Is Quebec better than the rest of Canada?
France > England.
A bunch of butthurt frogs who think they're better then everyone else.
Don't worry, Monsieur Westmount will be in soon to shitpost, call everyone Bubba, and creepily post pictures of Eugenie Bouchard.
They have the most corruption.
For one, we actually try to have immigrants integrate into the society, unlike the rest of Canada an their mediocre multiculturalism.
As a Québec man myself, let's not over extend here.
Québec is filled with good people just like the rest of Canada.
We suffer from the same mental degeneracy in our big cities. (Montréal, and slightly less in Québec city)
We are less cucked on average than the rest of canada but that's just because the shitskin and rice people number are so high in british commielombia and Torontostan.
There's not that much difference from a man living in Trois-Rivières and another from Moose Jaw.
Just quiet honest hard working town folks trying to make a living who are far away from all this nigger loving hysteria.
Is Wales better than the rest of Britain?
>Better than everyone else
We just want you to fuck off, both from our clay and from Sup Forums tbqh
Thanks to the eternal anglo.
That was 2011
Right now corruption in Quebec is being reeled in while it's on the rise in Ontario.
Checked, and accurate.
Every shitty globalist politician is québécois. All they talk about is working to preserve culture while simultaneously pushing multiculturalism on the rest of us. Fuck Quebec.
Enleve lasti daffaire de waifu tbk de weabu dmarde tu fa honte
Their women are trashy whores who crave American dick.
You cuck us, we cuck you
Trudeau is an ethnic anglo
Mulroney ain't a french name
They are yours, it's not because you fucking grew in montreal that I am your fellow Quebecker. I'd put barbwire around that shit shut the fuck up and try fixing your head it's a square.
Trudeau and Mulroney were raised in Quebec and Chrétien was as French as it gets. All of Canada's problems stem from frogs.
God-tier humour
Hey faggot
Repeat after me
They are yours, it's not because you fucking grew in montreal that I am your fellow Quebecker.
Repeat after me
They are yours, it's not because you fucking grew in montreal that I am your fellow Quebecker.
I do not even talk to my fucking cousin because he lives there and is a fucking degenerate.
Repeat after me
They are yours, it's not because you fucking grew in montreal that I am your fellow Quebecker.
Thanks squarehead.
You win for Chretien, 1 out of 3.
Quebec gets good boy points for its nationalism and being like a lost European nation.
It gets bad boy spankings for sharing the Frebch love for Arab and nigger cock.
My opinion of Quebec went up due to the recent teaticular fortitude of its nationalists.
You get the fuck off our clay. There's millions of you in Ontario.
>All of Canada's problems stem from frogs.
Of course, the "frogs" have made Toronto the feminist capital of the world, right?
>implying they're not even Canadian
That'll solve those problems, right? Reminds me of something a Canadian on Sup Forums here said a while back: he'd rather have a thousand Indians than one "frog". This appears to be the mainstream mode of thinking in Anglo-Canada but let's just blame it all on the French speaking Canadians, who are less Canadian than the "New Canadians".
Meanwhile, back on planet Reality, Quebec is the only province that bans the veil, a legal decision that was greeted by much autistic screeching.
quebec has the most disgusting accent in the world
Purge Montreal and the bad elements will drop by >65%
The same can't be said about the rest of the country, it's much more spread.
It's like retard French. Otherwise known as Frenglish.
Are the quebecois the jews of canada?
Actually they are responsible for Toronto being a shithole. Montreal was the cultural and economic hub of Canada until the 70s when the québécois started chimping out a scared corporations and other groups off to Toronto. They never returned to Montreal and Toronto only continued to grow in size and import more and more third worlders up until the present day.
Fun fact. It's old french.
The way it sounds is much closer to how 16 century french people sounded than what they sound today.
Yeah because once French became the second language of Canada, companies got the fuck out of Quebec because now all their employees have to be bilingual.
Quebec has language police, not even kidding.
