I hate this fucking faggot so much. The CIA use this bitch to invalidate any republican opinion.
David Duke
Duke is based, only kike loving neo-cons dislike him.
Duke is a legend.
The Republican party needs to be discredited. It's full of jewish terrorists and saudi filth.
Names the Jew, white genocide, all with facts and proven argumentation skillfully. Go to sleep ADL kike.
David Duke and Andrew Anglin are real Republicans, unlike Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, John McCain, Paul Ryan and the rest of these cunts
Duke is part of the Clinton political machine, they used to be friends back when Bill was governor of Arkansas.
Duke is based. Parties don't matter, what matters is ideas and policies.
He lets himself be used by media to attack trump, fuck him.
Trump is a nigger lover and kike puppet. He can go fuck himself.
Duke's a nice guy.
t. met him IRL
Guy scares normies away.
He is a bad optics machine.
He should wait to spout shit off until America has shifted further to the right, and even then his history with the klan pretty much invalidates him in the public arena.
>The CIA use this bitch to invalidate any republican opinion.
its cute watching you stormfags blame all your failures on the CIA.
This Paddy gets it
this, whenever duke gives his support to somebody it damages their credibility, pretty much everything he touches turns to shit
would you rather the democrats?
And Trump lost because of Duke, right?
>would you rather another jew puppet?
hes a democrat you fucktard shill
He's more kind-hearted than the media makes him out to be. If people start questioning the MSM more, they might even listen to his views and like him.
Duke is a good person who lacks self-awareness. Doesn't or refuses to understand how his presence often holds his own movement back.
>the jews already won don't vote goy
do you not care about winning? you can't convert people into white nationalists on the spot, you have to coax them into it. duke just scares them off
no, but he still damaged trump's reputation
the guy is more of an annoyance really
muh joos
he's fighting our battles, why hate him?
>names muh jews
Duke is a faggot that gets no respect from anyone and will die hated no matter what. The sooner the better. All he does is make republicans smell like shit.
I fucking love David Duke!
the absolute best case is that he's some kind of politically inept autist
far more likely is that the feds have an old gambling or tax charge hanging over him and so they trot him out whenever they feel like it
No he didn't. Trump trundles on regardless of what David Duke says. Brexit still got through even after the Jo Cox incident and Mark Collett working for the leave campaign
Hasn't he seek the KKK episode of Southpark?
hes lurking Sup Forums with us so i dont think he lacks self awarness. His very self aware because of that
He went to prison for a year over debts. He's not a fed
This is absolutely true. I support him and pretty much everything he does and says, but the ex-Grand Wizard of the KKK can't really touch anything without poisoning it for the normie. I can't hate on him though. He's fighting the good fight and is kind of the grandfather of our cause. We should shield him from the normies though as much as possible.
Shut the fuck up with your cointel bullshit.
so? he's still a fucking nuisance and does nothing to help our cause
Reminder that David literally had plastic surgery to make himself look more "nordic"
The Louisiana senate debate was pretty funny in November. They had to let him in because he got enough support according to their rules. All the other suits were tripping over themselves to disavow Duke. I was personally rooting for Boustany, knowing that Duke is political poison that no one would work with, but somehow the typical smug politician Kennedy won it. Oh well, at least it wasn't the obese dixiecrat or the clueless woman.
Duke shit on Trump back in 2015 because he was too pro-Jewish, but as soon as Duke realized he could get invited on TV and pimp his book he was endorsing Trump and talking about how him and Trump were just alike every chance he got
If anything he helps us. Imagine how many people went to his website and actually read up on him after CNN manufactured the "Trump won't disavow the kkk scandal." I'm sure many people who are now familiar with Dr. Duke actually agree with what he has to say.l
Duke is a fucking meme
>it wasn't the obese dixiecrat or the clueless woman.
