Celtic Republic when? I'm sick of these Kraut's thinking they can rule us. They are to blame for all the immigration. They allowed them in because of their cuck kraut ways.
Celtic Republic when? I'm sick of these Kraut's thinking they can rule us. They are to blame for all the immigration...
>trusting an Irishman
No thanks.
Fuck off. England isn't Celtic. Heck due to the Celtic tradition of unfaithful wives it's the rest of the isles that is Germanic mongrels.
>constantly says Germans are blaming everything on others
>blames everything on Germans even though the reason his country if full of browns is that his country had to invade and loot almost every country on earth
u black cunt, fuck off bk to ireland.
>his country had to invade and loot almost every country on earth
They were bush people, not countries, but still it makes me wonder how a country that had access to so many minerals and so forth, is so poor and shitty? Where did the money go? The Rothschilds?
>he doesn't know that we own him
Who? Your kikes? You're proud of that?
They fucked you country harder than any other, your entire aristocracy is muddy by kikes, and your average citizen is poor and looks like he has down syndrome.
top kek
It's too late for you desu
Bitch most of us are Anglo-Saxon or Norman. We should have finished eradicating all the ginger spear chuckers honestly
Most of the so-called "Englishmen" are 70% celtic, except for Kent, London, etc.
But Kek being an almighty and gracious god, he decided to seed the brown plague exactly where the evil saxons parasites decided to land.
Enjoy your time, anglos !
Goddamn, this meme was never fun, still isn't fun and will never be fun... why isn't it dead yet? Jesus. Is it because it's a D&C FBI meme?
>a fucking english teacher
Fuck off celtcuck, you're not having any of our blessed plot. The English are the only right-wing ones in the UK.
>Anglos will be bred out in your lifetime
Once Scotland and Ulster are gone, Wales sliced, the remnants will be submitting to their muzzie masters.
Didn't both the Cornish and the Welsh support Brexit?
Cornwall is England you silly leaf. Wales isn't but it might as well be
Stop roleplaying as a krautcunt you silly fuck. We must return to our Celtic roots and remove the Anglo Saxon menace.
England's not celtic you cunt only Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Cornwall and other small islands like the Isle of man are celtic.
Do yourself a favour and pick up a history book, or better still fuck off to Ireland
>Ireland, Wales and Scotland are all over 95% white
England would be too if it weren't for g*rmanic cucks like yourself
I'm English you filthy g*rmanic swine
Yes, Cornwall is England but it's also an historically Celtic-speaking region which retains an ethnic and genetic distinctness from their immediate neighbours, the Devonians, and the broader English population. It sounds mostly as though you're complaint is with the Scots, who, I agree, are irredeemable.
Wrong. Most "Anglos" are actually descended from the native Celtic Brits. Faggot.
>calls me an RPer
>g*rmanic xdxD
This level of projection
>Celtic Republic when?
Hopefully never.
G*rmanics are natural born cuckolds. Get out out OUT. This is native Celtic land
Englishmen denying their pathetic native ancestry makes me laugh.
>doesn't realise that we've been mixing for nearly 1000 years now
There's barely such thing as Gaelic, Cornish and English heritage anymore. We've all merged.
Also, in your logic, the whole world should just vanish into millions of little tribes.
Mostly true although as someone who has family over in Cornwall it's mostly just rich Southerners with countryside holiday homes
>Most of the so-called "Englishmen" are 70% celtic
All you cringey faggots LARPing as some ancient Saxon warrior elite need to kys.
The recent Nature study says otherwise.
It's really funny. "WE WUZ".
>no u
Good to see the niggers are sticking together at least, Ireland and Italy eternal blacks of the white race if I ever saw them.
Fucking whores for women that do fuck all but suck gold balls through straws, limp wristed liberal men that have always had it easy being lead by true Germanics as far back as the Roman empire (daily reminder Roman leaders were all blue eyed blonde haired gods telling nigger meds what for)
If I had it my way we Germanics would make you watch as we pinned down and raped every single one of the cunt pigs you dogs call women until there wasn't a single one of you spaghetti slurping, moustache having, grease ball, canoli eating, German betraying, pieces of fucking filth.
I would get a hard dick beating the shit out of Italian "women" they make me utterly sick just like you do when you post images of Americans, Americans are Germanics like us and what did your "people" do in that great nation but crime? Crime all the time and at every turn is all you are known for in the states, the mafia, you and the Irish showing your true colours whence more in America both known for nothing but criminal activity.
