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Yes goy if there is no evidence for a crime then it surely didn't happen, just like how there have been many murders with no evidence around them too!

So the conclusion is that Trump is retarded and has dementia


Keep moving the goal posts

>muh idiot president

wtf I hate drumpf now


yeah, no biases there go- i mean guys

More goal post moving, when will you realize you are being played?

Obviously Hillary was going to be bad for us, but Trump is just as bad. Fucking moron.



you are far gone man. far gone.

>House Intelligence COMMITTEE
>both from CA

hmm really makes you think

Slide thread, no citation, same crew.
dont reply, sage in all fields.
Picture so you read my post.

I dont get how there's no evidence when they reported it in major newspapers like NYT and washpo several times?

"its cuz it was just some other guys at Trump Towers unrelated to Trump and it wasnt actual wiretapping it was other surveillance and oh btw Barack Obama didn't personally do it with his own two hands in fact he didnt know about it all because he was oblivious to everything going on during his administration with regards to a major political rival"

wtv iunno what I was expecting


Deep State lies, they're in the same place as those illegal votes.

Never underestimate Trump.

Can't you see that he is baiting a trap?

When will you detractors learn? Just how many times does he have to leave you standing there with egg on your face before you stop underestimating him?

Must be hard to see with your head so far up your ass.

I used to call Trump a corporate clown even before the rep primaries and you all called me a cuck.
Look at you now user.

waht are you talking about, the evidence that a murder happened is that theres a dead body. There might not be evidence that we know who did it but theres evidence that the crime took place. With the wiretapping there is no evidence that the crime actually took place.

Don't stop taking your medicine.

in there at least. now will you finally believe the fbi and drop the silly russia narrative?

Honestly I think Trump was grasping at straws on this anyways

trump wasn't wiretapped by obama, he was wiretapped by russians

So, no evidence that Obama himself did the wiretapping? Did anyone think Obama personally wiretapped Trump? Or did people immediately understand that Obama would get someone else to do it for him?

Trump's tweet said Obama, so you tell me you fuck.

Fail raid.

Note the lawyerspeak:
>no evidence that X happened

they're not saying X didn't happen, they're saying there's just no evidence of it, and if you chose to believe this means X didn't happen that's on you

>this is the same guy who as on tucker Carlson pushing a connection to Trump and the Russians with no evidence

There is, however, evidence that Obama defrauded Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae investors out of billions of dollars to fund Obama Care.


Drumpftards are such gullible idiots, their meme President will also believe anything


This is the problem, you niggers will believe anything.
You hardly cared when dnc had murders, hardly cared to give Caitlyn Jenner woman of the year award when she fucking killed somebody & is a man.

You'll believe anything these cons want you to believe.
Not fucking surprised, and you aren't convincing anyone but making us look at you like another pathetic attempt to show us your drawing you did in class today.

This is not good news for Trump. Schiff and Nunes look like they're carrying a very heavy burden right now at their press conference. It's troubling just to watch. They were definitely given some extremely serious information this morning.

It's came out that the CIA are wiretapping basically the whole nation now so even if they weren't wiretapping him specifically, Trump will still have been right in the eyes of the public.

Dude, your concern shilling, no matter how light, is so obvious that it hurts. No one falls for this.

Obama is responsible for those under him. He gets daily intelligence briefings. Link an article stating he had whoever did the surveillance fired.

>t. guy who has watched all of bannon's documentaries

They literally said that Trump and members of his campaign were caught up in surveillance. Edward Snowden level shit.

So many shills in this thread almost like if this thread was being passed around a certain agency

"no evidence" is not an evidence of shit not happening, learn to read


>he is always wrong on purpose


Trump is better you cuck.

>Link an article stating he had whoever did the surveillance fired.
Why would he fire the guy in charge of surveillance for the Russian ambassador?

I almost want Obama to file a libel suit against him.

Well it was definitely "physically" wiretapped, everything is

The real question is whether they actually went through it

>commiefornians in charge of being competent

op is an ugly nerd virgin



yes let's trust this guy


>yes let's trust this guy

ITT everyone is just sucking Obama's dick.

