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wtf I hate idris alba now
Хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa хa.
How nice
Well... he is
Yeah the guy on the left is white
Bannon didn't get cucked and raised another man's child unknowingly.
>liberals think that a guy putting in effort to become muscled and strong means his genetics are better than a guy who clearly barely gives a fuck about his health
no wonder they hate it when people talk about differences in race, they see no difference in genetics and the results of personal effort
The pic on the left is shoped though
kys faggot
this is obviously a stupid comparison anyway but the fact they needed to use two photoshopped images is a little chuckleworthy
bannons kids would on averga ebe better looking and more intelligent than nigris elbas kids
He is.
Success today is largely a function of intellectual capacity - and not muscles.
Guy on the left is therefore genetically superior because he fits better into todays environment than hunter-gatherer-guy on the right.
Really makes you think, huh
This. He's an old man, of course he looks like that.
Well, for one he is not a nigger.
just a reminder you have no idea what the fuck genetics are
Kek how can whiteboi even compete?
You will be outbreed and erradicated, whiteys
Wait what?
Pol BTFO again
Nice proxy faggot
>muh whiteys are inferior
>Henry Cavill
Superiority is based solely on survival, white rate birth shrinks while non whites raise, so guess whos superior
Deja de chuparle el pico a los blancos, aweonao :^)
Its funny becsuse one does important shit and the other just pretends
I have never seen an attractive nigger in my life
>Superiority is based solely on survival
Yeah, for wild animals. Though I suppose that applies to niggers and other brownies.
Human superiority is based on intelligence and accomplishments. Niggers built mud huts and, well, South America. So not really any accomplishments there.
field mice out breed cats. who is better.
>what is birth control
>what is the media (muh childfree life)
God you're retarded.
Btw I'm white and proud of it
care elaborate?
When the white race and the Asians shrink below a certain relative threshold within the world's population, black and indigenous societies won't be able to sustain themselves and - as a consequence - die off in large numbers.
Zimbabwe is an excellent showcase for this.
U no it mah niggah. Bix nood
Citations when and where?
>photoshop of an old man who is a high ranking official of the most powerful government of earth
>photo shoot of a young man who exercises frequently and plays pretend for a living
wew these are some ripe cherries
>unironically comparing a a man in his late 60's to a guy 20 years younger than him
"b-but look how genetically superior our black bulls are!!1! Sup Forums is just r-racist!"
Why doesn't Bannon lift? Seems like a pain avoider
No, he believes that his race, the race that made everything in the world that is good, deserves to live, despite its low birthrate, while the one on the right, who has never independently invented the wheel or done anything positive that doesn't involve an inflated rubber ball or muh dick, breeds like the rats.
>Too intelligent to survive
All of that is irrelevant if you go extinct, blacks took your women and work, good cuck
Typical latin inferiority complex
Race mixing will probably make a brown race that is not as savage as african nigs
same reason a lot of people don't lift
Don't know why though, being fit is the best feeling in the world
>believing in the BLACKED meme
>not knowing what happened in South Africa (pic related)
>not realizing that, although a minority, there are pure white people in Chile
Like i said, you're retarded. And it's obvious, as you are a shitskin.
Well, the guy on the left can support a family.
>Harvard grad
>Naval officer
>CEO of company
>Adviser to POTUS
Black guy
He is though.
how can non-Anglo's even compete?
The nigger is quite ugly, so I don't think the joke quite works.
Genetics not fitness
Race mixing will make them dumber and more savage (compared to whites). Just look at Brazil (and also look at the mirror).
can somebody explain to me where exactly the meme that Bannon is a white supremacist came from?
when has he ever said anything about genetics? when has he ever said anything about white people being better than black people? please answer clearly
Bannon is co-ruling the most powerful country in the world and Elba is a Hollywood diversity hire who gets told by people like Bannon(who is also a movie/documentary director, producer and writer) what he should do.
The only thing the guy on the right is hunting and gathering is welfare checks paid by the guy on the left.
>The complex social situation of Africa can be explained by race
>Being such a loser that you need to feel better by others people achievement just because they have the same melanin levels than you
Lmao kys.
Anyway the white race is a thing of the past, just some decades to be a minority , say thanks to natural selection.
Yeah, it's just some MASSIVE coincidence that South Africa was prosperous under whites and now it's a third world country under blacks. The same thing happened in Detroit.