I was wondering what pol thinks about getting Brianna WU actually elected. Hear me out. It would turn the Democratic party into a laughing stock and would be a great example why identity politics is a bad idea. What you guys think?
Wu 2018
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Brianna Who?
Women should keep out of politics
I hope to Kek that he wins.
Not a chance of winning. Most elderly and boomers are still a bit skeeved out by trannies.
This is the same thing that a lot of people said about Trump, so be careful what you wish for.
Pick one
does she have any campaign events, I'm a massfag that wants to ask her straight up about being a man at one
I just want to see him in a debate
>wait wait wait, did you just try to mansplain to me the electoral process?
>Your male privilege is disgusting, you don't know what I have been through as a WOMAN. I AM A WOMAN!!
>a bit
>getting Brianna WU actually elected
This tranny isn't stable at all. While it would be hilarious to see him further alienate middle america from the democrat party, I can't imagine he could make it through simple interviews or debates without spazzing out.
I absolutely agree. Wu being elected and being at the center of the media spotlight would redpill normal people en masse.
i agree. we should crash the democratic party with no survivors.
But honestly I'd be really impressed if he could get through an entire debate and keep a cool, level head without having a breakdown and hurling tumblr buzzwords at the opposition. I don't think he is sane enough to not have a complete meltdown.
Do you think having sex as a tranny would be painful? Like just a big ol' dick going in and out of your gaping cockgina wound? Imagine someone lopped your dick off, scooped out a hole, then just started fucking it. It doesn't sound very nice.
I prefer not to think of such things.
He is an absolute Wunatic. Fuck American politics they need to be the face of Trans people everywhere. It would torpedo any support for that "movement"
i need to witness this
Former Wu supporter here, not gonna lie but it's hilarious watching xir crash and burn, but seriously we cant let splorge get xanex hands on the hormone pills.
Who is John Flynn?
top kek
Seriously, anyone who lives in his district should vote for that freak just for the lulz.
pt 2
Reasonable. I just think the quality of life must be awful. Not because of oppression but because they've become stitched together horrors full of opposing mixes of hormones. It must be hell. No wonder they always kill themselves.
Also, what happens to the prostate? It must be so much better for both parties to just have anal sex. An actual hole for the man, and pleasure instead of an open wound being fucked for the wu-man
what did you mean by this?
The left saw us meme Trump into office. Now they're trying to do the same.
They won't succeed, they don't have kek, meme magic, weaponised autism or pure hatred on their side.
Let them indulge their fantasies, like Zuckerberg 2020, or Michelle Obama 2020.
how can people care this much about someone they hate?
autism is a powerful thing.
Wu will win.
I just thought it was a fun thing to post in wu threads, it was made by some user back during the height of GG
penis is cut down the middle, hole is dug, then peen is inverted and grafted to hole. pleasure nerves are all still there, they just move inward now. also ejaculation is made possible by surgically adjoining it all to some glands which in nature are for aiding anal lubrication. a mixture of testicle-juice and ass-sweat.
I've never seen somebody brag about buying expensive things while simultaneously use that as proof of how they're a relatable member of the working class.
Identity politics only exists because of the multiculti mess we live in
Most other societies were for the most part homogenous. There was no need for identity politics because there was an innate consensus all the way through the state. Identity was implicit.
Identity politics exists today because we opened the flood gates and now we have competing racial factions within the US. It's a semi bloodless race war.
Unfortunately, white identity politics is currently the only way to regain that conensus.
Also sure to ahead vote for Brianna wu. Would be funny.
has anyone brought up the fucking Kickstarter motorcycle in her profile pic?
Difference is Wu is literally insane
why even live?
Trump is just as much of a little bitch as Wu. Both dont know how to take criticism and have regular meltdowns on twitter. In that regard, you're probably right that they would attract similar crowds.
Just like all subhuman trannies
nice try john
>t. Alberto Barboss
It would be wonderful b/c the democrats would get so butt blasted and it would be a major divide and conquer move
Also, she would red pill so many normies b/c she is bonafide crazy. Wu Mas Locos!
Also, she is greedy as hell. She had a patreon fundraiser for her assistant who was pregnant and needed $. There was only one problem, she never had an assistant. It was all fake, a complete fraud and Wu kept the money while posting fake status updates for her pregnant imaginary friend.
She will ultimately get indicted on campaign finance violations or resign in disgrace from some pay-to-play (bribery) shit. It's inevitable.
Worst case scenario, Sup Forums gets a bunch if keks and drama.
Also fuck Mass.
That's Wu for You!
make it happen
>I stood up to the alt-right during gamer gate
hoooooly shit lmfao
idgi. she doesn't need to pass this badly. like she could extend her lips, push her head forward and stop sucking her lower jaw up. there are far less tragic things she could do with her hair, and i swear to god she's fucking extended her philtrum rather than shortening it. truly outrageous
Does he not know that most people barely know about the alt-right, let alone gamergate?