>Muh british and murican patriotism
>O-our soldiers were the good goys in ww2!!
>awww we got to help those poor jews and commies in the camps, right?
>w-we are fighting to save Europe
>a-anti-white soviet union is b-based ally
What could go wrong?
>Muh british and murican patriotism
>O-our soldiers were the good goys in ww2!!
>awww we got to help those poor jews and commies in the camps, right?
>w-we are fighting to save Europe
>a-anti-white soviet union is b-based ally
What could go wrong?
Fuck Aryans and fuck hitler
And fuck white people
Nationalists of former allied countries.
Have you swallowed the final redpill yet? Your grandfathers fought for the jews. They literally fought for white genocide. It's time to wake up from the muh based allies propaganda. You were literally allied with the most anti-european, anti-nationalist and anti-white regime of all time, the soviet union.
Correct! Goyim exist only to serve Jews as slaves. Goyim were only born to serve us. Without that they have no place in the world. Only to serve the people of Israel. Why are gentiles needed? They are only here to work. They will work, they will plow. They will reap. We will sit like effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created.
>Have you swallowed the final redpill yet? Your grandfathers fought for the jews. They literally fought for white genocide. It's time to wake up from the muh based allies propaganda. You were literally allied with the most anti-european, anti-nationalist and anti-white regime of all time, the soviet union.
This. It's why i always play the Germans in WWII games. They are the generation that betray the whole race, and want us to thank them for it.
Utter cunts.
>They literally fought for white genocide.
+ The enslavement of humanity
You guys had based Mosley but he couldn't save you :(
The allied soldiers were victims just like the germans.
They were duped by the jews to shed the blood of their brothers, used as pawns to propagate the destruction of europeans and americans alike.
Can't tell if sarcaism #noob
Honest to fuck, the english word for 'bad things' is 'nazi'. The whole establishment is corrupt. Spineless, and have no idea what they are meant to defend. Civic nationalism must die.
>bad goyim...
>don't talk about the based allies like this goy
They fought for Germany
lol you are dumb hitler killed 6 million jews. he was an animal
>B-b-but user the jews are based
Im sorry Rabbi..
Oy vey goyim! My plans for destroying western society are coming true. This dumb moron just proves it. As the number of autists rises, the number of white goys decreases! Yes, let your white women get impregnated by Negro Tyrones.
>fertility rate in the west at an all time low
>mass arab migration into europe
>number of white beta males increasing
>promotion of gay pride/transgenderism
>israel continues to get billion$ a year
Oy gevalt! Good luck, stupid goys! Keep up the good work and remember, we are g-d's chosen people, and remember the 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Jews who died. suggesting anything lower than that number is equal to literally committing another shoah!
Shut it down Rabbi. They goyim know.
What the fuck? No he didn't!!!
It was 8 million, you insensitive prick.
>It was 8 million, you insensitive prick.
just gonna leave this here
The politicians are to blame for what was done and besides Hitler declared war on the U.S. you can't even defend that. Mistakes were made and now Europe is retarded and all the strong men have literally been removed by dying in Wars for thousands of years.
Patton said that we should've attacked the USSR.
You are correct Rabbi.. it was 10 Gorillion all these white nationalist are trying to downplay the holocaust because they are racist bigots
>A fucking SS officer
Are you seriously that retarded, or are you just shilling?
Do the research for yourself goy. Tell me whether I'm lying or not.
Why do the >60% always ruin everything helping the (((chosen people)))
They also allied with italian commies to subvert the Duce. Thats a lots of commies for capitalist driven nations.
You didnt even know about concentration camps when you enter the war, let alone the holocaust. All of It was find out after the third reich fall.
>They also allied with italian commies to subvert the Duce. Thats a lots of commies for capitalist driven nations.
I wonder (((why)))... The chosen people love the anti-white commies.
Fuck Germany, they're literally the niggers of Europe. Hitler was an autist who caused his country to (justifiably) get its shit pushed in harder than any nation in the history of the world and completely ruined any chance of white nationalism being given a voice in a serious political arena for the next 100 years. No one but Germany is to blame for allowing the Jews to build the "muh six gorillion" narrative. Without Germany fucking sperging out there is no Holocaust. Never forget that.