No, it's a bastardization of the French language due to the English patois included in it.
they gave us Trudeau, but I'll forgive them if they give us Max Bernier.
>Actually they are responsible for Toronto being a shithole
I know irrational hatred for Quebec is part of Ontario's culture, but this is getting ridiculous. What next, they're in cahoots with the Jews?
Honestly, we kind of are.
We have lots of backwards socialists who are somehow natioalist as fuck.
It's a rare combination elsewhere but here it's not.
Quebec have the cutest accent.
I wouldn't mind their language police if English Canada got them too. Quebec's provincial government always wanted the best for the province. They were also the only province not to sign Trudeau's commie constitution. The problem is the filth they send to Ottawa.
Obviously, even if their accent is weird.
Quebecois here living out in BC.
BC is prettier but the people are dog-shit stupid
oh merci.
Love you too, my french brothers.
>They were also the only province not to sign Trudeau's commie constitution.
Le eternal anglos around this fucking thread seem to forget this one.
We are the only one who opposed that bullshit.
We didn't sign it, you did you silly squares.
Night of the Long knives. We actually were going to convince Trudeau of giving more power to the provinces, but alcohol got the better of the backstabbing provinces.
Wow je réalise qu'en fait vous avez aucun respect pour votre langue, vous l'avez massacrée.
That doesn't even make sense.
Are you defending Trudeau's commy manifesto you fucking square^
Serieux moe jmen calice
Le language c'est relatif a comment on le parle.
Pis tu veux savoir ce qui me fait vraiment chier moe^
Les presentateurs nouvelles avec des accents francais.
No way man.
Apprend laccent avant dlecrire moe jdis
Ca passe po cest trop fife le francais dfrance
Ron ron ron victor hugo, dignite humaine on on on !
Stop bringing up division, it won't help us grow as a nation. We need to stop being idiots and let politicians divide us, we all are pretty much sure about a couple things I'm sure:
1. Protecting Canadian culture, not Trudeau/Mulroneyist multiculti but our traditions as being labormen who built a great dominion out of wood and stone and turned what looked to be a barren wasteland into one of the most technologically developed nations in the world
2. To grow our population naturally again by promoting families and ending mass immigration and loosened standards started thanks to Pearson, Trudeau, Mulroney, Chretien, Martin Harper and now Trudeau Jr.
3. To re-start the fires of skilled production and fix our net export problems and fix issues with key industries
4. To get rid of the undemocratic nonwithstanding clause of the charter and end Islamophobia preferential treatment garbage. If people want to come to Canada they should come to become Canadian and grow our country first and foremost.
Neither the Liberals, Conservatives or NDP will do this and neither will "outsider candidates" like Maxime Bernier or Kevin O'Leary who essentially subscribe to their party's mantra and broker theories anyways because at the end of the day they have no real beliefs that they won't just throw away for extra votes. Canada needs a true third pillar for federal politics.
The future needs to be with a party that will fight for the interests of all Canadians and that party will be the National Party.
Read our proposals at officialnpc.ca
Follow us as we seek registration at twitter.com/npc_pnc
Sa fait 250 ans qu'ont vie dans un pays anglophone, et ont à quand même été capable de la préserver :(
Fuck les francais.
Ben correcte ak les polonais, russes, and such.
Mais les francais c'est juste cancer.
Ils viennent icite tbk pis y supportent les memes osti dtbk dinnocenties qui supportaient dans leur criss de pays dtout croche.
Ca vous apprendra a tuer votre roi stai lseul qui savait ski fsai tbk
Monarchie constitutionnelle > tous les autres systèmes et idéologies de marde.
Ya tu pire ecoeuranterie que Victor Hugo.
Ya tu dquoi dpire j'vous dmande.
>slightly less in Quebec city
Are you kidding?