Like your country.

I want to see Obama and his entire worthless Nigger family die in a horrible fire.

>"no evidence" is not an evidence of shit not happening
>prove a negative or you lose the argument
The people saying there is no evidence are the people that would have evidence if it did happen.

>anyone who criticizes Trump is a paid shill!
Go back to le_donald if you can't handle people criticizing your hero

Innocent until proven guilty.

Otherwise I could accuse trump of treason without evidence and still get him arrested.

No memeing, what the FUCK did Trump mean by this? Why does he waste his time arguing with Arnold about ratings and Snoop Dogg about him trying to stay relevant on Twitter? Doesn't he have more important shit to do?

>no evidence
>except that filing or whatever

Remember all the times he says "believe me"? Yeah, trump knows he's lying.

Time to get a job, nerd virgin.

>Doesn't he have more important shit to do?
Like making multiple congressional committees spend time and money investigating shit he pulled out of his ass?

This is a war on language, of course no one is wiretapping these days... better technology now. Also age you inbred nigger

trump is worse because he's got no experience. Hillary might start some shit but she'd at least keep it from boiling over.

hello CIA

Just as soon as we find a crime he committed. Something provable beyond all shadow of a legal defense.

Or invoke the 25th amendment.

robot spy slushee dispensers!


More like niggers like you who have no fucking idea what they are talking about. Trump already said he would provide evidence next week, and told these faggots to get the cocks out of their asses and wait. Much like yourself they just kept shoving those cocks up there and refusing to wait. If he even releases an iota of proof now, they will look like absolute fucking morons.

>people who disagree with me must be paid because my opinions are so important they need "agencies" to try to convince me otherwise

this is why trump won

the fucking delusion is thicccccc


They reported that trump accused Obama, not that Obama actually did anything. Frankly, nobody believed there was wiretapping.

The DACA filing that shows Obamas administration wanting to wiretap for "Trump connections to Russians", twice.


>incinerate the evidence
>microwave the computers
>"no evidence guys, swear"

Liberals: "The FBI is doing everything it can to investigate Trump's ties with Russia."
Also Liberals: "DRUMPF BTFO! He wasn't getting wiretapped at all! What a paranoid buffoon!"

You assume this but without evidence to back it up it's all wishful thinking.

>Frankly, nobody believed there was wiretapping.
Except the tinfoil in chief


BUT T-THE KIKES!1!!!1!!!


You don't understand, it's all a 7D chess game.

No nigger, they reported on the wiretaps that were going on. That is where every ounce of the leaked info they have came from. How the fuck can you be this uninformed on here?

He used british intelligence to spy on Trump.

>finding physical evidence of the NSA spying on you

good luck


Can you feel the heat from the ovens?


People who wiretap Trump say there is no evidence that anyone wiretapped Trump

Made me think

KEK. Pedos detected.

is this a parallel world i live in? everyone knows the cia watched trump through his tv and cellphone, but everyone still trying to deny this?

1. I'm assuming you meant FISA
2. That only exists according to a single anonymous source and has been denied to exist by the former DNI among other sources.

Do you realize how fucking stupid you sound? If he has the evidence why is he asking the DOJ to investigate it?

Yes, the FBI wiretaps people. Your point? There is no evidence the FBI was wiretapping Trump or Trump Tower.

how strange.

>they reported on the wiretaps that were going on
Of the Russian ambassador.


They're pedos mate. They imagine you are a child.

Sure there is. You've got testimonies of the agents that did it, use of the equipment either paid for or checked out of storage, recordings kept archived, written orders, field agent reports, hush money, personal records kept as blackmail, and justice department warrants.

And he asked Congress to investigate instead of just showing us the evidence he had because they can totally prove that.

>More goal post moving
All you redditors sound the same.


>The Jew York Times are a bunch of racist Trump supporting rednecks!!!

>source so I can shutitdown

No thanks famo. It wasn't DACA, that's just me fucking up my acronyms.

>anyone who criticizes Trump is a paid shill!
Go back to le_donald if you can't handle people criticizing your hero

stop making sense the safe spaces are full.

>only exists according to the filing
