>build safest, happiest, healthiest, most equal, least corrupt society in the history of the world
>it completely self-destructs within 50 years
Are human beings just incapable of having nice things?
Build safest, happiest, healthiest, most equal, least corrupt society in the history of the world
>Implying you didn't help kill it in 1945
It didn't start until after 1945 Sven
Maybe it didn't even kick into high gear until after 1989
It's just the cycle user..
> harsh times
> harsh times create strong men
> strong men create good times
> good times create weak men
> weak men create harsh times
> restart the greentext
this and Obama fucking around with other countries
The Pax Brittanica was the height of western civilisation
Are you talking about Germany? If so we can agree
They freely developed as E Europe was raped by barbarians
We picked up where you left off
I don't believe you properly understand, inequality is good. I am not trying to be an edgelord here, im only being ibjective. Inequality is what motivates people to work hard, inequality wakes people up in the morning, and it is what pushes people to save up. Without inequality, we all become the same, loose interest in progressing, and we effectively renounce our humanity.
Take the long view. You are only capable of nice things when you are strong enough to take them.
You don't build your mansion next to the homeless slums of the middle east
Bro its fucking Europe this is the single longest time of relative peace it has ever experienced. They all still hate each other deep down though you cant forget the history. It was doomed from the start.
Yes it was pure coincidence
>completely self destructs
No, America helped destroy the country trying to protect it all from Communism/Marxism and then watched as they took control and steered it towards destruction.
It didn't self destruct, it was subverted and purposely destroyed.
America is just as fucked as Europe. There will be no place to run for any of us.
at least the 21st century is going to treat you guys better than it will them
all the westerners are the heirs of Rome, the French almost achieve the Unification of Euurope or just the control of it with Napoleon and Charles V almost did it too, not to mention Adolf Hitler(with more genocides). England and after that the UK through history revealed itself as a powerful and influential nation of course but achiving what the romans did, I don't know and I'm not the one who can tell who is the most rightful heir
This. One cycle takes about 80 years to complete itself.
It makes me have sand negro guilt.
Did I just coin that? Whatever. Gas the Muslims.