like britain
> Closer move for you so don't have to spend as much money
trust me it is paradise.
well the first step you have already done, being an british. now you have to find a way to uk, soon turks will open there borders, so i hope for you that you can swim, other wise you meet youre grand-grandparents in hell (because you are muslim). with a lot of luck you enter greece mainland and have to find a way to the balkans, try albania, where are two ways, again swimming this time to italy, or serbianroute. both ways are dangerous. take italy, from there you can easily go to france, in south france you will feel like home and probably fall in love with an algerian or mali woman, but forget them in uk you will find a lot of pakistani woman. go to the normandy and swim to your new home. :)
He means instead of fleeing your country to a better one. Make your country great so you don't have to flee.
America had a nigger in office for 8 years and they are rebuilding. No excuses paki
Don't know about england but you can get into sweden by joining isis, then getting a plane here and tell them you're with isis.ยจ
They'l set you up with a house for free, permanent residence in sweden, clothes and food paid, free courses and a free drivers licence (usually 1000 euro for non isis fighters)
This is all true.
Go to Canada, they'd welcome you
It's easier to go to Sweden than it is to go to the UK. We're cracking down on immigration. Where do you want to go in England? Birmingham?
>be Pakistani
>move to England
>be welcomed with open arms and anuses
That easy m8
salam brother yes I can help you with this come stay with my family we will set you up with the government services, come to Tower Hamlets mashallah
Jump in a volcano and then you get an instant passport
I heard this is the most expedient way for anyone immigrating from the Muslim world.
dirty paki