I really can not stress enough the degree to which I fucking hate Med niggers and how much they need to die I could go on and on but I've said enough already
Fuck you, fuck the Vatican, fuck Rome, fuck Pizza, fuck everything you have ever and will ever do and fuck your fat cunt mother who probably has a fat nose and a stinking vag.
Fucking dirty roach.
Doesn't mean the whole country should divide and conquer. People are mixed with all different levels of normal, anglo, celt, and whatever the fuck.
>Roman Empire
Fucking hell lad.
Please return to the forests of Europe and chimp out like the niggers you are
There's no doubt that wealthy Londoners have been moving to Cornwall in droves (much to the disgust of the locals), but there are plenty of actual native Cornish in Cornwall. My mum's from there; our family's surnames are all Cornish and mostly derived from local toponyms.
I'm not suggesting that balkanisation is the answer. I'm just saying that people aren't so mixed so as to make identifying distinctions practically impossible.
No we're not German DNA accounts for roughly 30% in Britain. A minority.
Fuck off before we exterminate you once and for all you worthless subhuman cunt.
Celts were nothing but niggers before we came, fat loud brutes that chuck logs about on the grass for fun, go and fuck your sister some more you piece of shit mick cunt.
>He's never enjoyed a game of chuck the log with his mates
Refer to: Fucking inbred celts LARPing as Germanic.
Not really. The Celts in southern Great Britain were thoroughly Romanised, literate, mostly Christian, and by all standards more civilised than the Angles, Jutes, Saxons, et al. It wasn't until the reign of Aethelbert of Kent that literacy, for example, began to take hold among the newcomers.
I don't see the sense in this moronic anti-Germanic sentiment but neither is it reasonable to me to pick at the Celtic population.
Germanic Huns were the niggers of Europe in the Roman Empire before they came to Britain. Literally called Barbarians.
The only truly irredeemable ones on this earth are fucking leafs
>Including Angle land in with your shitty kiltcuck union
How about no, Mercia and Northumbria are ours.
Well it would make sense, Jocky MacDonald. This country was in large part colonised by the wretched Scots, and the apple doesn't fall far from the obese, left-leaning, junkie tree.
Roman empire lead solely by fair skinned, blue eyed Germanics.
To this day you go there as short, fat fucking cunt that looks like Ricky Gervais they'll mistake you for a local Guinea from North Africa (which is what they are North Africans)
Go there as a tall, light haired, light skinned and blue eyed god with a London accent and they spread their legs quicker than they spread oil on bread and call it food.
Italian women would be good slam pieces if all the fat didn't make their cunts so loose, I want too stomp the head of every Italian child in to the fucking cement for claiming to be white let alone a European.
Please hurry up and die so we can be free to use this land properly you fucking bagpipe sucking, haggis eating, Guinness sipping, sister fucking, log throwing Celt pig.
Leave your women here where they belong, on our bell ends you subhuman dog.
Who voted leave and who voted stay angus?
>briton doesnt know his own ancestry
Piss off with your faggy anglo britpol memes you beady cum drinker. I hope Trudeau gives the 100 million "new Canadians" rakes on arrival.
It's not at all a meme that Canada was colonised largely by Scots, it's an historical fact. The path this country has taken into moral and cultural degeneracy simply reflects this.
>Tfw known ancestry of all groups except "Neo-English"
>Mfw almost all brits are like this at this point just pretend otherwise.
B E A D Y thread
>Master Race
>Minimal Genetic Impact
>Norman conquerors direct bloodline extinct by 1135
>Out of nominal power since 1485
>Adventurers and Conquerors that eventually lost every landholding by the middle of the sixteenth century, save for a dwindling number of landed gentry who have become less and less relevant with every generation
>Norman French attempts to supercede the Old English language, fails and becomes an unrecognisable mongrel language
>Only exists in inner city ghettos
>Makes up a commonly disliked loud minority in the country
>Makes up about a quarter of the genetic population of this country and frequently interbred with native britons
>Conquered by Normans, who eradicated their love of literacy and learning
>A culture that was stunted in its early emergence
>Native Briton
>Majority genetics in the British Isles
>Conquered in England, but survived predominantly in Scotland, Ireland and most of Wales (and even Cornwall and Cumbria) making a modern resurgence.
>Under the cruel thumb of British rule for centuries, constantly bullied into submission
>Just potato niggers
Watch out m8 you'll trigger athelwulf the neopagan from Milton Keynes.
