what a financial wizard
What a financial wizard
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wtf I hate the national debt now
How's your gigantic debt doing, America?
Trump is going to trim it by slashing taxes on rich people, just you wait. Because less revenue = less debt, somehow.
Don't you know that Trump is a genius businessman who created his real estate empire out of nothing?
>out of nothing
>Because less revenue = less debt, somehow.
i love this trump logic, and if something goes wrong he give liberals or obama the fault.
Except Trump is president and he cant cut extra he doesnt have to spend what Obama set for the year
It never ceases to amaze me what a retard Trump is
Laffer Curve determined the most effective top tax rate to be 70-90% rate.
Right wing retard billionaire globalist shills btfo
All Trump wants to do is take credit for Obama's achievements but he will completely dindu his own failed policies 4 years from now
LOL. You autists on the left can never see the big picture. If nothing(jobs/growth/budget) is Trumps doing then nothing in the first year of Obama was Obama's doing.
You might want to google some charts and graphs because that was when the only thing even remotely successful happened under Obama.
Exactly, Obama did nothing wrong.
Look at the total government revenue as a percentage of GDP during those periods of 70-90% tax rates, and you will find that absolutely nobody effectively paid that high of a rate.
>Obamaleaf shows up, on cue
inb4 50 posts of autism, half of which he states he's leaving, all of them have 'right-wing retards' in them.
Oh and don't forget endless ad hom and other bs tactics
We just finished the world wars, nobody could compete with us, out sourcing wasnt as easy to do with technology of the time, shipping was more expensive.
So we could tax 90% and nobody could avoid it, nobody could compete anyways.
That's why the laffer curve was an unknown at the time.
He's comparing his first month to obama's first month. We're just getting started pleb.
Close, he did nothing.
The first year of Obama doesn't count remember.
Laffer curve was some bullshit Art Laffer made up on a cocktail napkin to trick right wing retards into massive tax breaks for the rich.
You retards really are cucked beyond repair.
a very small gift of only a million dollars is practically nothing and you know it.
right wing retards don't understand the difference between effective and marginal rates
So you billionaire globalist shills would have np with a 90% top tax rate then right? Since as you claim nobody would pay it? You would support it right?
Classic slide thread.
dont reply, sage in all fields.
Picture so you read my post.
>The first year of Obama doesn't count remember.
The one where he inherited the worst Republican Recession since the Great Republican Depression?
>Debt is bad
Americans are so stupid, there is no reason to pay it and if it gets paid is by taking your money (by tax or by printing and devaluation) so better pay as slow as possible
>$1,000,000.00 is a lot in real estate.
I want to believe that everyone here understands why this graph looks like this with the amount of money as the variable on the vertical axis.
So hopefully you're just being deceitful
Trump inherited his father's entire business apparatus you drooling retard.
And while daddy was still alive he dug his progeny out of all the holes he dug himself.
We could wipe out all debt in an instant if we dismantle the fed and kill the Jews in charge of it, just saying
Eventually we'll hit the boiling point anyways, and our country will have to return to a semi agrarian lifestyle, after the inevitable pogroms
The chart shows the truth about GOP trickle down economics. That the tax breaks go overwhelmingly to the top.
Millionaires and billionaires don't need tax cuts.
actually The Don had siblings who also inherited large portions of the estate, he still made himself the million to pay his father back and kept going.
this, debt is the new trendy institutionalized guilt forced onto the people
Be sure corporations don't give a shit about the debt, they even profit from it
When 1/2 the people don't pay any taxes...its hard to give them a tax cut
Stupid leaf, tax cuts are for people who actually pay taxes
It was Bush's fiscal policy that brought us out of that "depression" since it happened in Onigger's first year.
By this logic Obama increased the debt under Bush's plan.
>Trump had to SHARE his enormous inheritence
Wow he really did start with nothing!
Yes goyim give more to the jewish central bank, interest isnt a thing.
>being this mad over a successful businessman who started with practically nothing
>Create tons of shitty jobs for immigrants
>Wage war against Americans and the middle class
>Woo what a patriot look at him saving our country
I like you but the giant up arrow is highly miselading.
most academic economists consider the "stimulus" in 2008 a failure and the rebound is slower than it should have been and just a natural product of business cycles.
>inb4 thats republicans fault too
He inherited and split his father's wealth and bussiness with his siblings in the 90s when he already was a billionaire
The new tax plan saves one quarter of yearly income (equal to 1000$) to Americans who are making above 25.000 a year.
