Is piracy morally wrong?
Is piracy morally wrong?
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it's just making a copy not stealing the original.
God no
i recently realized that I pay for cable and all that jazz I literally will see whatever jewbuster whitegenocide niggergibber2.0 i want in a year...
so why the fuck would i not pirate everything they have.
Morals isn't part of the issue they just don't make enough money out of you. In the end they do make some money off you via taxes, licenses and other bs we are not even aware of. So they can suck on my green and red anus...
The entire gaming and entertainment industry stopped trying years ago. 90% of times it's a quick money grab scam with typical AAA or Hollywood crap with zero substance. Or it's complete indie-shit of month that wants to be post-modern so desperately.
I have zero respect for them. My rule is to pirate first. And if I like it or spend more than a week, I buy it because I genuinely want to own it and support the creative minds behind, which is rare these days.
Who cares?
Depends on who you stole it from. If it's a small business that has good customer relations. I think it's morally wrong. Some big business that only see's their customers are goyim to screw over, their shit deserves to get pirated.
It depends.
Can you afford buying the game? If so, buy it.
But if you don't have the money, pirate whatever you want. You wouldn't buy it anyway.
Also pirating (((games))) is alright.
Just my opinion.
Think of the word "copyright". As in "exclusive legal right to copy".
So? It essentially results in the same thing to the producer of the content. I understand not wanting to pay full price for, say a videogame, before trying it out but let's be honest, the people who play the whole game then don't pay anything are way more numerous than those who play part of it, like it, then buy the full version. It's not victimless.
>It's not stealing if you're doing it to rich people / big companies.
Is this really what Sup Forums believes?
Publishers often refer to copying they don't approve of as “piracy.” In this way, they imply that it is ethically equivalent to attacking ships on the high seas, kidnapping and murdering the people on them. Based on such propaganda, they have procured laws in most of the world to forbid copying in most (or sometimes all) circumstances. (They are still pressuring to make these prohibitions more complete.)
If you don't believe that copying not approved by the publisher is just like kidnapping and murder, you might prefer not to use the word “piracy” to describe it. Neutral terms such as “unauthorized copying” (or “prohibited copying” for the situation where it is illegal) are available for use instead. Some of us might even prefer to use a positive term such as “sharing information with your neighbor.”
Is it a violation of NAP?
Are Brazil and Poland into piracy because it's a fad?
It's hilarious to listen to Pirate Party delegates somewhere in Ukraine. And boy, they try to justify what they're doing.
Yes, but no one's stopping me.
Not really
Most of the things people pirate are things that are just not available for real sale or would be nearly free but not offered.
Lots of the music people "pirate" aren't on the radio much or at all. Also why should I spend $12 on an album when I only want one song of it?
Many movies aren't on movie channels. I pay only like $9 a month for movie channels and thats like 1,680 movies playing a month.
Why should I pay $12 or more for one movie?
And 99% of anime and manga aren't available or at least up to date anywhere else in the world like it is in Japan.
Why should I wait months for the latest volume and pay $8 for it or even worse never get to read it cause its not licensed in english.
Why should I waited 6 months for an anime to be translated, pay $24 for the dvd, when I may not even watch pass the first 3 episodes and it would be free if it aired on my TV like other cartoons?
So in the end its either pay nothing and pirate or over pay by like 500%.
In my country they added a tax on CDs and USB drives of 5-10% which would all go to the media business because of muh piracy.
So they steal the average consumers money, it's only fairly that the consumer take some of their money back.
They also want to update the law so that tax is added onto computers and mobile phones because you can download illegal stuff on those devices.
fuck the joos
It's not stealing period.
what the fuck
Where does the money even go?
Is putting advertisements on youtube videos morally wrong
It's not stealing if the developers are actively trying to scam me into buying their inferior product and most of the time lying about it. As the korean said, first pirate then buy.
Remember No Man's Sky? Yeah...
Generally speaking, everyone who was actually involved in the creation of the content is paid a fixed salary. Actors, directors, stagehands, makeup, prop creation all sign a contract for $12 or so and Universal Hollywood gets all the money from sales.
Things are a little different with small companies or Anime, but when it comes to pirating X-Men or Arrival I don't feel bad because all the people I give a shit about have already earned and spent their paycheck.
Let's Plays are available for such cases
type the name of your name into youtube's search and watch how some NEET plays it
Yes, of course it's wrong. Read up on the ethics of Immanuel Kant.
Companies are just so fucking shit.
It is nearly impossible to read books on an ebook reader in any sensible way, without pirating them.
