Serious question: why is Trump such a thin-skinned pussy? Are all New Yorkers like that?
Serious question: why is Trump such a thin-skinned pussy? Are all New Yorkers like that?
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He's got some fairly obvious narcissistic traits. Him being thin skinned is a glaring example of it.
He cannot take criticism. His way of handling it is either by blaming someone else or having a huge temper tantrum.
I like that quality about him. Its fun to see the banter.
it's fun to watch if you're a liberal, yeah I guess
He wrote a snappy comeback and didn't arrest him, I don't see how this is thin-skinned.
It's not thin skinned, it's lack of bullshit tolerance. If you want to insult him, he tends not to let it go, funnily enough, Obama insulting him is pretty much what made the guy run for president.
I don't get why faggot left leaning effeminate spunkfucks think that if you insult someone, and they insult you back, you've 'won'. I'm part celt, i love being angry. I get angry if i'm not angry about something. It's why i'm always happy.
Why did he write this? Any back story?
Replying to a rap video?
If you're raising two boys, you can't really justify this to your kids, this is degenerate faggot-tier behavior
Are you stupid?
What's with his homoerotic obsession with Obama? He talks about him way more than Ovama ever talked about Bush after he was gone.
>black face is raycis
>white face is ok because white people
Hes just calling out the double standard
> implying he's not just shitposting on twitter as usual
>celebrities pushing the assassination meme, hoping someone is inspired to actually do it
>a valid form of criticism
Pick one, faggot.
Not Celtic enough there m8
>make fake video of you murdering POTUS
>not jailed
I'd like to see what would've happened if a country music star made a music video of him shooting the former black POTUS with an AR-15, and the ensuing backlash from every butthurt liberal on the planet.
the free speech crowd?
I thought they didn't like political correctness
who gives a shit? who watches this crap?
Trump is effectively the biggest fraud in history.
Not really that rich.
Actually mentally retarded, not smart at all.
Didn't keep a single campaign promise. Why is Hillary free? Why is ISIS still around?
Takes credit for others' successes. Job market has been slowly gaining for quite a while, it's due to Obama-era gains. Trump is just catching the tail end of that.
I voted Trump because I wanted Hillary in jail, more jobs, no more feminism, and no more Mexicans stealing jobs. All that's happened is my ACA is going away (I wanted Obamacare gone, not ACA).
idk, i think it would have to be some cracker that pointed a gun and fired at Obama.
obama be leik >niga wip yo lip sheeeit
and normies be leik >dayum twerk it gurl
>Trump is effectively the biggest fraud in history.
>Not really that rich.
>Actually mentally retarded, not smart at all.
>Didn't keep a single campaign promise. Why is Hillary free? Why is ISIS still around?
>Takes credit for others' successes. Job market has been slowly gaining for quite a while, it's due to Obama-era gains. Trump is just catching the tail end of that.
First day on the job? You gotta do better than that.
Stop this pasta, it isn't tastey
Someone made an entire fake documentary about killing Dubya back when he was in office, a disturbed black Iraq War veteran snipes POTUS at a political event that is getting protested, the government uses his death as an excuse to ramp up persecution of Muslims.
He bothered to reply. Trump is so above Snoop nigger that it shows how thin skinned he is by bothering to reply. He got baited. Plain and simple.
whats the film called?
Even acknowledging this happening is a bad example to your children
The only one thin-skinned here is you. You can't can't handle your president "disrespecting" the office by having some banter and not being "above it all" like some god-king.
He is teaching the children.
because his pet nigger trashcan west is not working.
He's spelling out the obvious for people who are too stupid to get it.
He's giving talking points to millions of Americans out there who will engage in water cooler discussions about politics.
He knows exactly what he's doing.
Can we get some fucking gore in this shill thread?
Okay, that's it.
Let's make a meme of someone in blackface representing Obama being shot by a confederate flag and watch the left squirm
Why are you posting on here like your opinion matters?
Are you fucking stupid?
But Obama was off limits.
Why is the left so fucking petty?
Death of a President (2006)
Meme it. Red leader standing by
He replies to people he knows personally. People seem to forget that he's known all these people for decades.
Obama made it illegal to protest him. But for real--> HR347
he isn't thin skinned so much as he enjoys giving beatdowns every single time he has an excuse
many alpha leaders have at least a little mean or sociopathic side, this is how it comes out in him: honestly.
better than a typical passive-aggressive ClintonBushBama personality.
this is why he won.
Old school, moderate Dems that see that shit, that don't follow the inner workings of politics, will flip Repub. I guarantee the pubs just picked up another 1,000 votes. Every time he calls you out you lose. Maddow, just got him another 1,000 votes last night. A million and a half votes by the end of his term. That's enough to give us the pop and electoral. You can't stop losing.
He isn't thin skinned. Do you believe even know what thin skin looks like? You don't become a billionaire in New fucking York with thin skin, nor do you run for President with the entire media and both parties against you.
I dunno, Rasmussen says Trump's 'strong disapproval' numbers are nearly equal with his total approval numbers and a few real Trumpregrets are startting to come out because of the AHCA.
He's not being thin-skinned in this particular instance, you faggot. He's merely pointing out the hypocritical double-standard the MSM always engages in.
Say what you will but Trump is brutally honest. Snoops career is failing. Has been for 10+ years
I was really disappointed with new yorkers when I was there, all talk, no game.
Bunch of pussies.
you're a faggot
Yeah, they're having a great time.
I fucking hate new yorkers
>doesn't take shit and gives as good as he gets
>thin skinned.