Quebec city is PURE
t. Montréalais qui a vécu 22 ans de sa vie à Montréal avant de s'établir dans la capital nationale
Quand le monde me disent si tu pouvais retourner dans ltemps pour tuer kkun ca srait qui
Jdis Victor Hugo.
Would be nice to say yes (Sherbrooke here), but that'd be a lie.
>RoC was settled, Quebec was conquered
>largest sinkhole for welfare in country
>special snowflake provincial immigration policy facilitates Chinese invasion of major cities in other provinces
>Quebecois politicians gave (((them))) the right to vote/run for office first
>most in favour of gun-control/defunding the military
>highest levels of political corruption
This is the only good thing I can say for those goofs.
We need to infiltrate the CPC. Somone like Kellie Leitch (her campaign manager was a Sup Forumsack) but without being a retarded dyke. How the hell is a natioanlist party going to recruit hundreds of MPs across the country and convince niggers in Toronto and Montreal to vote for them?
Heh its comical. Another Bern/out/ that will be BTFO by a Trump clone.
We truly are Americas Hat.
Bah, Victor Hugo est un bon écrivain et j'aime beaucoup la description qu'il me donne. En tant qu'historien, c'est une vision clair du passé tel que raconté par homme de la période. Il n'y a pas beaucoup d'écrivain qui vont mettre ce niveau de détails sur ce sujet. Mais je suis d'accord que des fois il tombe par dessus bord.
Comme les misérables.
Quebec takes the most aid of any province and always votes liberal. Alberta is the best province. Without Alberta oil, Canada would rely on foreign aid. Saskatchewan is the second best province because they are the only other place to not vote liberal.
Bah, Victor Hugo est un bon écrivain
>Protecting Canadian culture
Define Canadian culture in such a way that it includes Quebec but doesn't include the USA. You cannot, and that's why the division exists in the first place.
If you give a crackhead his crack everyday, don't surprise if he comes back.
You should have allowed us to quit and hit a wall.
We would have recovered. What we have now is worst, we're like niggers on social aids because we have no incentives.
Waaaaaaay too many socialist pieces of shit in here.
Allez fais pas le nègre. Appuie ton argumentation avec plus que ça.
>We need to infiltrate the CPC
See this was actually and idea I wanted a while back but you have to realize that in Canada's political climate it is 99% impossible to undermine any major party's brass unless your a fucking pariah. Trump barely squeezed into take control of the RNC by a fucking hair but the reason why he even got away with it is because party loyalty in the US is much more loose than in Canada. Parties here are like Italian mob families, if you get out of line they will cut you down and whack you while you end up living in your mothers basement for the rest of your life because you will never get another political opportunity again because of their monopoly in the elections industry. Its more ruthless to get under a party banner in Canada than the US while being radically different in some areas, you have to subscribe to the party directors ideals if you want to run otherwise they gut you like a fish or simply tell you to piss off.
Leitch is a bad example because she is ungenuine and that's not the kind of person I want to be if I get the chance to run for MP. Thanks to Trump political parties in Canada are gradually ignoring the growing center and center right and even the center left who want good ideas from each party but don't want to subscribe to their entire ideology. The NPC platform has ideas taken from every side that logically makes sense to the typical Canadian mantra (legalized taxed weed but no islamaphobia anti-free speech bills, breaking down regulations without completely bending over to Chinese oligarchs) without the drawback that comes from the Liberals, Conservatives and NDPs. We have enough in our platform that will get center left and some typical left support, Ive talked to many Liberal voters who liked a lot of our ideas especially national co-op to help get young people relevant job training and expand industrial and trades jobs as national infrastructure becomes more grand.
non, la merde est d'un océan a l'autre, tout comme ce qui est bon...
Il a ecrit un livre sur un criminel sans parler du crime une fois. L'emphase sur l'individue meme pour parler contre la mechante peine de mort.
Métastase du post modernisme.
J'ai le coeur qui leve.
J'avais 3 livres que j'ai simplement foutu a la poubelle.
