Why are globalists convinced that diversity and open borders is best for humanity?

Why are globalists convinced that diversity and open borders is best for humanity?

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because a qt like that will never be satisfied with anything less than a throbbing BBC

Provide a legitimate response, leaf.

subversion of white civilization through the media by the jews

They aren't, they just want to look cool.

Provide an in depth response instead of whatever nonsense your favorite echo chamber has provided you with.

They aren't, it's purely about what economically and politically benefits them, not what's "best for humanity", start thinking in terms they understand and not terms that powerless stupid plebs think in.

Because they can undercut the labor market.

because they are idealists. they stupidly believe all cultures and people are compatible with western values and culture because of the bubble they live in.

>best for their corporations

We have been united globally under a falso pretense for quite a while now, it's not kind hearted diversity that (((they))) want, it's total control over a low IQ worker bee tier populace.


dat sideboob.


Unless you mean getting rid of all of the jews who claim to be white, right?

I don't see Israel rushing to bladda up.

It's like in the US. Wal-Mart and publix get to set the price for tomatoes, and import a million Mexicans to pick the tomatoes for pennies a pound.

It's huge money for the ultra elite and breaks the middle class.

Because is best for them, not for humanity. They know it will fuck humanity, but they think this will be in the long run when they are dead, so they want to profit now.

They want a globalized race of homogenized sheeple .

Its easier to subject and dominate a race with no sense of itself from history

Its ultimately aimed at making it less costly to operate globally .. if you do away with all national borders you eliminate many administrative costs when doing business around the world.

With a single authority overseeing all global affairs the wealthiest will be much more so. That's all it is..

The only thing that makes any sense in an end-game sort of way, is centralization of power to the point of it becoming global, and ruling over a homogenized and dumbed down population. What other explanation can there be. It bothers me in that it seems over-simplified, but nothing else makes any sense.

They aren't, dummy. They understand globalism is the ultimate tool for upward redistribution of wealth and power. Globalization is the mechanism that enables lowest cost bidding labor and by which the 3rd world can be stripped of all its resources tax and tariff free. Why pay your ass $8 to run a register at Home Depot when the (currently) illegal Mexican in the parking lot will do it for $4 and be happy with it? Why pay a Mexican crew to construct the new McDonalds when starving ass Venezuelans will do it for a fourth of the labor? Globalism is the corporations Final Victory.

>all this conspiracy theories
It's unironically this .
Only a very small group of globalists would actually have the brains to think up some complex scheme to profit off globalism.
The large majority are simply too naive and sheltered to know how stuff happens outside of the Teletubbies world.

Pretty sure they don't sit around thinking "hmm, I wonder what is best for humanity".

Lower White and Asian populations, increase Black and Hispanic populations. Average intelligence takes a nose dive. Jew overlords without challenge.

slave $$$
if you're on top, you can hire lots of them
if you're at the bottom and wishes to stay there (neet/ dude, weed), you can rely on government gibs

while if you're trying to climb or at the middle, well fuck you

>White and Asian

>lower Asian population
>bad for whites

Not for humanity. For them.

Divide nations amongst themselves so they don't even notice while their pensions get slashed, their wages lowered, their flat gets smaller, their freedoms vanish, their credit card tab increases.

> Eliminate borders
> Rule the entire world as one single country

>Asians aren't PoC

>Asians are allies

>prove jews do the shit you're claiming

If we could do that, it wouldn't be a problem.

Because once upon a time, it made a lot of sense. However inclusiveness only works if it is met halfway with assimilation. That is what makes the country/society work, at least in the more Secular countries. After world war II many economies where booming and immigration was needed to rebuild. Not to say that emigration has not always been needed.

Then, that is when inclusiveness seemed like a great idea. Today is a lot different. Plus there is a difference between planned immigration and what is happening say, in Europe today. A crisis (war) is making hundreds of thousands move there. Then other tens of thousands said 'fuck it, let's go too!" From Africa and elsewhere.

If any country gets even tens of thousands of emigrants who are or believe the same, trust me, they are not assimilating. That is how you get ghettos. Not assimilating always creates tension. Tension leads to perceived or real profiling. It is human nature. That generally leads to an increase in crime as the newcomers feel alienated. Nothing of this is new.

Problem lies when you have a non-bending culture saying "fuck you, our way is better 'cause god and if you disagree we will send a guy to blow himself up at your doorstep... Oh and we treat our women like second class citizens and if you disagree with this, then you are a fascist. The really idiot ones will call you a racist.

The ultimate question is:

What does an inclusiveness nation do when a not small percent of a population believes by godly decree that their barbaric ways are correct and unchangeable? If you ban/force them to integrate, then your citizenry will blame you for abandoning your values that made you who you are in the first place.

If you do nothing, tensions will continue. The real answer is something that no one in power want to admit. Since doing so might be seen as political suicide. So they don't.


Because they live in another reality. The rest was made by 24/7 propaganda.

Because they don't care about what's best for humanity. They care about a controllable slave population and enough power that nothing could stop them.