And most games are fucking cash grabs anyway and buying anime is literally impossible.
Reading a book in public library isn't stealing. Even with libraries everywhere publishers and authors can make sales because there are good books and references that is actually worth owning .
However movies and video game industry nowadays are so weak on quality that they think people trying out their product will hurt their sales, which is true. Nobody wants cheap recycled experience that get shat out every year.
The whole industry is built upon hype, paid-for reviews, and ultimate under-delivery.
Great but morality isn't determined by semantics. Nobody's problem with piracy was ever some pirate stealing random people's movie files, so the "its just copying" argument doesn't mean anything. The perceived problem has always been the producer essentially being stolen from, the effect is the exact same.
Sure, but then you can't be sure how the game will play on your hardware/os.
Is overhyping shit morally right?
The short answer is that it depends on the case by case.
ttl is open tech if producers are going to make software on the platform then there is little they can do about someone copying it. in the end of the day it's just series of zero's and ones. only foolish people make a business on a platform they can not control.
It's like the music industry complaining about cd's being ripped or people sharing audio files no one forces them to use the platforms, they could do shows only and make plenty of money. Same goes for the movie industry no blu rays or streams just theater shows.
People need to stop crying about it and invent their own closed hardware and software distribution platform.
Who cares
Depends on who really. Couldnt care less about pirating music from big artists or films from big companies. When it comes to smaller companies or musicians who are just starting up and arent makin much, then its morally questionable.
In Short;
I absolutely do not fucking care in the slightest if its immoral.
Living in Bosnia i would not be able to afford 0.002% of the media and information i have consumed over internet, by pirating.
Watched thousands and thousands of movies, hundreds and hundreds of albums, comics,
Learned so much by reading pirated books,
Internet helped me shape me into super intelligent human being and it would not be possible without piracy.
not if you're pirating shit jews made, or would have made money on
was cassette recording off radio illegal
You know libraries can't just walk up to a bookstore, buy a book, then put it on display, right? It's not the same process at all.
rt will Andromeda have denuvo? I fucking hate Manveer Heir and really don't want to give money to a company that employs someone like him, but I'm bored as fuck and dont want to wait 4 months and have the ending spoiled.
>the whole industry is built upon hype, paid-for reviews, and ultimate under-delivery
Just like life itself then.
nope, why pay for propaganda
Inherently, no. It could be, however.
No because of a special tax that i have to pay whenever im buyingn something with a memorydrive
You can't prove a lost sale.
And besides, used games are legal, and they result in you having the game without paying the developers.
Yes, and we enjoy it
only two disappointments in life, not getting and getting what you want
i pirate sample packs all the time im not gonna pay for that shit
i did pay for my software though
Game companies agree to that process though. If they didn't like Gamestop's used games policies wouldn't need to use them, especially with digital distribution being so widespread now. Gamestop still provides a profit for them though that they can analyze and determine if its worth it. That's not the case with piracy.
Doesn't stop me from doing it
Although now that I have money I am buying a LOT more games than I did when I was in high school/early college
I spent like 800 on clothes and 150 on video games in the last two weeks or so
Inherently yes. To claim that it is morally acceptable to pirate any form of media implies that you feel you have the right to take the fruit of someone's labour without paying for it.
The fact that you don't physically steal something is irrelevant. The reason piracy is objectively immoral is because it allows you to enjoy the fruits of someone else's labour without giving them due payment.
It´s like this: Does it work longtime if everyone consumes something without paying that actually costs money to produce? No! Is it morally wrong to steal from a disgusting, greed driven yet virtue signaling money making machine? No again! When the day arrives and they wholly implement a financing system that is more up to date like Netflix and when they stop overpaying actors and when they stop their moralistic hollywood propaganda.. than yes!
Until I can resell my digital copies, piracy is the used games of PC.
actually they hate the used game policies and lobby to make them illegal constantly.
A union called CopyDan, they distribute the funds to their members. It's against EU law but the jews dont care about that.
I buy the game but pirate the DLCs.
If anything the publishers are walking themselves off the plank with all the shit DLCs they are releasing for $15-30
No. As new technologies are invented and existing tech is refined, old avenues for making money slowly die out or become less profitable. It happened to factory and agriculture workers in the past, and no-one gave a shit. Now entertainment is done for because technology reached a point where it BTFO'd the business models used by the industry. Yet the rich kikes and their government buddies all collectively shat themselves when it was them on the receiving end of obsolescence, even though these are the same people who will push for places like McDonald's to replace workers with machines.