I would love to see the reaction if snoop was white and Trump was black
No double standard here
Jail wouldn't but he's not really wrong about the outcry.
So he should teach his sons that when you're the president and a rapper threatens to shoot you to not tweet about it. Life lesson learned.
The fuck outta here...
He's not wrong though.
Obama Never shut up about Bush. He was still blaming Bush for all the bad stuff in the last year of his presidency.
Trump is promoting Snoop's video to the right wing and putting him in a very difficult seat. Undoubtedly Snoop will get questions about this and will likely cuck, remake the video and apologize publicly.
ok jamal
this is what you sound like.
Yeah it honestly seems like a bad case of people knowing how to dish it out but can't take it. Quite a lot of people are like that. Quite a lot of people indeed.
New York is a shithole
>make music video that will be seen by millions of impressionable youths depicting a mock executing of yourself
>Hurr if you speak out against it you're thin skinned
Lel (you)
>New York is a shithole
It always a certain race that make it a shithole.
>Are all New Yorkers like that?
YES!!! What he's doing is called, "ballbusting" where I come from. You can never let anything slide and have to respond to every putdown, otherwise it's seen as a sign of weakness.
Snoop has to act on behalf of his gang ties
He personally likes Trump, but the apes he has ties to wanted him to chimp out and put in the anti trump stuff so he rolled with it cause he's been around long enough to know who not to cross, and who his market is. It's not like in the current year anyone on the right was going to go out willingly listen to any snoop post 2005.
I'm not liberal m8
>Snoop Dogg aims guns at me
I don't care
>Snoop Dogg aims gun at obama
It's jail time!
What did Portugal mean by this.
Let's be honest, were any of us president we'd shitpost constantly. know I would
>Folks, I pay no income tax. jk lol
>leaks John Miller tapes
He's a shitposter, a great president and shitposter
How is that thin skinned? He makes a totally valid point.
He's a total pussy by taking the shitty bait. This is the president reacting on something snoop dogg of all people says or does. Have some standards
or, maybe you're a concern troll, board sliding piece of shit.
thats not what hes saying you illiterate fuck, hes saying no one cares about the video currently but if the same situation involved obama instead, people would be pissed.
Listen chucklefuck if snoop dog aimed a gun at obama in a video and took a shot there would be a diarrhea shit storm of news articles and coverage and it would last for weeks.
>cannot take criticism
Why are the shills pushing this so hard? Nobody in this entire planet has received more criticism than this man, while you cuck shills would cry yourselves to sleep everytime your highschool sweetheart ignored you.
quit taking that waffle eating fucks bait, he's just mad that he lives in a country that no one would ever give a shit about if they didn't like breakfast food piled with sugar.
>Trump is thin-skinned
>libs just angry they can't deal with his banter
>more lib tears
desu i'm pretty sure him and a lot of people are using VPNs or something.
VPN's are common here but I dont know why he would choose a shithole like Belgium if he is using a VPN, usually they go for the rare flags like Isle of Man ect.
>no more feminism
the fuck did you expect would happen fucking kek
I don't see how he's thin skinned at all.
All he does is fire back.
>You don't become a billionaire in New fucking York with thin skin,
These two things have nothing to do with each other
I think his fault here was not to name the (((recording executives))) behind this video as opposed to going after one of the most vanilla rapper out there.
It's really not like snoop has any says on the stuff he releases...
Trump's showing all of us to talk back to the negroes and setting the stage to limit their uppity bullshit.
Snoopy Doggy Dog shouldn't have threatened his white better.
thread should have stopped here
He's not a punching bag like Bush.
He saw through the ruse, kikes and kike puppets pushing the "Donald Trump is a joke, if only some HERO would shoot him" meme.
But their meme magic is weak, and if Trump was assassinated you'd see endless bankers, politicians and useful idiots dangling.
Trump is a whiny little bitch. A spoiled brat who never grew up.
His arch nemesis is a fat lesbian D-list comedian who he cries about bullying him.
Think about that for a second. The greatest rival to the president is a fat lesbian.
What a joke. Sad.
Every fookin time.
He's been this way for years. People dig up ten year old tweets of his, and they are no different. Zebras don't change their stripes.
>Cheetos don't change their processed cheese
Fix'd that for ya
>ben pearce
I like him
>He's merely pointing out the hypocritical double-standard the MSM always engages in.
That is being thin skinned
>liberal slightly grazed my someone else: "omfg he rapessaulted me, take me to my ball pit of safe spaces!!!"
>President constantly bombarded by media, people calling for his assassination as "just a prank bro": "oh wow what a thin skinned faggot grow a spine"
>His arch nemesis is a fat lesbian D-list comedian who he cries about bullying him.
The dude inherited hundreds of millions of dollars. He didn't do jack shit. It's easy to be a "tough negotiator" when you have all the leverage because it was handed to you.
His "small loan" of one million dollars always makes me laugh out loud. Your dad giving you money isn't a loan. It was literally risk free. The fact that he would even try to rationalize his inheritance with a story like that is absolutely pathetic and sad.
Though it's not as sad as children like you worshiping at his feet like a mincing little cuck.
I'm glad we have someone in public prominence actually calling out the degeneracy that is gangsta rap. It's about time.
Seems like it's two races
>why does trump defend himself when people attack him????? everybody knows that when you bully somebody the victim is supposed to sob and take it without fighting back
Rosie O'Donnell
And she's not really his arch nemesis anymore, after he fucking destroyed her and eternally BTFO'd her by becoming president
Yeah its messed up snoop stooped that low. It seemed like they were pretty buddy buddy on the comedy central roasts.