Wasn't this thing banging Literally Wu?


I'll leave this here

This is the most potent 6-minute redpill known to man. If you know any better, I'll be happy to see it
qt lad for attention

Globalization just makes sense because companies can exploit cheaper labour from different economies to sell to the rich countries. The poor countries are just glad they are there to make jobs and input money into their economy. Not to say that this system has not been abused by everyone from hell and back.

From simplicity's sake: Make cheap, sale high. That's it.

They don't think it's best for humanity but they think it's best for them.

It isn't the best for humanity.

It is the best for them to enslave humanity and rule everything as they transcend into machine consciousness and we go extinct.

totally serious

Globalization allows the rich to rape poor country and wealthy countries alike. There is no equilibrium, there is no mutual benefit between the nations involved.

by allowing intermixing and mass migration between nations and ethnicites, you will eventually homogenize the whole world and everyone will look the same and have the same shit culture, thus effectively removing diversity from the world.
really makes you think, huh?

They need to destroy any and all identity cultural racial etc. This will make the populace easier to control. Much less likely to revolt as well.

You never had a dumb friend, OP? You can get them to do anything, and they're loyal as fuck. That's what (((globalists))) want, a dumb, compliant population that will bow to their every whim without question.

damn could her eyes be any more chink'd?

exporting labor is cheating, i think, because it enables you to sell a product in an economy where it would not be viable to be manufactured.
if the whole world was as prosperous as the western world there would be no fucking point to outsourcing, because you couldnĀ“t simply pay someone far away less than you would someone in your own country.
globalization basically allows a country to artificially raise its standard of living off the low standards of other countries, to a level that wont be sustainable once the other countries start raising their standards of living.

"Most people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so injured, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it."
things weren't always this way senpai. and things won't always be this way. there is hope for humanity, it is just hard for most of us, including the bluepilled, to imagine it right now.

Basically, from the wealthy country's citizens point of view, they are able to buy a product for slightly cheaper, while all the jobs and tax income for manufacturing go somewhere else.

The poorer country is exploited although I don't know, perhaps they benefit from the jobs.

And the corporation makes massive profit off of the difference.

It is not a benefit to humanity as a whole

Because they are unintelligent

Because its not and thats the point.

This. (((Multiculturalism ))) is class warfare on a global scale desinged to return the world basicaly to a fudalist oligarchy.

thanks for that screencap senpai

It's very easy to have 1 leader if there's 0 nationalism and it's impossible to have nationalism without some level of ethnic identity. If everyone becomes a mudskin (((they))) can enslave everyone easier

Because they are jews and they are mad at the white man for trying to wipe them off the planet, over a vast conspiracy.

Because a unified global cultural/racial identity makes it harder for conflicts to just arise. If (((They))) can advertise, praise and sell you a identity (because they destroyed the one you would have had), they can control your identity easier and consequently control whom and which values you identify with, what groups you belong to and whom you want to fight against.
If they provide you the 'us', they can control the 'us vs them' you feel.

I'm sure there are some idealistic fucks that think it is a good idea to achieve world peace by separating personal identity (including gender roles), beauty ideals and ethnic groups from their physical/cultural/ethnological shackles, but all this does is make a necessary human psychological desire into a commodity that can be sold to you, when it really should be a right.

Making leftists into turbocapitalists without them even realizing it was certainly the most malicious result of global capitalism.``

this + white guilt

in order to unite humanity to work together and conquer space you need to be a globalist

if humanity keep those "nations" they invented in their mind and stop being united nothing can be achieved except division and useless wars/fighting for resources. if you eliminate all nations and borders you basicly have no point in fighting if you share all the resources meaningfully humanity will go to space and expand. aka soviet union.

yes soviet union was a testphase, now is europian union and so untill all mankind i one world and goverment.

valerie van der graaf



you're looking at the optimistic side of globalization. The reality is everyone becomes slaves to massive corporations and a one world government where they only look out for their own best interests. Your life becomes 80+ years of suckling to the elite and their nepotism

>The reality is everyone becomes slaves to massive corporations and a one world government where they only look out for their own best interests. Your life becomes 80+ years of suckling to the elite and their nepotism
thats how it is right now.

Because they don't. They don't actually believe that shit

Imagine it 100 times worse.

most of the slaves will be put with drugs, they wont know anything.

--->Mk Ultra

Because that's what they were taught in school, in the media, by their families and friends. And they never tried to question it. Now why are the "elites" pushing this? Not because they actually believe in it, that's for sure, it's all an act.

lol no, ((they)) get off massively on human suffering. its part of the whole thing

Damn that Hispanic vote in 2004 is crazy. Besides Trump what happened?

lol you believe jews are new world order ?

muslims and jews are n1 enemies of new world order(cuz they are monotheists)

They do not care about the rest of humanity.

Whites are the smallest racial group on the planet and what they're doing will theoretically help the other races. Forget about having safety for your own kind goy that's just racism speaking.

Actually, I'm genuinely curious as to why they think diversity is a good thing. What even is their reasoning for that?

Easier to control human cattle