Drumpf has fallen into Maddow's trap.
Drumpf has fallen into Maddow's trap
lol this is next level delusion
Civil War is Coming, lads.
These people won't stop.
won't stop being woke you mean
>takes Trump's bait
>I was only pretending to be retarded!!!
t. Rachel Maddow
What did he mean by this?
No matter what happens, no matter how much is provided, the liberals cling to their fantasies and delusion. The man is less than two months in and the autistic screeching is just getting louder.
On one hand it's fucking glorious. My salt harvest is getting record numbers. But on the other hand it's troubling. This asshurt may reach critical mass and trigger a sort of Happening. A Happening that libshits won't enjoy.
Shit. Even reddit progressives were pissed. People on twitter might be trying to spin it, but no one but Trump supporters were happy watching the Madcow last night.
>I'm sure she has a game plan she's too smart for them.
Do you mean , Too smart too win maybe?.
Too smart to* win maybe
these people are fucking retarded
they were clearly had
>My salt harvest is getting record numbers
remember mate, enough salt can kill a man
She thinks her opinions matter
This. Calling it a reverse catfish doesn't make it one.
That whole reply chain is fucking hilarious.
>Trump puts up a trap
>walk straight into it
>everyone who wasn't a rabid lefty mouthbreather loses interest
>"Ha ha! Now we got you! The fact that this tax return was clean just proves that all others must contain dirt!"
That makes no sense. She could've "asked the (((right))) questions" whenever she wanted: she didn't need a leak for that.
She's awkwardly self-aware of her pack's cannibalistic nature.
If you trap me i win.
They can never turn back.
>get played
>claim you're playin'
schoolyard sophistication right here
It is actually the same sort of psychology that fuels conspiracy theorists.
They become so invested in their theory that new evidence proving the theory wrong just makes the belief in the theory stronger.
>Takes the bait like a retarded Salmon
>Attempts to save herself by saying "Muh Russia"
I love the fact that they are so desperate that they will go straight to McCarthyism to try and hate Trump
You will never disprove NWO to me, you filthy liar. Conspiracy facts have their place too.
>Alex Jones is now less of a conspiracy theorist than average liberals
woah now lets not get carried away
not every conspiracy theory has no basis in reality
im talking about things such as the flat earth conspiracy and faked moon landing garbage
Wtf is her problem? Her candidate lost and lost hard, how delusional is she to think that she gains anything in attacking Trump?
Falls into trap
>They become so invested in their theory that new evidence proving the theory wrong just makes the belief in the theory stronger.
Example : Any Apollo hoax thread.
I'm displaying entrenched in a true conspiracy ;^)
>Democrats still believe Trump is a Russian puppet
These people are making themselves into birthers.
>This asshurt may reach critical mass and trigger a sort of Happening. A Happening that libshits won't enjoy.
What is this meme, even?
Who is going to pick up a gun to defend the elite plutocrat banks and the pedophile DC human traffickers?
Can somebody please explain how an anti-Trump civil war would amount to more than a few muslims and black teenagers getting shot by cops?
Twitter siege flaming? Safe-space consent-based barricades? Give-an-AR-to-a-nigger day? What?
So, can someone give me a rundown on this whole Maddow thing?
Anyone got a crying wojack in a shareblue hat?
Shit, even a Hillary hat will do.
Even with a vagina she still cant pass as a woman
>war paint
Exactly. It wouldn't go farther than some Twitter faggotry and mass protests with antifa shits trying to instigate throughout.
Antifa are the only ones with the stones to try something, but they'd be put down easily.
>asking the right questions
Asking the right questions? Lefty loons have been screeching muh Russia since that weasel Robby Mook said Russia was responsible for revealing clinton's corruption. These people really don't know when they've been beaten.
also sage
>Being in such a state of delusion that you assume plain stupidity is actually being 3 steps ahead of someone
>we trained him wrong...as a joke
It's Sup Forums in reverse; what have we done to these people?
(((trump))) is the one supressing pizzagate and making sure all his Clinton Foundation buddies are safe.
People with regular human values not degenerate scumbags will revolt against this fat bankrupt loser trying to make America like him.
Holy shit I knew i wasn't the only one who thought this. Dems, are turning into the conspiracy nuts that they claimed republicans were towards Obama.
>Sup Forums is the perfect example for that, too. Once the discussion got heated, neither side will be willing to back down, eventhough they are fucking anonymous and it doesn't matter at all
desu, I'll just duck out once I realize I'm an idiot. It's pretty freeing. Anonymous posting is the best because I have no ego to defend.
Trump supporters btfo!
Olympics-level mental gymnastics
They're desperate.
prove it
That is exactly why we win so much.
fucking kek
if a girl (boy) fucks a boy (girl), does that make it heterosexual?
"Ah-ha, the tax return is clean therefore he must be hiding something!"
Refer to logical fallacies chart on Sup Forumss home page. That's literally not enough evidence to make any claims.
I'm not referring to anyone specifically, but in the general context.
