ITT: Repilled Majors Only
ITT: Repilled Majors Only
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Computer Engineering Master Race
I did a quick automotive technician program at my local CC and the electrical theory quarter got my almonds going. Plan to get into university next year
Queer WOC-studies here!
yo same
VT CPE here
>Politics and Philosophy
It quickly taught market economics post graduation.
Phd in nutrition sciences with specialization in supplements comming through.
Math/physical sciences. Am I red pilled?
How does it feel knowing you will only ever be asked about CICO and lowfat/lowcarb diets while the rest of your schooling means next to nothing?
>philosophy taught you economics
physics here
you stupid engineers get back to me in 100 years when what im doing becomes relevant to you
Aerospace and Computer Science master race checking in
B.Comm in Economics and Finance.
Most of my peers are not at all red-pilled and unfortunately have been completely sucked into the (((system))). But thats because they were never taught critical thinking before their studies.
If you're able to critically analyze throughout the course of studying econ it's impossible not to end up redpilled
Reporting in.
mathematics, philosophy and medicine
are the only 4 redpilled majors
everything else is distilled non-rigorous pleb garbage
How is it working at GNC?
C-can I come too?
Computer engineer here I'd consider it a redpill major if i hadn't had to take computer science classes
>Math, philosophy, medicine
>4 majors
Brazilian education.
You state 4 majors but name only 3?
Better get remedial math
Isn't philosophy a useless degree.
law here
I dunno if there's anything red-pilled about law though, it makes you pretty knowledgeable about society, but most law students are very cucked intellectually since they believe anything that (((uni))) tell them to believe
Where my Mech E majors at?
>any job I want
>300k starting
MIS business degree, in my classes you saw people wearing MAGA hats
Is Finance redpilled?
Same bro!
Jewelry/metals design.
>mfw brazilian education has embarassed me again
Mech Engi true Mater Race
American wendys chef starts at 400k.
Political Science here
Actually law students are pretty conservative and most are redpilled here in Germany.
Although they are for the most part not far-right or anything they are generally very conservative considering social issues.
An other good thing about law students in Germany is that they support the free market and hate left-wings hate groups like AntiFa.
[insert my major here]
All other majors are blue pilled.
the good thing about studying law is it'll actually teach you about society, you get how complex everything is, so you are much less likely to be a parrot for the left or the right like artschool or stem fags
most graduates on your country are on humanities kike garbage
Master degree on Basementology: The art of basement dwelling.
Aerospace is the ultimate redpill.
Honestly I'd rebut but that's sadly true.
Economics with a minor in pre-law makes me a standout
Fuck is this picture jorge silva pereira
Physics here, starting a PhD in September - just finishing my Masters right now.
Finance and economy, Classics, Civil engineering
>American Wendy's chef starts at 400k
Please Italian McDonalds chef starts at 550k with 200k stock options and comprehensive healthcare for himself and his entire family up to 10 million dollars
Interesting. My experience is that they are very anti AfD? But they may not be the most conservative party? I know too little about German politics
New libertarian right general when?
Mathematics is the final redpill.
It also is the whitest science.
>doesn't know immigrant brownskins are taking US ME jobs for
>rigor plays a part in memorizing shit and repeating it
Enjoy your job being outsourced to an H1B. Did you actually look at vacant position statistics before choosing your major or did you just choose electrical engineering because it is one of the highest paying specifialization of engineering next to Petroleum?
That's sorta like wanting to be a professional athlete because they get paid more than the CEO of a midsize corporation.
Pure Maths/Computer engineering for artificial intelligence and aggregate data analytics/machine learning. I'm here to destroy society. Fuck your jobs, fuck your lives. Automate the mind. Humanity has become a limiting factor for technological progress and the propagation of intelligent will throughout the universe.
not going to deny this as math is definitely the most based subject there is.
kek, shame all the chinks and pajeets are so good at it eh user
Ok, Sheldon.
I just got btfo in my micro processing class midterms, business looks better and better every day man.
Hopefully I'll keep my 3.0 when it's all over though.
EE is definitely a struggle.
