I'm at the Portland Airport, 4 fighter jets just scrambled to take off a few minutes ago...whats going on? We have wings in the air boys
Happening Now!
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Helicopter just flew low over my house too. It was military. Never happened before. I'm in the midwest. What's going on?
Russia sending in the Tu-95 again
Planes and helos have ability to "take to the air", in other news boats were seen at sea!
could easily be a training flight
It's happening senpai!
wtf, a car just drove by my house, is it happening?
Fuck off private pyle! they were at tree top level just over my house.
its the rise of the african americans...it has started,,,,the niggering
No dawg, not 4 in a row, sonic booming over a metro area with 3 million people
Can confirm.. in St. Louis here huge groups of fighters overhead..just went by. I guess it's the end..it's what you wanted you racists and russophiles.
another car just drove by, wtf is going on guys?
Out of all the countries to not have witnessed low altitude military flying, America shouldn't be one of them.
If they sonic boomed over a population area womething may just be up....most likey a cesna with a broken radio antenne
Tampa Bay here. Nothing to report.
>st louis
>fighters go to russia
Can confirm also, I just saw people armed with assault rifles walking on the streets taking money from everyone
... Wait a sec
Wife just took her panties off!!!
It's fuvking happening!!!!
>she's getting ready for work
must be a regular occurrence in Brazil
>Hashim and Sohaib went out for 'vacation' with one way tickets.
i just farted
Me too
There is a NATO drill every year on March 15th. Are you all new here?
That's a hell of a gif.
Nope it's happening
How many skykings are we at now? 2? 3?
remember a few months back when russia were moving ICBMs to the middle east and you fags panicked like niggers on baltimore riots?
this is a drop in the ocean.
>using transformers scene for the thumbnail
Think whatever you want Gomer, I've lived here for 15 years and they've never buzzed my house. If they hadn't done that a few minutes before I saw OP's thread I would've ignored this.
There sure is a lot of valuable shit up there in Oregon - maybe a couple of Indians pulled a couple of extra salmon out of a river or something.
Pretty sure North Korea is about to get retarded
i-ides of March?
holy shit r a r e
what's saudi arabia like? how many cars do you own?
Its Happenning
I saw a plane flying guys
... could it be?
West county?
St.Louis here...why do you feel the need to lie on the internet?
Epic thread
Fuck off shill
Northern Ohio here. Jets flying overhead right now.
No, and stop making shit up. I work outside. I am standing outside right now. There were no jets scrambling. Stop being a edgy faglord.
Vanuatu is finally going to get what they deserve.
Oh shit, the stuff that flew over me was heading east towards you. Which way was it headed?
What's your end game OP?
It happens all the time here in Seattle...
please dont send more of them to hawaii
Maine or Oregon?
I'm not one to usually buy into alarmist threads, but I saw a desert camo Humvee on one of the main roads in the Chicago suburbs. Never seen anything like it and didnt think much of it until I saw this thread. War games today?
I think OP is a fag but they're definitely moving around for some reason.
you figured it out, we actually just got nuked and everyone is dead and now ghostposting
The fuck is this shit...it's been over hour now since this happened..you think 4 fighter jets moving at Mach speed, breaking the sound barrier are going to show up on your puny radar? Get real faggot it's happening
Canada here, jets in rainbow livery just flew by. It's definitely happening.
>puny radar
That's where you over played your hand idiot. Lick the my cock larping retard. I think if there was a sonic boom people would be talking about it by now. How about that nigger? Only you being a tard, that's the only noise. Post some corroboration from people mentioning it elsewhere or die in a fire.
>i'm in a room with robed men
>a jet just flew into the main guy
>i see a name on side of jet
You deaf mothefucker?
Fuck off to /x/ with your larp thread tard.
That's ice cold
My tinnitus changed tones.
People in the future will think this is the only plane they had.