And now Germany is dead set on attempting to destroy Western Civilization for the 3rd time in 100 years and once again, it's up to the Anglo Axis to turn the tide.
is that so?
>pic related
that you still think you were the good guys is beyond me.
this. whites have the highest rate of degeneracy in comparison to any other race. i'm very happy that whites will be extinct in the future. your grand children will suffer and i'll smile.
even patton realised it and then he suddenly had an unfortunate accident..
When you inherit the worlds finest things & take it for granted ...
>Starts rounding up Jews and putting them in actual physical camps where millions DO die
>attack literally every country around them with no provocation
>ally with the fucking Japanese against the United States
>attack the Soviet Union because "muh lebensraum"
>get bent over by the Red Army
>get bent over by the US and Britain
>give the communists an excuse to literally just take over half of Europe
>directly cause the deaths of more whites than any country in the history of the world
But nah you're right. It's totally everyone else's fault for when after you keep pushing it and pushing it and pushing it, everyone else finally pushes back.
Oy vey! No no it was 6 gorrillian jews!
you lie
Cheeky cunt, thats Oskar Groening
if thats not george soros in the uniform then tell me who it is a cite a source. otherwise, kys shill.
cite source
The burden of proof is on you.
Good God, the fucking lies...i really hope Germany will never forgive the Jews for the Holohoax.
its nae. I posted a picture of a young georgie in his cute little ss gear, and you made the claim that it wasnt. prove your claim.
Ha fucking google it. You want me to link Wikipedia for you or spoon feed you up the anus?
Why americans didn't fought with the nazis ?
Why americans are so retarded ?
u cheeky cunt
Neo-nazis are the ultimate cucks - fanboying the political movement that failed at absolutely everything, and constantly finding excuses for all the dicks that were showed up their darling's ass.
Let's not get fooled again brothers.
White men should not kill each other unless all of the following are already dead:
Other people of color who don't hide
Gays who don't hide
Then we can have it out to see who gets to breed.
>thinks wikipedia is a credible source
you sound like an abo
You're a dick
>still posting this retarded pic as if it means anything
t. cuck
You want a picture of soros as a lad
find a credible source or kys
t. jamal
Wikipedia is all thats needed for a troll
I already posted a pic of soros as a lad
Thats my boy adolf, not grand kike master
attempting to belittle me by calling me a troll and not posting credible evidence doesnt advance your claim
>ITT people who only know WW2 from their middle school text book
Nice try kikerino
i didnt say it was soros. it was a reaction photo you fucking abo.
Do fucks like you consider cnn credible?
You are the absolute cuck muhammad
is that a joke
Credible sorce that its soros or its not
Wait.. are you actually being serious?
im not the one who made the claim it wasnt soros. the burden of proof is on the leaf and abo who claimed it wasnt.
thats Oskar Groning you idiot lol
>do you consider CNN credible?
that has to be a joke
World War 2 was in no way fought for Jews
its oskar groning.
youre being a stupid faggot because you made an ass out of yourself and are too stubborn to admit it lol.
i swear it's so easy to bait people and work them up that it's sad
Of course it is a joke fuckwit. You dont seem to understand how burden of proof works
No, youre just a very stupid person who believes any jpeg he sees on the internet and are trying to cover your tracks
Inb4 not credibe scource. I know
oh of course. because no one baits
right again bucko
also, Soros was fucking 15 when the war ended.
These limey cock suckers didn't do shit. They would be speaking german now if it wasn't for us americans saving their asses. If anyone deserves neo-nazi guilt trips from gender fluid continental cuckolds about ww2 and destroying the aryan race it's gonna be us americans. MURICA IS NUMBER 1
old enough to hold a rifle, old enough to fight ivan
please, the soviets were already going to win before the usa entered. the only reason we got involved was so the soviets didn't steamroll the entirety of yurop and turn you all into commies