WMAF: The Ricepill

Asian women are the only Sup Forums approved women, do not believe the lies of western whores claiming only betas breed with asians. They know their potential providers are being poached and will do anything to try and stop this.

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Whatever you say, chink.

Roastie detected

enjoy having children that look nothing like you and who will never relate to you.



That's why you go for the ones who are already mixed.
My wife's parents were 1/2 German 1/2 Norwegian(father) and 1/2 Singaporean Chinese 1/2 Japanese (mother). My wife has a kind of sandy blonde hair color and so do my 2 daughters. My eldest daughter though has a streak of black above her left ear which I though was pretty cool when it developed. My son pretty much looks like me outside of his deep brown hair and a slightly pudgy nose.

forgot pic. it made me hard as fuck btw and I'm not even an Hachikuji fan.


Nagasawa Marina is her name btw.

No thanks
I don't want some chinky useless halfbreed beta son

What about Filipino women?

This could be my future if the situation doesn't get better here.

the ricepill? jesus fuck these spam threads have to stop. this place is becoming a second b board

What the fuck is with so many white fucbois having yellow fever? East asians are shit and my home country in South Asia has much better looking women but you guys dismiss them for being "shitskins". BAKA.


Unless the pinoy is already mixed I personally don't see it.

And you are?

One comes with an accessory of 30+ new immediate family members.

Also, don't fall for the social media meme. At least eyeball flips personally. I've seen lots of americans with maid tier filipinas in tow.

At least my neighbor expat made sound decisions and kept himself ties-free

Filipinas are feminine and submissive as fuck until they sniff weakness in you. Then they turn into horrible cunts.

that girl looks like she's 15
is that why she attracts you you niggerfaggot?

>tfw no pre-mixed gook gf

Men with an asian fetish are literally pathetic.


Any white person who racemixes should be severely punished.


This. I'm trying to think of some non Jew faggots that aren't married to Asians, but none come to mind.

Wow I feel bad for my son.

Shut up man.
Blatant hypocrisy to yell at mudsharks then go and say stuff like this.
Asian women for Asian men, white women for white men, yadd yadda...

You don't want to raise the next Elliot Rodger?

More fuckin anime loving masturbators

It's worth dating a couple, but don't marry one.

In regard to your namefag.
Because they didn't do anything wrong :^)

You date them because the white women won't touch your disgusting body. Asians looking for a permanent residence card are the only ones desperate enough to look at you.

Have fun raising a lil Elliot with Kim Jong Un's sister.

Miscegenation is wrong, race traitor.

I'm infertile so I'm exempt from the "degenerate racemixer" thing, right?

My mother in law looks like she hasn't aged in 20 years. It's kinda freaky.


Nice picture leafman, did you make it yourself?

Because it seems so.

i dont even care about what is being discussed ITT. i only came here to laugh at this. every single time.

Once again I will state the obvious. White men need white women to continue the white race. Asians ain't white, thus if you fuck Asians and have kids, you speed the decline. Be a man and be better than bbc, and take your women back you fucking quitters.


same lol .

i love these threads, KEEP UP EM UP DAILY OP!!!

"I'm pro Asian race mixing" - posts the most beautiful asian women

"I'm against Asian race mixing" - posts hideously ugly cartoons of asian women

Calm down. Just find a non-nigress with good genes and you'll be fine.

It could work, but any Asian culture and tendencies need to be eliminated from the home. No chink food allowed and the little halfbreeds have to associate with other whites not chink children.


Here's the rub that most young folk wont understand.

Who are the guys getting Asian GFs? People who are focused on their business or too much to deal with normal American women. Career or education focused individuals who don't care to deal with Drama x1000 of the average American white woman and would rather take the drama x10 of an Asian woman.

Who are dating the white women? Super-chads, people who marry their high school gf and 35 year olds who dont mind dating damaged goods.

This is true in about 80% of all scenarios.

>rice chaser
Mentally ill people should be caged

This guy's got it.



>East asians
Stopped reading there. Stay on topic please.

Here you have to keep in check your mental illness


That's why I said good genes you stupid fuck. And if you can't see through plastic surgery you deserve to have deformed children.

Sage faggot thread.

Most of them are white, what they aren't is caucasian.
Races are much more than skin colour, moron. And even Caucasoid is too vague of a term.


Any form of race mixing is destructive and should never be considered acceptable. Are you mixed yourself? If so, that sucks and you can probably understand why it is destructive.


I have no idea why anyone would put up with a white woman in 2017

looks like we have to worry about jew OPs again

everything is back to normal on Sup Forums

Farm the rice , pay the price

i will happily pay the price to enjoy my rice

wew laddy

is it weird that I'm more turned on by her ears than her ass?

>only 30+

I got about 300+, about an entire towns worth.

Atleast the waifu makes 6 figures as a work from home programmer and her sinigang is delicious.

She's the most miserable person to be around during her period though.

I still love her.

The morale oof this story.
Find yourself an asian model.

AYYYY nigga its all about that half white half Asian dating game. My gf is half Korean and half white. Her and her mom cook some bomb ass food, shes pretty as hell and traditional too and finally I can say at the end of the day im helping the white race because our offspring will be 3/4 white so I'm more or less correcting any racial betrayel her father did

No. Wife is Cuban. One kid so far - he looks white as white can be. I have dark hair anyway so of course so does he.

asian females are sluts so vaxx up before you pass through the gates of valhala