Persian-Dutch guy here, who should I vote for, I can't decide. FVD or VNL? Also tell me why you suggest one over the other, I like them both.
Help me Dutch bro's and be polite, don't insult these parties or party leaders.
Persian-Dutch guy here, who should I vote for, I can't decide. FVD or VNL? Also tell me why you suggest one over the other, I like them both.
Help me Dutch bro's and be polite, don't insult these parties or party leaders.
You should know that Sup Forums is very right wing. They hope Geert Wilders wins the election.
Geert is too isolated by other parties and is bleeding followers to CDA. The VVD also said there is 0% chance that they would work with VVD. I don't want my vote to go to waste.
FVD and VNL have much more practical solutions than PVV. PVV is based more on emotion than practicality.
FvD actually has a chance to get any seats. Jan Roos won't even have his parents vote for him.
Why do so many people hate Jan Roos? I think he is ok.
He goes and interviews people while wearing a nazi uniform. If you try and seriously get into politics after that, people are just gonna use that to portray you as an actual nazi supporter, and nobody will regard your opinions as valid or genuine.
Also, he is just a reporter, doesn't really have any good knowledge of leadership experience that would be useful to rule in the 2nd chamber.
Cant take him seriously after his 'journalistic' performances at powned 2bh
This is why I voted Baudet
Libertarische partij, kanker.
>I don't want my vote to go to waste.
So your solution to that is to vote on a party that will get 1 seat at the very maximum. Nobody is going to form a coalition with that.
Anyone else regret voting for Geert? I thought he'd make the Netherlands great again but now all he's done is become more of a bIatant zionist shill, closed the mosques, and gotten us nuked by Erdogan and his army of roaches...
Rutte truly was the better option...
Euro-fascist populism really was a mistake...
It was just for his job and part satire, are you telling me the average person can't comprehend that?
>Anyone else regret voting for Geert?
>Canadian flag.
Nigga pls
The media loves to take things out of context and spin them to make people look bad. They did it to Wilders and to Baudet as well.
vote FvD, vote friendship, plus they will create a climate where incomes can rise far faster than inflation,just do it dude
I am rereading FvD agenda, but it keeps crashing and not loading certain parts. Why is their website having issues today? It is strange.
I voted Baudet because their agenda seems genuinely invested in the wellbeing of the nation as a whole, and the established parties and media elements are trying to cockblock them at every turn.
Support the ones the elite dont want you to.
let me help you, could be angry roaches ddosing all dutch political sites
guy born from Moroccan parents here. I voted Wilders. Fuck anyone who doesn't want to fully integrate. Those turks and moroccans that still align with foreign interests should leave. Dutch citizenship = Dutch interests.
lots of ddos attacks today
Vote FvD.
VNL stole seats that belonged to the PVV, and with that they proved to be unreliable backstabbers.
Good thing the polls say FvD will get 3 seats and VNL 0.