Why is no one talking about this? Snoop Niggers video where he shoots Trump in the head. Had white people dressed in white face. We need to turn this up a notch. Any thoughts on how to shut this faggot down?
Why is no one talking about this? Snoop Niggers video where he shoots Trump in the head...
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who cares
>Nig does a thing
As if we didn't already know that their whole race is subhuman filth
Let's make his life a living hell
Because it has already been talked about. It's some has been nigger rapper doing some stupid shit. Shocking.
Snoop has no control over his work anymore.
It's the Jews.
wrong perspective. straight white christian men, or any of those four attributes, can handle teasing and satire. if we go SJW then we are just as weak as they are.
seriously, imagine charging someone with a hate crime for calling you a honky or a cracker. you'd just laugh it off.
being superior has its benefits. don't screw it up.
Lets expose it.
Fuck off you tyrant. The USA needs MORE freedom of speech, not less. We haven't even had free speech to begin with considering we still have sedition laws.
>Snoop has no control over his work anymore.
nobody who has been around as long as him delivers fresh new work. it just doesn't work that way.
and the video/song is not bad. it's a lot like his signature style, so it will get played, but the only real attention will come from people like Trump hyping it.
snoop's ok. give him a break.
>Any thoughts on how to shut this faggot down?
Considering the abysmal state of his raps, it looks like he's shutting himself down.
What I am about to say is satire but I'm not talking about charging anyone with a hate crime. I just want to wake up and read the headline that Snoop is spending millions more a year now on security because he is fearful for his life and can't even leave his house. Where are those guys that mail white powder in envelopes and it turns out to just be flour.
Ya but that is not gonna stop me from writing an mean racist comment
This. i dont believe nu-Sup Forums is is actually crying like a bunch of tumblr snowflakes over a music video, by fucking Snoop Dogg none the less.
Stop getting so easily triggered, faggots.
Fuck white people amirite?
It's not the 90s, we aren't making this relevant
I don't think the clown makeup is meant to be "white face" as the nigs of the video also wear it
Washed up gangbangers sell put all the time. Its all Reagan's fault... he should have put an end to this. If had wiped out Compton when he had the chance we wouldn't be in this mess today.
>snoop's ok. give him a break.
Well, to be perfectly honest, he seems to be past his prime in making new material, and hiring him for political purposes is probably not a good idea for the globalists to do.
Shit was sad, yo.
>white people voluntarily took part in this
Day of the rope when?
The only positive thing I can say about blacks is they hate any blacks who betray the race
Old Sup Forums cried whenever there was some public advocacy for gays.
New Sup Forums is ultimately on the same discussion quality as YouTube or Twitter but don't pretend old Sup Forums didn't get autistic over this sort of thing
>snoop's ok. give him a break.
Thugs and thug music are never O-K.
Being offended by the actions of niggers is for niggers.
I'm not trying to block anyone's free speech but what you say has consequences. I'm not gonna sit there like some kind of scared little pussy while some stupid old washed up nigger attacks white people. It's the double standard of it that triggers me. If whites did or said what he did there would be a huge backlash. I'm trying to change the country so my white children have a decent place to live
So you just gonna let them do this? Fuck off. At least leave a stupid comment and dislike. Snoop Dogg can fuck off.
Who gives a shit?
>I don't think blackface is supposed to be 'blackface' because white people wear it
Wasn't it Snoop Lion now?
what do you expect from the king weed nigger?
Yea why do we care. Let's just keep calling cnn fake news, the entertainment industry will fall in line eventually
This is considered music now?
He isn't even trying to "rap".
Because we don't want to give this washed up, modern day Step n Fetch routine, tapping dancing negro any of the attention he desperately wants.
this post
This is a stupid thing to retaliate against. It just makes you look petty.
Retaliate against something that is actually a fucking issue, like the republicans and democrats or the individualist "socialists" who don't live by the words they preach.
>Awkward camera angles
>The music wasn't even very good
I don't give a shit about them insulting Trump, i'm mad that the video was fucking awful.
To be fair, I've seen GWAR decapitate Obama and I want to say also Hillary Clinton once on stage. At this point in the game, nobody even cares about snoop anymore. Fuck his irrelevant nigger opinions.
The only ones who will buy into this are already anti trump, it doesn't even carry a real message to convince anyone any real reason as to why trump is bad.
What about when your white children go to school and get picked on for being too white, called racist for being white, taught that they have not earned anything but everything they achieve is because of white privilege, and that they should bow down to minority's because they have oppressed them. Also if they want to be cool they should act black, not care about school, and do drugs
Until such time as you can walk around in public shouting "I hate niggers, faggots, and jews" without any reprisal, there's no such thing as freedom of speech.
Did you guys even watch the video? He doesn't actually kill him it just shows the gun and coming out of barrel is a classic bang flag not a bullet. Even towards the end they just cucked him from smoking weed but had him wired up. The video is pretty stupid. If you get offended by this video you are literally sjw right wing edition and should consider suicide on a regular basis for the sole purpose of dooming yourself and making sure you never ever stick your dick in a pussy so you have no chances in procreating because we don't need more shits like you. Inb4 being salty over someone being salty is also sjw 2.0.
Small steps eventually add up to a mile
Whites who don't betray our race are the exact same way.
