What's the deal guys?

>Take over Revolution about liberating the workers from the elites.

>Literal first act once in power is to steal one of the best estates.

Do commies not realize they are morons? One of Lenin's first acts once in power was to go find a baller top-notch estate (Gorki) and claim it for his own.

Hell if you can't earn something the old fashioned way I guess you can start a revolution, confiscate owner's property and then take your pick huh? I guess I don't blame Lenin, but I blame all the morons who actually believed he was in it for the people.

Other urls found in this thread:


>take over revolution liberating peasants from food
>literal first act is genocide

Wow, it's almost like if you hand supreme power to a group of people, they'll do whatever the fuck they want and everyone else can go hang.

kulaks deserved it.

>implying Lenin was a commie
He is one of the few individuals who can be rightly called an übermensch. Through sheer force of will, he manages to seize control of a massive nation and bend it to his whim.

Lenin is proof that the truly powerful only crave dominion over man, they are not faithful to any country or ideology.

There are many such cases

The commies were always bourgeois liberals from Marx onwards to antifa. This is pretty common knowledge too.

Only the most deluded ones take the ideology seriously.

This, there are many ways to get power. Commies always try get power by exploiting the losers of society.

dumb ass kacap goyim got jewed....very hard.

kikes literally convinced them to self destruct and they happily did it.

>but I blame all the morons who actually believed he was in it for the people.

However, some people value that quality you are referring to above all others. I do not. In chess they have a phrase "thrice armed is he whose cause is just, and four times is he whose blow lands first." In life however, I don't think that phrase applies. I do believe in righteousness. Lenin was a murderer, deciever, and a theif... sure I guess on a very grand scale though.

>Hell if you can't earn something the old fashioned way I guess you can start a revolution, confiscate owner's property and then take your pick huh?

You aren't implying that overthrowing the government and winning a civil war and establishing a new one is easier than earning an estate (which he had anyway, being from a heir of a rather rich provincial nobility)?

And no, communists didn't have a complete equalization as one of their doctrines, contrary to what the burger education led you to believe. That would be a so called "Barracks socialism" that Marx criticized.

Yeah, we self destructed from a decadent and backwater empire to a superpower (And got your ass again too)

*farts in your general direction

eat up kacap piggy

Did you know that Sup Forums users must be adults?

Russia's a shithole and Russians are cunts.

shithole full of subhuman turds on two legs

thats all russia is,was and ever will be

I'm quite familiar with Lenin and his brand of communism, and how he essentially jewed his way into power over other more "legitimate" parties during the interim government.

Now, the revolution would have occurred without Lenin, even though I guess it's fair to say he played a role. He didn't win a civil war. The freedom of the serfs in the later 1800s honestly made the revolution an inevitability. All Lenin did was Jew his way to the top after it was said and done and then of course become an elite himself. The bolsheviks weren't even the bigger of the main parties. And unless I'm mistaken, his families holdings were absolutely nothing like Gorki, which I have perceived as one of the best if not the best,


Look I don't have a problem with Russia in general. But you fucks went off the rails after WWI, it's true. Total disaster.

God knows if prerevolutionary Russia had got their shit together instead of letting it explode into a full scale revolution, they'd be THE super power perhaps. It is impressive that Russia has recovered so well after such a disaster. But just imagine if they had freed the serfs and shit a hundred years earlier and transitioned into a modern power instead of letting it culminate into an abberation of an extremist revolution.

The only advantage for Russia in falling for communism is that in doing so they have infected the rest of the world with those notions, which I suppose helps a little. But still they fucked up. An earlier liberal "soft-revolution" would have made them a true true power to be reckoned with I suspect, but they missed that train and it was too late by ~1900.

>cult leader says he's god and will do everything you wish for you cause he's god
>find out the cult leader isn't god and he decides to murder you and everything else after he takes everything you own
communism is a hoax/cult dude. the idiots following the cult leader maybe believe the cult leader but the cult leader knows it's a fucking scam and he's in it for power and money

>how do we help people?
>give me absolute control and dissolve every current system that has power

I think there are two important details.

First, there was a Dual Power in Russia. The state Duma with provisional government and the Soviets. Communists' position was always that the second one should be the sole government, so they deposed the other when they had a chance. Before they did it, they had a majority in the Soviets.

Secondly, the provisional government would fall without them, as it was defenceless against the rogue generals. Soviet militia, however, defeated this rebellion.