Piracy shouldn't be illegal. People should be allowed to pirate as much as they want. People will start paying for new content again when they're done working through the backlog. It'll never be as profitable for them as it was but times change, deal with it.
Frankly I don't even care, I simply ask myself "what can I do to enjoy life more?" When for a movie I get to choose between paying 0 euros+having it in 5 minutes and having to pay 20 euros+going out to a store/order online and wait a day/browse through limited selection online services, have a guess as to which one of those options lets me enjoy life more.
They day the "moral" option becomes the more convenient option I'll start caring. Reminder that "morals" isn't a science, it's a figment of our imagination, Kant had the name Kant for a reason.
Besides all that the stuff I enjoy isn't even licensed here, so they can go suck a shlong.
stop pirating my dlc
It is the right thing to do in most cases.
Most of the time, you don't NEED the media you are consuming and you would have been more productive and succesful without it. Thus actually spending money on it would be double-whammy bad. You could always consume old media or support some individual you think deserves your patronage. But you should pirate most of the existing media.
sad how soon we forget
It's extremely immoral.
I mean you wouldn't download a car.
Great, but if I made that information and didn't want you to share it that should be my decision as the content creator. Why would I, even as a small independent creator, make anything at all if I knew people were just going to lift it from me because "lol I'm just copying it"? So now I got 2 dollars for my work even though 1000 people are consuming it because only one guy actually bought it and is now just sharing it with all his buddies.
It isn't the same as stealing but it still negatively effects the people who make the stuff you pirate. It isn't a 1:1 ratio but it still is bad for business.
so what you're saying is, if the person
1. has the capacity to pay
2. appreciates the product enough to warrant the cost
then they should pay, and if not, they shouldn't
Or they need to accept that piracy is going to happen and factor that into how they intend to make money. Piracy isn't going to go away, because in the eyes of most people, it isn't morally wrong. If someone goes into a store and steals something and walks out, they'll feel like they've done something reprehensible. That isn't the case when it comes to piracy.
isn't that what steam refunds do? I've never used it personally
So? They still opt to use gamestop.
Yes, that's what I'm saying. But I'm also saying I don't think that's a realistic expectation and that most people who pirate something and play to completion never end up paying at all, even when they are perfectly able to.
Not at all.
That being said many companies deserve it.
Pay for shit you think needs deserves and needs support.
>rt will Andromeda have denuvo? I fucking hate Manveer Heir and really don't want to give money to a company that employs someone like him, but I'm bored as fuck and dont want to wait 4 months and have the ending spoiled.
LIterally this Fuck Manveeer, im not giving money to a company who has a blatant white hater working for them.
Usually no.
I pay for good games by small companies and Japanese games after pirating them.
But why the fuck should I pay for shit by cultural marxist SJW companies like (((blizzard))) or (((ubisoft))) or any other big game company that hate their own audience, put niggers and feminism into everything and even have the audacity to lie their customers in the face and deliver a undone buggy shitty piece of shit game for 60€ every single year without a gram of shame.
After you've sold something once you shouldn't expect to be able to sell it again.
Copyright is for use in protecting industry as they have to make a considerable investment that can be shattered if another company decides to make the exact same thing.
Making money by doing something once and copying it 1 billion times is Jewish to the extreme. Both banking and the film industry use this method and both are Jewish lead for this exact reason.
Pirates spend more money on media than normal people, user.
And whatever content you created would get more exposure. They will tell their friends, talk about it, etc. and more people will buy legitimate copies.
What if instead of pirating it, they all shared it? You would only get one sale.
I don't know a single person who wouldn't download a car if they could.
That was the dumbest piece of propaganda I have ever seen, for real.
Copyright laws should be abolished. They were created by the Jews to make more money at of everyone.
All crime is morally OK if you can get away with it.
Reminder that the kikes pirated the song used in this anti-piracy vid:
Its not a sin to take money from the Jews. They release grossly marked up media, usually smut, propaganda, or low quality. If I want to watch/listen to someone blaspheme Christ, I'll be doing it for free, or not at all. I'll pay for anything of reasonable quality, or at least promote it to anyone I ever come across.
Did I need their product to begin with? Probably not, so it is actually not rational to give a shit.
>Is piracy morally wrong?
1. Piracy is a crime. If your morals involve not committing crimes, piracy is morally wrong. If you disagree with piracy being a crime, and your morals involve not committing crimes, piracy is still morally wrong, but actively working to get the law changed is morally right.
2. Piracy is a crime. If your morals are law independent then you could feel that piracy isn't morally wrong. At this point you're picking and choosing which laws are right and wrong and you'll have to maintain this information yourself independently.