I have no problem with black people as far as trade and light socialization, but marriage and children are out of the question.
he's just trying to get publicity because his music has sucked post 90's
i was gonna rearrange the letters on that image but theres just not enough variety way too many o's
Snoop dawg the mememan
How? He already has millions of dollars, a soundproofed mansion and a lifetime's supply of the best drugs
We make our own music about how hes a gay nigger who cant rap
Who cares that Guy Smoked so much weed hes probably the exception to the weed is harmless rule
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. Video was in horrible taste and is getting backlash. Leaves comment exposing hypocrisy and let it play out OP. Don't be a Faggot SJW since this is going to back fire on his failing career.
Seriously just move on OP stop sucking dicks.
It could say poop nog
>This is a stupid thing to retaliate against. It just makes you look petty.
It's the same shit that whites currently are jailed for in most Westernized countries. The time for trying to say it's petty and irrelevant is over unfortunately
>Had white people dressed in white face.
theyre clowns you retard
>Why is no one talking about this
The president just tweeted about it
snoop is one of the realest human beins alive today
it.. doe-snt mat-ter if hes blak or wyte
>snoop is one of the realest human beins alive today
I think his newest video casts some doubt on your theory.
If speech is so free then I'm gonna cut my mustache and walk around town larping as my Grandpa Hitler
you live in romania frick off
Snoop is a nigger owned by (((them))).
Poor bastard will never live life as a free black man.
He is all bought and paid for.
I cringe at my old self for liking "his" stuff.
If he smokes weed all the time, why is he so hateful and violent?
He must be a poser, and pretends to smoke
fucking pussies can't handle a music video with a black man singing and implying he thinks badly of the new president
you racists should be less triggered its a weak look for you.
weed doesnt turn you into a good or peaceful person
It kinda nullfies the want or need to hate or be violent.
get out of canada then you racist fuck
go move to america since you dick riding them so much
Hes already a nigger
he's trying to point out important issues but going about it in an edgy way while pissing off racists whats not to love?
it is just a drug
snoop has always been a violent peice of shit he was a gang member and the driver in a fatal drive by shooting and he got lucky to be acquitted
Because this ain't the Obamanation any more, where you get sent to jail for criticizing Islam.
> make the First Amendment great again
>nigger talking shit
nothing to see here. its clear he put trump in to please his kike overlords.
have you seen the views? mistake if anything its a win and hes pissing off all you white power and racist chumps along the way.
good on him
Like how people praise and worship murderers and think they're cool........ he should be shunned if not put in jail. But nope, everyone cheerin snoop, woooo gang violence AWESOME
Not really.
Your mindset determines your behavior.
I've been stoned and pissed many times.
because swedish people know so much about north america and the jews
go suck a black bulls dick you cuckhold boi
now did anyone say woo gang violence or wooo that songs dope and lol at the triggered racists?
im not supporting gang violence in anyway but still its a dope song.
Kys stupid nigger
>people bitching about this like Snoop is still relevant as anything except a sideshow
He hasn't put out anything close to his initial releases.
He is not ok. He ruined the last season of the trailer park boys allong wuth doug benson.
I'm a white female and I'm more racist against white people
I loved the video got a good laugh at it
Kudos to Snoop for showing what a lot of us dream about
Fuck trump
doug benson and that guy who wanted to be ricky ruined it not funny or interesting at all
snoop was a nice cameo if anything
there's not enough "racial diversity" :^)
How much do you get paid to promote his videos on Sup Forums?
>Why is no one talking about this?
Snoop Dogg has literally single handedly turned generations of niggers into shut tier thugs. Snoop is the greatest ally in further destroying the degenerate nigger race.
Thanks, Snoop Dogg.
>can't think up a sound or logical counter argument
>resorts to calling the other poster a nigger and tells them to kys
smooth move buddy
>doug benson.
i cant stand that faggot hes just not funny
says the cuck leaf.
Jesus you guys really are worse shitflingers than the emufuckers.
Snoops just Madonna 2.0
>not a relevant top tier artist for a decade
>end up doing shit work just to keep in the public eye.
>decide to be a loud mouth anti-trumper in a desperate attempt to get back in the social ether
So, Snoop makes a half assed song (implying he actually wrote it, and it wasn't handed to him) about white people being trashy, cops are killers and Trump is #1 badguy
Wow, so edgy and fresh, just like the first 564,974 times I've heard it this last year.
i guess can't help where i born neither can you
white females are pretty much the ultimate traitors these days
>it's a clown gun and he's alive at the end
the things t_d crossposters get triggered over
fair enough.
we fuck maple syrup and igloos over here ya phucking hoser i am kanadian lol
guestinate on his IQ would be 89. Maybe 93.
His (((handler))) was probably a 139, though through drug abuse is now a 99.
make a youtube video about it and get it trending.
>he's trying to point out important issues
what important issue was that?
make a better song as a response and upload it to youtube
>snoop lion
this nigger burned his brains out 20 years ago, there's no way he's not surviving off reptillian magic at this point.
yeah i don't see what the problem is at the end of the video the guy is still alive
standing net to snoop
but yes it does show snoop pointing a gun at a trump lookalike
why dident people get this pissed when manson had that trump lookalike in his video?