Nice language there three foot four toothless Celt rat.
I have blue eyes and light hair in no way am I LARPing you're welcome for the affluence you enjoy provided by the empire we built and civilisation we maintain, what are Celts doing at the mo?
Oh that's right trying to divide our united kingdom by breaking away and joining the EU kys
They started it, I wouldn't want to be of Scottish descent so I sympathise with you but at the end of the day they have to go.
And we still took everything from you, enjoy being in the EU right before it collapses and you have to beg us for help whence more you ingrate.
I mean the exact mix varies but we're all ethnically north-west Europeans with a historically great culture and shared identity so yeah...
hahahahahaha no thanks
>Out of power
Tell that to Churchill. If you do research, you will see the majority of our elite (disregarding kikes) have Norman surnames.
Before you fat pigs started to destroy the romano-british society and its achievements, a typical briton city looked like this.
Then, the barbaric saxon beasts came in and destroyed every form of culture for the next 1000 years.
>They started it
Who's "they"? Vortigern and his people? That's a rather small slice of the population I should think. I doubt my ancestors on the other side of Britain knew anything whatever of Vortigern's schemes, much less supported them. But, yes, Vortigern got his comeuppance and I don't have much sympathy for him as an historical figure. An ambitious fool playing with fire.
>I have blue eyes and light hair.
So do many Celts in Ireland. Accept it, Caradog, you're just a native Britbong. It's okay. Not everybody can be Æþelwulf Longcock. It's okay.
So long as Ireland is in charge I dont mind. Seeing as the rest of ye love British rule so much I wouldn't feel comfortable letting you guys run it.
>Just found out my surname is an ancient Anglo Saxon name
Fuck lads. Is it too late to switch sides?
You tell 'em, lad.
>I have blue eyes and light hair in no way am I LARPing
Blonde hair and blue eyes are present throughout the indigenous populations of the British Isles, with a greater prevelance of light eyes and light hair amongst the Scots and Irish, this means nothing.
>you're welcome for the affluence you enjoy provided by the empire we built and civilisation we maintain, what are Celts doing at the mo?
Britons from all of our home nations built our empire and civilisation, Scots are just brainwashed marxists and irish chimped out.
>Oh that's right trying to divide our united kingdom by breaking away and joining the EU kys
I'll give you that the Scots are being fucking children.
>mfw descendant of Alfred the Great
Yeah but we've got fat-faced slags who piss in the streets now. It's worth it.
Shut your miniature nip overbite mouth before I swim over there and rape all your women out of existence you fucking dirty nip cunt, do you want another nuke senpai?
They are the dirty celt dogs that breathe our air on this island and the reason we did not ally with Germany in the war.
Except I'm six foot four and I don't want to fuck my mother so I can't be a stinking disgusting Irish dog.
>O-one hundred percent pure Saxon genetics!
>Y-yes Ahmed you can have my lunch money
>Muh height
I never said you're a potatonig. You're just one of the natives. No shame, Caradog.
>They are the dirty celt dogs that breathe our air on this island and the reason we did not ally with Germany in the war.
It's a sad state of affairs for your theory of Germanic superiority if the "masterrace" WASPs were simply carried along with the political and diplomatic whims of the Celtic population.
>This faggot doesn't understand English genetics
Nobody wants 100% Anglo-Saxon ancestry. Pic related.
What are you going to do, stupid bitch. Even the Scots openly piss in your fucking garden, your whole country is just a joke and your capital city is run by a pro-al Qaeda muslim pakie, lol.
>hate the French
Typical Anglo hating other whites. Too bad they're daughters are probably being raped by pakis now anyway.
Thinking any of you can determine where your ancestors come from based solely on your surname, even though all historical and genetic evidence suggests these groups mixed together
yeah shut the fuck up these lists are just divide and conquer bait
>Implying most English people look like that
Don't get me started on the fucking French mate.
>Irish chimping out
>Scots being children
What am I missing? In no way did they help the Empire save for when we threw them at shitskin hoardes and let them be about it, shitskin on shitskin, Celt on African that was the extent of their usefulness.
You're right, his eyes aren't beady enough
Sure thing user.
>What is basic math
There are more of them and for some reason we give them the option to vote about our affairs, see Scotland currently trying to break the UK apart.
Also you can fuck right off you half chink cunt.
yes goyim, divide europe! strain your international relations while the third world thrives! diversity is our strength!
>Not enjoying a good old banter shitpost fest battle of Britain
Non white detected