That applies to every position that requires a stem degree. Doesn't make electrical any less based. Also there's so many fields of electrical it's not like your forced into some shit IT software position with poo in loos
Business is interesting with their concentrations. Management is blue pilled, marketing is normie tier garbage, finance is fake red pilled, information systems and accounting are red pilled
Can you activate my almonds?
Computer science and engineering majors are the only redpilled majors.
Anything else means you're a bluepilled fuck.
Ask me for additional specifics on a certain major and what makes it bluepilled.
That's a meme degree if I've ever heard one
>Pure Maths/Computer engineering for artificial intelligence and aggregate data analytics/machine learning
Having more words doesn't make it more important, just makes you sound like a jackass.
Enjoy your spreadsheets, numale
I guess you did not apply for maths.
Degrees like that are only good for people from wealthy families that will succeed regardless. Any middle class person in Philosophy is an absolute idiot.
M-master race right s-senpai?
Is a PhD in pharmacology redpilled anons?
Don't go counting your mass graves yet. Check out @Karpathy's latest tweets.
Deep Learning/AI will soon be a highly automated cloud service.
The people to profit will primarily be NVIDIA and Intel executives. The Mathematicians will have to sell their mansions in the SF Bay and teach Calc I at community College.
Depends, do you make redpills?
Barely, it's for people that can't hack it in CompSci. No shame in that, better than other garbage degrees though.
Fuck me kid. They indoctrinated you well.
Networked systems engineering
I'm going to be behind how all of your networks are going to operate
Reporting in. Almost done with my masters.
>going to college
(I like molymeme but seriously don't go to college)
Economics in the house. AMA betches
>My knowledge is all theory come back when you have found a use for it.
Israeli studies here. All you other majors are blue-pilled after.
More like 100k after 10 years.
Kids are retards, engineering students not much different
I don't understand the jobs pissing contest. Shouldn't a major be about things you're actually interested in? I make a good fucking living working as a goddamn mechanic. But I'm itching for a doomsday machine. So, I'm applying myself to that end. I'm confident that If I'm around for a legitimate quantum computer, I can construct a general purpose AI. Fuck getting a job or making money. I'd do this shit for free.
Business degrees can be redpilled as fuck. Much easier to take someone's shekels unless if know how to manipulate them. Of course no-one pays attention in the masters level classes because they are going to pass no matter what, but the material is there.
Finance, marketing, organizational behavior, and the disconnect between managerial and financial accounting are all pretty redpilling.
Straight memorization will only help you first semester. Once youre in physiology and neuroscience you absolutely have to understand and apply concepts
>fell for the nanoscience meme
What do?
Ideally you should pursue a passion. I don't see how just a big paycheck is enough.
I suck at math, what do?
EE checking in 17yrs...I dealt with you high thinking physics guys...
How much does the car dealer charge you to change your headlight fluid?
Lesbian Dance Theory with a major in Circumcision
Where the flying fuck are my Chem E brothers around here.
Because in the US there are Black people or women in it
>But there's a bunch of autists and near autists sperging about planes. I'm one of them
Just about to go into EE been doing circuit design as a hobby for a few years (power and radio mostly). Do you think switching from ITSEC to EE is a good idea?
Same, any advice from anons would help.
biological sciences currently working for a leaf in a dental lab. pay sucks, benefits are decent. at least my boss is nice. she apologizes a lot
Hey im in finance too, wanted to do econ aswell but too many conflicts so graduating early instead.
I agree with you 100% on econ
Have redpilled some of my friends super casually solely through economics
Good luck lad
FUCK. I meant not in it.
Same. No room for the illiterate in math in this new age.
I did too.
Here's my advice.
>Study until you understand it
>Get an A
And I fucking mean study until you get it.
If you have to sit the fuck down and get four-hundred problems wrong before you get just one fucking problem right... Fucking do it.
And then after you've finished a Calculus sequence... Go back and relearn your Algebra. Go look at the theorems and the analytical geometry that didn't make sense the first time you went over it. Those are your foundations. If you study them after you've got a decent amount of maths under your belt, you can move forward.
>This requires significant effort. Stop being a lazy fuck.