Merci aux connes du Cegep qui font acheter ces cochonneries la en passant
I understand that a ton of white liberals are against mass immigration and want to stop chinks from buying us up, but what about the mudshits and chinks themselves? Most of the GTA is foreign invaders and there's no way they'll vote for a party that wants to decrease immigration and increase regulations on wealthy elites and foreigners.
Il a ecrit un livre ou dans TOUTE le livre il se lamente sur sa petite fille morte.
>We are less cucked on average than the rest of canada
dude, watch daytime TV or Radio. I believe its worst.
The uncucked regions are very far from the main population hubs
Canadian culture to me is that we're a nation of settlers, explorers and a nation of outdoorsmen. A nation of quiet people who despite the differences between Anglos and Francos still can work together to build our cities up and establish our great commonwealth out of a land the Vikings couldn't make a civilization out of due to the cold and harsh terrain. We strive to work hard, get the job done and stick to ourselves and at the end of the day bond together through the love for the land and through fun shit like beer, hockey and good food. Canada is literally the comfiest nation in which it seems like nothing really happened here but yet we made it from Atlantic to Pacific, colonized the Arctic, made a railroad from sea to shining sea and made breadbaskets from cold plains and cities from boulders and dynamite. And at the end of it there wouldn't be a Canada without Quebec and everyone else uniting to form the Dominion just as there wouldn't be a Canada if we didn't fight back and kick the Americans out in 1812. Those bonds of unity are my Canada and modern division will never wipe those facts away.
And as a Quebecker I don't see it this way.
Sounds good like that but I can't trust your eternal anglos like you can't trust my ti poil.
That's just how it is. We can support each other but we're not the same people.
>but what about the mudshits and chinks themselves?
There are newcomers who do not want leeches in society and I've talked to many Canadians whose family came from Asia who hate mass immigration and just want security and economic stability and we will provide that for them, the GTA is slowly moving away from Liberal control outside of downtown thanks to the reign of Wynne and if Patrick Brown ends up being the same it could be worthwhile for us in the GTA since they may give us a chance to fix these problems.
I know a Filipino guy who hates immigrants but his family has been here for generations. Asians only voted conservative because Harper loved chinks and loved the rich. They don't give two shits about Canada. GTA might vote for right wing policies, but never on immigration.
>We can support each other but we're not the same people
At the very least I'd just want us to work together to make our nation great and at least have a couple ambitions and similarities to keep us together even if Anglo and Francophone culture have noticeable differences. If we can at least have relative stability and understanding then I think we can make Canada prosper.
The thing is that we'll both eventually try to screw each other in the ass.
That's why multiculturalism doesn't work as a whole.
Si jme rappel bien, le crime initiale était de voler un pain non? Et il lui donne 5 ans au bagne parce qu'il est aussi un braconnier connu des forces de l'ordre. Pour les restant de l'histoire, il essaye toujours de s'échapper du bagne ce qui ne fait qu'augmenter sa peine jusqu'à en arriver à la peine de mort.
Putain mais regardez moi ça, c'est du français pour vous ?
I dunno about that, but apparently the French they speak has a pretty thick accent compared to the French from France. I met a dude from France who told me all the people in Quebec sound like hill billy retards to him. Kek
C'est du Queb.
C'est du gros criss de queb sale
Vote pour moe tu vas lavouere ta raforme du franca.
Newfoundland, PEI, and Nova Scotia are the best. Would include New Brunswick but it's 50% french so fuck them.
Peut-etre ma mauvaise memoire mais dans mes souvenirs il ne dit pas la raison.
>They have the most corruption.
That's wrong. They have the corruption that is the most talked about, meaning it's going to go down for a few years at least. Places where no one talks about corruption always have the most.
Or you can go the USA way and legitimize your corruption.
>Asians only voted conservative because Harper loved chinks and loved the rich. They don't give two shits about Canada.