Thirdly, what is this? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Civil_War

The civil war was quite brutal, and every single world power supplied and directly intervened against them.

In April 1917, three of the nine members of the Central Committee were Jews: Kamenev, Zinovyev and Sverdlov so despite the relatively small number of Jews in the Bolshevik Party, they held important posts in the leadership and were close associates of Lenin

Lenin was a great man, he was in it for the people, he wanted to liberate the workers

I wonder why people don't talk about the number of jews in the side of the mensheviks(that was a lot greate by the way).


>btw notice how anyone in history that had his name end in "in" (putin,stalin,lenin, rasputin) is.was a mentally unstable psycopth?

The point remains that you can remove Lenin from history, and it would largely play out the same as it did except you would have likely had Mensheviks instead of Bolsheviks, which in hind sight, may have actually been better (all speculative of course). And my point isn't that there was no civil war, the point it is not fair to say "Lenin won a civil war." Its uncertain what would have happened if he wasn't involved, but I think it's safe to say the revolution WOULD have likely occurred anyways whether Lenin was involved or not. In my opinion there were other individuals who had a greater right to lead than he did in terms of their involvement with the revolution etc even though I won't deny he was a major character.

lmao people still workshipping him is the best part.
Germany sent this guy over there in ww1 because he was a nihilist intelectual and he didn´t think that it would matter if he made up a systhem that killed millions.
In his mind, people who accept the retard stuff he was preaching deserved the things that happen to them.

He was send to russia to kill all culture and destroy the zars lead a revolution and take russia out as an oponent in WW1 that´s it.

I mean, yeah he was a genious but he should be workshiped for his incredible actions as a german spy and not as a leader.

About that...

The Czars were fucking shit and people were sick of them. They gladly welcomed the bolsheviks.

Your country is fucking useless and has always been used as a cum dumpster for the rest of EU.

I don't think you can really speak about legitimacy of some sort in this case.

The one who won won, and created the new government and the new definition of legitimacy.

As for the Provisional government, they weren't even elected, unlike, again, the Soviets.

Yeah, I mean desu I would take the bolsheviks over the SJW´s

>no fags
>no degeneracy
>no free movement of people
>no niggers in european countries
>no europeans in niggers countries
>no food

LOL you are as braindead as Stormfags.

Enjoy your religion fucktard.

The biggest redpill is that Lenin was a mushroom

In all seriousness, I've been reading pic related recently and given what we know about the Holocaust, I've been wondering how much of it I should take as truth. It seems a lot more believable; no masturbation machines or soap made from prisoners, just sending people to camps and working them to death with occasional mass executions.

On the other hand, a large amount of the claims in the book are based on conversations with people who had been in camps, so there a lot of, "Hey this guy was in this camp and this is what he said happened there".

Somebody redpill me on Gulag.


Around 1 million were killed during Stalin. Solzhenitsyn is a WWII propagandist. We had those too on the Soviet side.

>you can start a revolution, confiscate owner's property and then take your pick

Thats literally the main reason for all revolutions, coup'd etats and similar events.

According to destalination 688,503 people were executed directly alone.

And then you have the deads in the gulags on top of it, or am I missing something?


misread as desalination thanks user

Russians seem to like Varlam Shalamov a lot more than Solzhenitsyn.

That is correct. He is one of the few legit ones, not politicised propaganda machines.

>One of Lenin's first acts once in power was to go find a baller top-notch estate (Gorki) and claim it for his own.

Actually Lenin took a bullet from a counter-revolutionary, and Gorki was something of a private hospice for him. Lenin wasn't "living it up", he was trying to recover from a serious wound. He never really did, within three years of being shot he had to retire, and died not long after that.

Yeah, they are idiots, and the more fanatical of the lot are into a form of historical revisionism that makes Marxist-Leninists appear like religious adherents to everybody else.

That said, the initial success of their regime was ironically built on Western financial assistance that occurred at least during its founding, and continued on until its collapse, making it a glorified dungeon system with welfare and an overkill amount of focus on the military. Antony Sutton is a great source for all of that.

Subtract that Western assistance, and what are you left with? Well... the best that the October revolution could have hoped for would be to end up like the Khmer Rouge or North Korea.

On another note, not related to events after the revolution, I have heard that when the serfs were freed millions and millions of them were simply lost track of. What happened to these people? Did they simply go subsistence farm and were lost track of, or did they starve etc?