Last survey shows: gert wilders could get 13 to 17% of the votes. KEK

last survey shows: gert wilders could get 13 to 17% of the votes. KEK

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No polls are out yet shill


Fuck this kike and fuck Netherlands.

Says increasingly nervous man for the billionth time

>trusting polls

Still salty about our referendum I see

kek. never liked that kike anyway. the fact there are no dank memes related to him is only further evidence of him NOT being /ourguy/
>Judaism BTFO
>Shekels BTFO
>Circumcision: debatable
>Minorah BTFO
>Curly sideburns BTFO

Geert Wilders is a Mossad Agent

Geert wilders is a zionist shill

Zionist Extremeists funding geert wilders

Coldenhove Calergi Plan for white genocide is being enacted by Gerrt wilders

The Fake dutchman zionist shill geert wilders

Geert wildes embraces his jewishness in america

Geert is apart of zionist warmonging against islam

Zionist hatemongering

>Geert Wilders (born 1963) is a Dutch politician and is leader of the Party for Freedom (Partij voor de Vrijheid, PVV), the third-largest political party in the Netherlands, which he founded in 2004.

Wilders is best known for his anti-Islamization views which have made him a controversial figure in the Netherlands and abroad.

>In 2009 the anthropologist Lizzy van Leeuwen revealed Wilders’ Jewish roots in an article in the newspaper “De Groene Amsterdammer“. [1] According to the article Geert Wilders’s maternal grandmother Johanna Meijer who married his grandfather Johan Ording, has been stated to have been from a wealthy Jewish familiy. [1] Which will make Wilders mother Maria Anne Ording a Jew and Geert Wilders himself a Jew according to Jewish Law. [2]

>Wilders grandfather is stated to have been camp commander at an infamous post-WWII Dutch camp Fortes Honswick for “Nazi” collaborators who were tortured. [3]

>Geert Wilders has since his youth developed an emotional bond with the Jewish state and has visited Israel at least more than 40 times. As a youngster he went there to work in the Kibbutz, a socialist experiment of collective farming. He felt completely at home upon his arrival in Israel. “It felt like I had been there before,” he says. [4] He supported himself by working long hours in a bread factory and had an abortive relationship with a Jewish girl.

You sure are making a lot of threads


thanks user. you give me hope

>Geert Wilders holds the same view towards Iran as does Israel’s Likud government who see Iran as their enemy. “Iran is the biggest geopolitical threat to Israel, to the stability of the Middle East region, Europe, and the whole world,” Wilders says.

>As the Likud government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu has called for military action against Iran at UN. So does Wilders supports military action against Iran. “If Israel decides it has no other option but to strike Iran militarily in order to defend itself against this existential threat, I will understand,” Wilders said. [7]

>Geert Wilders is a Zionist who weekly visits the Israeli embassy and and has ties to Israeli government. Currently his being investigated for his ties to Israel and their possible influence on his loyalty by AIVD the Dutch intelligence and security agency. [9]

I hope all anons are starting to realise the huge extent that jewish hasbara make to try and compel us to champion and cheer on corrupt neo-con zionist jews.

In the case of geert Wilders an isreali Mossad connected agent to boot.

It's alarming at the most basic level, the fact this goes on even on Sup Forums of all places should give everyone pause for thought.

Translation of linked image:


This legal statement is about the words spoken by mr. G. Wilders (GW) to the woman seated next to him Mevrouw M.B. Kwint-de Roos, after the traditional christmas diner of the VVD-fraction in the old building of the Second Chamber of 1991.

The revealed statements were made after alcohol usage, but are despite that, now in 2010 with the election coming, very notable and worrying.

A Dutch Politician as informant for a Foreign Intelligence agency should be addressed and should, to the opinion of the signing people of this document, have no access to sensitive information of strategic andor economic nature.

(Miss M.B. Kwint-de Roos served from 1983 to 1996 as (medewerkster) of the VVD-fraction in the Second Chamber)

With this document, M.B. Kwint-de Roos (MBK) and J.A.W.F. Kwint (JAK) state the following After music stopped playing there were a number of VVD Chambermembers, Personal Aides and Fraction personnel who remained after dinner to sing songs and eat snacks.

During that, GW found it suitable to sing in hushed tones in MBK's ear Israeli songs and to gave a number of announcements of private nature, that will now be listed below.

-Geert Wilders is the son of a Dutch-Indo father and a Dutch Jewish Mother

-Geert Wilders was recruited by Israeli Intelligence agency, received in Israel a harsh education and was even tortured as part of that education.

-Geert Wilder drove during a vacation, during christmas leave, in an old Volkswagen on his own, through Syria.

-Geert Wilders has both a Dutch and an Israeli Passport.

Say it with me, 4th place!

Good. Sup Forums needs to stop loving this Zionist shill while calling people like Richard spencer controlled opposition.

-Geert Wilder career is not decided by him but by others for him. This goes so far, according to his own words, that even the divorce between him and his first wife was engineered as well as the marriage to his second wife without his own decisions arranged. Geert Wilders supported this with the following statement How do you think I got her I even became Chamber member. I am too young. First Hoogervorst and then me, I don't have to do anything for that!

When MBK noted that JAK, in an old past, also had contacts with an intelligence agency, GW immediately sobered up and uttered the following threat

If you ever make a report of this conversation, that will be very dangerous for you and your husband

Worst of Wilders - Part 2 of 14 - His True Loyalty

Geert Wilders embraces his Jewishness in America

Israeli-Zionist GEERT WILDERS EXPOSED! (Another Zionist Spreading Fear, Hate, and Lies)

Zionist interest groups finance the hatemongering against Muslims

Extremist Jews & Israelis Funding Racist Geert Wilders To Fight Muslims

Geert wilders ?n Israel 5 Dec. - 3/3

Jewish Indonesian guy?
muhhh white race

Richard Spencer is controlled opposition.

And a Russian shill.

Listen to the polls goy

And Hillary Clinton had a 98% chance of winning

Hello lefty pol

isn't that a lot for eurocucks tho?

Just turn this into another energy thread.

Geert take my many KVs.

>against religious fanatics having access to nuclear weapons
Sounds good to me

Just because Germans (i.e. muslim niggers) love listening to official (((propaganda))) doesn't mean the Dutch are as cucked. Polls are worthless. Sup Forums is the answer. Kek is the savior. Pepe is his messenger.

Just came back from voting, gf gave machtiging so I did what every Turk-Dutch would do. Twice the energy for mr. geert.

Take my energy

Fuck your mother and praise Kek Geert wins

this shill would rather suck muslim dick than support israel lmao desu

yeah just like Hillary had a (((99%))) chance of winning