That is true for some, especially 1st gen trust fund kiddies however part of the blame is on provincial government and federal for not working to screen and integrate people into our culture and teach them our history. My good friend who is a 1st gen who's parents came from Jamaica and Asia says he wants to leave at some point because he doesn't feel like there's anything in Canada because government has indoctrinated a generation to believe in globalist worldviews and abandon true national pride and respect for the people who helped to build our nation. Fixing that is the only way to contain that issue however i think some will vote for reducing immigration because working class Asians don't want more competition for jobs and even newcomers think its too many people being taken in.
Anglos don't want to see Quebec leave and I'm sure Quebec wouldn't want to face a massive security issue that would come from independent Quebec so I think there's still a political stalemate that stops that from happening and even so our party will fight for every province's interests and for Quebec interests and for protecting Quebecois culture and traditions.
Changez jamais les gars.
"a massive security issue"
Nothing great ever comes out of ease.
My people need to be hit in the face.
Socialism doesn't work. They need to get rid of the feminist movement in Quebec and all its deviances. Eg of things we could do, you don't want kids, fine, when you're done working you lose all your social benefits. A life time of work is only worth the time you're working, the rest depends on the kids you're putting to this world and if you were too much of an hedonist pig to reproduce yourself people shouldn't have to pay for you.
Fucking starve I say.
We are due to hit a wall.
Question for you leafs. If a vote on Quebec independence was held this very second, what would the result be? I know the vote in the mid 90's was super close, but have things changed since then?
newfies 55% white?
hahaha, en vrai j'aime bien l'accent québécois, et vos "blondes" sont de ces frappes, ma première ai gf était québécoise, c'était peut-être mes meilleures branlettes quand elle mettait sa cam
Est-ce que ça existe une québécoise moche sans dec ? J'ai un gros fantasme sur pic related aussi
Enfin bref chaque fois que je vois une québécoise je suis envouté direct
Since then the anglos have swarmed us with niggers.
>Nothing great ever comes out of ease.
Sure but I still think separating won't do the job and there are still better ways to deal with the far left. In a way Trump's strategy of making them look insane is working wonders and now centrists are isolated and looking for new representation.
>the anglos have swarmed us with niggers.
I thought Quebec politicians wanted all the African French speakers for language instead of culture? Or are they Anglo Quebecers?
Quebec independence was always more about dislike of the Federal Government than of Canada. Harper understood this, so after giving Quebec more freedom, he mostly ignored it, and that worked fine for his whole tenure.
Honestly no one here understands the unconditional love the rest of Canada holds the Fed. It's fucking shit, no matter how you cut it. Why do they like it?
you win this round leaf, you have risen in the power rakings
Montreal is filled with millions of hardcore leftists and foreigners. They only way QC could achieve independence is by leaving it out of the vote.
We had 1 man who really stood by the people of Quebec and it was Levesque. The others are there because they say what they are expected to say by the country they serve.
When Levesque ran the jews moved to Toronto in masse because they knew he wouldn't tolerate their shit. He had good ambitions unfortunately they didn't fucking vote for him.
Now the same boomers who voted no are probably chilling somewhere in Florida with my tax money and their 1.6 children.
>you've been watching québécoise comedy on the bus home for years and never realized it
wtf, i love leafs now?
>Canadian culture to me is that we're a nation of settlers, explorers and a nation of outdoorsmen.
Just like Americans. Bad news, you've failed your assignment.
>A nation of quiet people who despite the differences between Anglos and Francos still can work together
Not really. They live apart in what are basically two separate countries within one, with three attempts of one to break away from the other.
You can't even define Canadian culture as anything other than "muh settlers".
Levesque was a good guy for the most part even if I don't agree with separatism I sympathize with maintaining the Province's culture.
>Just like Americans
Americans are a nation of conquerors, we aren't of the same historical mentality because we didn't acquire land through direct conquest. A better comparison would be with British and old French culture since we are a baby compared to other 1st world countries, we've only been around for 150 years.
>implying Maxime Bernier isn't our guy