>not cleansing Pizzagate with an iron fist within 2 years
I sure hope you don't expect to get paid for that shit, son
that just made me realize. Sup Forums is essentially the same as america in this image.
we are chaotic, unorganized, and have no leaders. This is why sharblue and CTR fear us so much, no matter what they do, no matter how complicated their plans, they can't fight against an enemy with no face.
They don't understand satire and are trying to match blow for blow.
Sup Forums is less of a community to be infiltrated, and more of an amalgamation of autism.
Better get off that train before it jumps the tracks. The dems are a dead party. Everyday they lose more believers. Snoop Dogg pretending to murder president, antifa baristas ttackin senior citizens, women, and children, Podesta, Hillary on suicide watch, Barry the CIA's employee off to prison, and the most freedom hating politician America has ever seen. You people are done. I know life long democrats who are disgusted with your antics, and have thrown their lot in with the duly elected Trump. Hahahaha.
hahaha that damage control
> sounds of a blanket-wrapped frog munching popcorn in the background
Joke is on you guys she was just pretending to be retarded
>reverse catfish
Sounds like a move that Trump might put on a pussy.
These "people" are playing on negative dimensions
>Trump anticipated a reverse catfish the entire time before leaking his taxes which will prompt him to leak all of his tax returns showing he never had anything to hide to begin with
>unironically thinking we actually landed on the moon
>unironically thinking the earth is round.
top kek m8.
> PEoPle still talking about russia
Quick Rundown?
>Leaked tax return refutes narrative of Trump being evil tax-dodging white businessman
>Double down and say it was just being used to ask the "right" questions about the fictitious Russian connection
I've been seeing it on my facebook feed all week too, these guys simply refuse to believe they even have the slightest capacity to be wrong.
Does anyone remember when Trump leaked the pussy grab audio, then the issue if rape ended up being fair game, and then Trump ended up inviting 4 of Bill Clinton's rape victims to the debate?
Trump leaked his tax returns to get Maddow to start "asking questions". So now we find out he paid a higher tax % than Bernie or Clinton.
Now the liberal media is going to have to start going through the Clinton Foundation in an attempt to show Hillary paying more tax.
nah mate its 8========D chess
How did the white house release the info on his taxes if he is under audit?
He's throwing them scraps he knows will amount to nothing.
And since they are all lazy shits who don't want to do their job properly, they take the bait every single time. Because it's easy.
It's from 2005, he can't release his current tax returns until the audit is complete.
Either Trump is playing 25D Backgammon with the liberal media, or the liberal media is as completely divorced from reality as the Nazi propaganda machine was in 1945.
> and the liberals will swear they are fighting against a 25D backgammon master
> because they would literally rather die than accept the more realistic alternative
>since they are all lazy shits [...] Because it's easy.
A big dynamic at play is the legacy media's collapsing viewership. They are desperate for eyes.
>civil war
>she's a mentally ill britbong nobody
Yes, but it's still pretty fuckin gay
Oh, I am definitely aware of that. Even their online outlets are doing awfully (which did surprise me, I used to think their TVchannels and print versions just did badly because everyone is getting their news online).
But they are also lazy as fuck and will just run with whatever they can get with the least amount of work. None of them does any investigative journalism, they all run with the zero effort shit that is being handed to them.
So, their plan backfired and somehow tied Trump's taxes to Russia?
How pathetic.
Kill yourself. This is not plebbit- go inform yourself before posting.
Lurk moar faggot
Gotta say, I'm loving this desperate scramble to convince themselves Maddow didn't just prove Trump's taxes are just another sad attempt to get the court of public opinion to convict another innocent man.
>Even their online outlets are doing awfully
I think a big part of that is due to their almost universal removal of the comments sections on articles. I like to think that I am partly responsible for that. :^)
>yfw leftists are this delusional
Why didn't he just release his previous returns of those aren't under audit?
He doesn't have to make targeting him any easier. He makes it hard. Hyuuge mistake.
As a general rule, public officials in the executive branch are subject to criminal penalties if they personally and substantially participate in matters in which they (or their immediate families, business partners or associated organizations) hold financial interests. However, because of concerns regarding interference with the exercise of constitutional duties, Congress has not applied these restrictions to the President. Consequently, there is no current legal requirement that would compel the President to relinquish financial interests because of a conflict of interest. (Per Congressional Reserch Office). There is also no current legal requirement that would compel the President to release his tax returns. If Congress wishes to change one or both of those to a legal requirement, President Trump will of course fully comply with the new laws as written at that time. (If it survives his veto). The President doesn't have to answer and re-answer the same asked questions by the media. The media does have to cover his Tweets and statements. In the meantime, any further questions over the next four years about either his tax returns or financial interest divestment will be referred back to this statement
Hyyuuuuge mistake to target him, I mean.
OK, but his excuse for not releasing anything was because he was under audit
I love the massive amount of dillusion Trump's presidency has caused.
And he's still stuck by what he said. Are you not getting how pathetic this makes Rachel look?
Drumpf actually has fallen into Hillary's trap...
she let him win...
so she can beat him in 2020 (twice as hard)...
It's all part of the plan
>tfw too smart to stump trump
libs blown out forever