"If you are single and earn less than 25k or married and jointly earn less than 50k, you will not owe any income tax. That removes nearly 75 million households -over 50%- from the income tax rolls. --Those who would otherwise owe income tax will save nearly $1000 each." -Trump tax plan
Proportionally this makes sense. An extra 1000 a year to the lowest percentile, who don't own much in assets, could mean the savings for retirement youtu.be
stimulus failure lol
Saved America from a 2nd Great Republican Depression
Obama's stimulus was 2009 u fucking retards don't even know when Obama took office.
As if on que
Did Sup Forums actually think electing someone who has a record of not paying people and suing people who talk about him would ACTUALLY help people below him?
Voting for trickle down economics is the biggest cuck move you can make.
Remember to sage and report all Obamaleaf posts
Right wing retard Billionaire globalist shills btfo
You only make yourself look more desperate
Damn you just btfo that other leaf with those hot arguments.
happens everyday
didnt even read the papers, gas yourself idiot
Maybe by trimming down taxes on business' they are able to employ more people, so less people relying on welfare (hopefully) and more people putting money into the economy because they're not unemployed anymore, plus they'll pay taxes.
>tfw ironic posting but trumpanzees actually believe that shit
Oh, it's you.
I opened both and was blown away by your autism.
The first was about the Cash for Clunkers program which helped save the US auto industry
The 2nd was titled
>A Tale of Two Stimulus Payments: 2001 vs. 2008
Neither of these were about Obama's 2009 stimulus.
Try to contain your autism please. There's only so much I can take from right wing retards.
You wanna know what failed policies are? Right wing retard Republican economic policies. Tax cuts for the rich. That's failed policies.
>"It is striking to note that the best growth years for the bottom 99 percent since 1990 have taken place in the mid to late 1990s and since 2013, shortly after increases in top tax rates," Saez wrote.
brb have a meeting
>obscure links
>most academic economists consider the "stimulus" in 2008 a failure and the rebound is slower than it should have been and just a natural product of business cycles.
well it actually was the republicans fault just like plenty other mishaps that occurred during the obama era because these fucks don't actually understand fiscal policy.
many economists at the time observed that the stimulus WASNT enough money given the depth of the recession.
don't argue with republicans/conservatives on fiscal policy. they don't have a leg to stand on.
Lol, coming from a country that elected a fucking drama teacher/ski instructor. You faggots will never live that down. Especially considering he's going to plunge that shithole immigrant filled country into hell. Canadians deserve war, rape, poverty and famine.
Why would he take credit for creating a defacto serf economy?
obscure links?
those are the 2 most cited papers on fiscal policy and the stimulus
most right wing retards don't even know that obama took office in 2009
this is a mystery to them
Nah, you don't.
Quit pretending you have a life mate.
i'll be back for based janet's press conference at 2:30.
thx bro
namefags need to be gassed
nice try, now show me an academic article showing the effects of the stimulus that doesnt come with pleb results
>checks flag
>This faggot idolizes a literal cuckbaby
nice flag u got there
You're fucking pathological.
You're responding to one of the few people that like you, with another post of one of the few people that like you.
Fuck they might be the same guy.
I mean I don't even disagree, I think Obama was pretty good economically but you're such a sad sack.
And while I'm at it, like, Sup Forumss central rejection of Obama (And all leftist shit) is that it's been a socio-cultural disaster, which it fucking has. The fact that my shit sandwich is between two light, fluffy slices of bread doesn't make that turd any less unpalateable.
Made I doubt Trudeau is capable of getting hard.
Mick Jagger fucked his mum.
These aren't quality genes we're talking to.
u can tell this is one of my previous victims
>24 posts by this id
give me one good reason you haven't killed yourself yet james chang
shit thread
you wrote all that just say how triggered you are.
why would i wanna miss this great man becoming Chancellor?
And it's gone, all gone.
Your friend is on his 26th post.
You're on your 7th. I'm leaving now. Please don't be too triggered.
>10 out of 10 in UK
So is Sup Forums just paid shills shilling each other now?
Was I actually supposed to leave today?
Great re-post from /r/politics OP.
But he is right nigga. First month.
Are they spreading misinformation or just facts you don't like?
It's true though. A lot of people dont realize that tax loopholes aren't free they are just cheaper than paying taxes legitimately. By lowering the corporate tax rate you actually have more companies move in to operate in america and less companies using tax loopholes. This will increase revenue by a significant amount.