Kek fulfils
Hillary Clinton dies this year
we finally get nuked
The jews plot a war. Prepare yourselfs
Rip pedos
Geert wins today
This is why people hate kekromancer, you slide important threads and waste good meme magic on get threads
88 get
Soon, Germany. Soon.
Ergodan starts WW3
Fuck off.
my cock itches
its kek way of telling us war is coming
armed conflict between antifa terrorists and patriots
The only thing that matters is germany at the forefront killing most of them.
Who will be the next hitler?
If coinciding numerals, Greet will win
das a lot of 7s and 5s
I would like to win Powerball jackpot tonight plz
It's happening
7788. Kek wills it. Buy that ticket
Will do