3. Piracy is taking or making a copy of something without permission. If your morals involve allowing you to do things against other people's will and without their permission, then you could believe piracy to not be morally wrong. Basically you would have the "it doesn't matter what other people think or say, only what I want" version of morality.
4. Most people think of piracy as the illegal copying, distribution, and utilization of commercial products. Companies that spend time and talent making products for profit and do not want those products distributed for free. Most "morality" arguments about piracy try to justify the act as a protest against companies producing products for profit. Seeing as that is the goal of nearly every company ever created in the entirety of human history, it's a pretty thin pretense of a moral stance to protest against this very routine human enterprise.
tfw aa2 will never get official western support
Well yeah some people will do that. You could call that morally wrong if you want. Tbh I pirate some things and pay for others.
I download movies and tv shows mostly.
Studios and actors make way too much money from mainstream movies. They make an entire lifetimes earnings for one movie.
I only feel bad about tv shows that get cancelled from lack of views like firefly or dollhouse. I'm thinking of getting cable because I stream many shows and sports.
Seems circumstantial.
Should you pay for information like food recipes? I don't think so.
Should you pay for a video game? If you still play video games then yes, just don't spend money on things you're going to regret buying
Should you pay for a movie? Depends how much you personally like the cast, the director, and filming studio.
lmao, I did not know that.
That totally made my day hahaha
paying money to pedo jews in hollywood is morally wrong.
You can produce unlimited copies at zero costs but you charge customers a price like it's a uniquely produced item with huge material cost.
Who is the criminal here?
I agree with most of your points, but what about companies that bully artists into contracts that fuck them in the ass?
Or countries with insanely abusive taxes?
Brazil is this country, of course.
Some years ago we had insane taxes to import BOOKS. Can you honestly agree with that? Is piracy kind of ok in this case?
Copyright is a wierd place in which everyone is wrong.
If I make something, and say it's worth 10 bucks, and you think that's too high, you don't have a right to take it and use it for free. By the same token I can't expect my ideas to not pass into the body of common knowledge over time and expect this sort of exclusivity forever.
IMO there's a fine balance between compensating people for their creations and copyright protection that effectively locks IP's up for 75 years. While stealing shit is wrong the current copyright laws are unrealistic in their scope.
That being said I buy everything anyway because I can afford it and I want to play by the rules of voluntary exchange.
>make a computer animation program aimed at millennials who are dirt poor
>charge hundreds of dollars for it
>wonder why people pirate it instead
>create a game
>sell it for $50+, and with tax and eco-fees it comes out to about $75
>give "discounts" of 10% off before tax, meaning people who want to buy the game save a whole $5 and now only have to pay $70
>wonder why people torrent your game
>be jewish
>make anti-white Hollywood propaganda and charge roughly $30 to see the movie in theatres, and $40 to buy it on DVD with pre-order options for $60
>people torrent it instead
There has never been a single independent developer whose game I played or song I listened to and did not pay for.
Kant muddles the water by saying that if you do something you believe it should be a law, and that everyone SHOULD do what you just did, and therefore creating a maxim. Ethics is all about situations, which is why Fletcher would be better used for this. In this scenario you could also look at consequentialism like mentioned in the post if you pirate games from smaller companies trying to make an honest game its much worse than pirating a game that big company made just to jew you out of your shekels
>they steal from us
>we steal from them
It's basic wealth redistribution, comrade. Get with the times.
As it stands now pirates are far more likely to be wealthier in the first place and thus have more money to spend in the first place though. All of the studies I've seen for that even acknowledge this. If piracy were to become highly mainstream and trickle down to the plebs with no moral or legal stigma I don't think that assertion would hold up. And it would also make exposure pretty useless too.
Yes it is.
It encourages people to gorge themselves on degenerate crap and think they're getting away with something.
>paying $60 for this
>then being expected to pay more for the full experience
Yeah I mean even looking past the fact that members of their staff openly hate people like me for the color of my skin, I have a hard time paying for something THIS BAD when masterpieces like Origins/BG2/TW3 were half the price.
Maybe it's morally wrong, but their comes a certain point where corporations are also impinging on their obligation to provide a quality product. A lack of competition due to EA buying up everything is no excuse for shit like this, and I actually think people taking the stance of paying for GOOD work ethic (cd projekt red) but pirating jewish garbage, is a step in the right direction.
EA don't give 2 shits if people complain about their employees, or even the quality of their games. They will not change because of this. They start caring when their profit margins get hit.
The idea of throwing everything on consoles to circumvent piracy just opens the market to more companies like CDPR. Win/win for consumers.