>Be trans
>Spread transphobic pseudoscience to get attention from uneducated NEET white boys
Blaire White
Awww do facts trigger the fragile, privileged white boy? :(
>I AM SILLY logic
sure honey whatever you say
can you fucking faggots stop with the retarded e celeb worship for once
>lauren southern
>gavin mcinnes
>whoever this whore is
it's all fucking degenerate retardation. they're all bandwagoning profiteers who try to use our memes to gain popularity and fame, nothing more.
sage, report and hide all e celeb threads.
So Blaires next on your list of cultural figures?
>they think this will work
>this is all they have left
>muh LGBFGT attacking their own
saged kys
>Sup Forums: Lol SJWs are special snowflakes who need safespace and run away from facts xD
>Also Sup Forums: Omg, you're here spreading facts that contradict and refute my ignorant, bigoted views my parents taught me? Sage and report! Sage and report! Muh freeze peach!!!
>Ignoring the facts and yelling sage like a spoiled brat child
That's Sup Forumsflakes for you.
>Ever major psychiatric and endocrinological organization says puberty blockers are the best course of action for transgender minors
I guess we can safely ignore another misfire of a liberal meme.
It's Blaire White's turn aleady?
>I'm gonna trigger you
no you aint haha, sage n hide
(((They))) think that by attacking our cultural figures (((they))) can fracture us from within
Its pathetic really
Was that made by a wikihow artist? Is this what they do with their art degrees, make le funny memes for communist facebook pages?
Here let me link it for you, sweetie:
Anything else I can do for you, hun? I mean besides abusing children by giving them dangerous hormones of course.
This. If I was a chick with a nice pair of tits I would probably be jumping on the alt-lite bandwagon rn, wearing a pushup bra and bleaching my hair for all my fanboys to yank it to; making retarded videos, rehashing the same old points over and over again and being purposefully controversial. Maybe then I could get a 250K book deal too?????
It literally pays to be right wing these days.
I don't trust Jews/Trannies/Blacks/Women who try to get in on our movement. I won't say anything against them, because we need them to make up numbers and deflect negative attention which says the alt right is all white/male/racist, but they'll never really part of the alt right. Keep 'em at arm's length I say.
100% this. When failed entertainers and models realized they could still make it by dressing up like video game characters, they did that and nerds groveled at their feet. When those same failed entertainers and models could no longer work their way into that niche, they discovered playing video games online could get the attention, money, and fame they desired. This is the next stage. "Oh I'm an Alt-Right girl! Teehee! Buy my poster, buy my book, buy my calendar!" They're selling your own opinions back to you.
>Every major psychiatric and endocrinological organization says puberty blockers are the best course of action for transgender minors with data to back it up
That's what they said about circumcision... and clitoridectomy, all fully consensual of course. Now they're recommending wreaking havoc on the hormone system of young children and making them permanently infertile before they've even entered puberty? Gee, I wonder how humanity will remember these "professionals" 50 years from now.
Lots of shekels being wasted on character assassinations.
Don't (((they))) understand these attacks just prove these people have something to say that is worth listening.
They are giving their ideological enemy free publicity.
>allowing children to make life-altering decisions before they're of the age that we would consider them mentally capable of making life-altering decisions
Surely, nothing could go wrong with this plan of action. Anyone who thinks life-altering decisions that are irreversible shouldn't be left up to children is simply a bigot!
Shut up, nigger.
Transgenderism is a mental illness and should be treated instead of humored. Our side is going to win this one, cuck.
Studies show between 70% and 80% of children who express transgender feelings “spontaneously lose those feelings” over time. Also, for those who had sexual reassignment surgery, most said they were “satisfied” with the operation “but their subsequent psycho-social adjustments were no better than those who didn’t have the surgery.”
And to wrap things up half of those who proceed with transition will kill themselves.
Its work, less degenerates that don't even reproduce. let them cut them self.
Don't support anyone outspoken with rightwing oppinions, goy. The left would never market on politics, goy. Didn't you know globalism is right-wing, goy?