why did the world got so much worse after the 1960s?
Why did the world got so much worse after the 1960s?
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Atheism grew.
The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965
atheists BTFO
Civil Rights Act of 1964
increase in population.
People drifted away from traditional values.
Less homogenous population, decline of good morals
Silent Revolution/Civil Rights Movement/68ers Movement
The global cuckening began globally in the mid 60s under the cover of Vietnam.
Civil Rights act
One generation after Roe vs Wade
In regards to your graph, it was multiculturalism.
This is about when America dropped the merit based immigration system and the spics and niggers flooded the country
Horrible graph btw. Two different scales fucks up the comparison
This. Then the hippies became college professors and democrat politicians
Bolshevik agitators infiltrated Western society and started causing its collapse.
It being good before the 60's was an illusion.
>Immigration and Nationality Act passed in 1965
>Civil Rights Act passed in 1964
>violent crimes rises in the mid 1960s
Really makes you think.
You are not wrong.
Baby boomers
Cultural Marxism
Feminism, Sexual Degeneracy, Moral Decay, rampant consumerism, civil rights all began to kick off in the 1960's
>Gold standard abandoned
>68 student revolt
>cultural marxism spreading
>atheism and degeneracy
>mass immigration
Marxism came back slowly but surely
walfare state consolidation
responding to OP pic
amnesty/ non-white immigration
I'm an agnostic but if you think the decline of organized Christianity did anything but harm society, you're a short-sighted egotistical retard who needs to be gassed.
Lead in gasoline
The spike in your graph directly correlates to cocaine trafficking in this country. The CIA, and organized gangs caused these issues. The CIA and debased citizens, literally savaged our nation.
Hippies/athiests/drugs/south american immigration
Baby boomers
Chimping out. They didn't have morals when they were young. They didn't have them when they got older and ducked the planet financially, monetarily, economically, demographically and environmentally. They are locusts.
Hippie ideologies got popular.
Cocaine and heroin and the necessary gang violence to proliferate them.
drugs and moral relativism