>not liking the campaign commercial where he shoots a shotgun at the end
Trump is too pro-Jewish but it doesn't mean I didn't vote for him. He and Duke are somewhat alike. Trump is the reasoned moderate and Duke is the inflammatory radical but at the end of the day their policy positions are extremely similar
That just isn't true. Watch the August 2015 interview he did with Alex Jones. He was supportive of trump months before the so called scandal. CNN invoked him to try and spoil Trumps chances on Super Tuesday
Dude was literally in the KKK. That alone invalidates his arguments for normies. You can't cite this guy or parade him around as a figurehead because people will just associate you with the Klan and they wouldn't be wrong.
Enough with the David Duke, George Lincoln Rockwell, Hitler, etc. worship. Stay away from guys who literally were part of the KKK or Nazis. Wait for the overton window shift.
I can't imagine why someone so concerned with the preservation of the white race would stand as a barrier to such a thing happening.
Civic nationalism would lead to the reduction/end of minority importation and a revitalization of the economy which would, at the very least, stabilize the white demographic.
It seems like Duke would prefer us to keep hemorrhaging the white majority in hopes of some fantasy land where the libshits stop being traitors. Meanwhile we're literally being outfucked by the minorities.
One step at a fucking time. Stormweenies that aren't government plants are some of the stupidest motherfuckers on the planet.
He used to be really attractive desu
It already did you shart in mart faggot. Who cares if duke was in the kkk if he's right?
Have you listened to his show? He's fuckin great.
I'm talking about spreading your messages to the masses. That's the only way you'll see real change.
It looks better to normies if it's someone like Farage or Trump rather than KKK/Nazis. When people hear those names they think genocidal maniacs. That's why Trump and Brexit happened and they more got done for nationalism in a couple years what Duke and co. have been trying to do for decades.
Oh my god this is perfect. I'm gonna listen to one of his shows and play this
Are clan members allowed to be gay? This dude screams closet cocksucker.
We must never forget Rockwell. His spirit drives this movement
I wouldn't worry about duke. He's a fifth columnist anyway. It's why he couldn't derail trumps campaign, nobody knew who he was
lol is that the tv chef?
The effeminate druggie one, yes.
The ex-heroin addict, Jewish tv chef who makes a living glorifying multiculturalism and diversity through the "muh food" meme.
he looks better now than that picture
Fuck off shills DAVID DUKE 2020!! Nobody can win a debate against Duke, he ain't afraid to say it like it is
The truth of the matter is we need more like him. More Rockwells and Willaiam Peircs. People who won't pussy foot around sensitive topics and lay it all on the table
Dat plastic surgery tho.
The media has made this guy a meme since the 90s but he just won't give up
desu he's "bad optics" and can never be rehabilitated in the public opinion, but he is actually very redpilled and makes alot of sense
Honestly in the senate debate Duke fucked up big time.
>who is Robert Byrd
Stop letting the enemy decide where the overton window is.
No OP, you're the faggot
>t. CIA shill
Duke tells more truth than most
>Civic nationalism would lead to the reduction/end of minority importation and a revitalization of the economy which would, at the very least, stabilize the white demographic.
Fuck off back to r/the_donald
>Willaiam Peircs
>99% of general public don't know who David Duke is unless they're 45 years or older
>even then, most people probably think he's Patty Duke's brother if they seem to recall his name
OP confirmed retarded.
holy shit an actual human poster
>Every prominent white supremacist is controlled opposition to Sup Forums, David Duke, Richard Spencer, etc.
Isn't it more likely just that white supremacists are morons, and that white supremacy is retarded?
William Peirce
>he's fighting our battles
Yes, except David Duke is literally the perfect case for controlled opposition because of his political ties
Anyone else, pretty much inbred
Hello Paco.
Duke is one of the greatest historians of our time.
You cannot let the Jew control the narrative.
Don't be a coward.
In ten years time, all those Jewtube faggots currently getting attention will be saying what he's saying now
The tide is going out and the endemic pollution is being exposed
They do now.
You hear about that John Tron shit? He talked about blacks committing more crime regardless of income and white genocide.
brother you truly aren't red pill and woke if you believe Republicans are the answer.
democrats and republicans both answer to the kikes, and this goes as well for Trump.
watch this op or anyone who thinks duke is a shill
Duke will go down in history as a champion of the white race. All the shilling in the world will not stop it