Wilders at almost 10% in the exit polls, what now zionists?
Wilders at almost 10% in the exit polls, what now zionists?
Is that a good thing or something?
> exit polls
have you learned nothing?
More concern trolling, Azad.
Geert is going to make Holland white again, and untermensch like you will be strung from lampposts.
Its not going to happen.
Nexit not happening my loser friend.
>trump will never be president
To all the foreigners: Polls while the elections are still going on, are illegal. This guys is trolling.
The first real exit polls will be released after the voting booths closed, at 9pm local time.
Between 11:30 and midnight, we will know the almost definitive results.
>implying wilders isn't part of some zionist scheme
The EU will die within the next 10 years. Whether or not your country has a referendum is irrelevant.
Sorry, I didn't mean "your" country. The Netherlands belongs to its native white inhabitants, not mudskin muzzie trash like you.
I recommend that you immigrate from Europe within the next decade, for your own sake. Inevitably, people like me will be hunting people like you for sport.
What are your predictions, fellow Colgate? Any chance of Geert victory or even landslide? I saw that you guys are having some of the biggest turnouts to date.
Also, are you guys GMT or +1?
The turnouts are a huge surprise, yeah. They are almost 10% higher than in 2012. I blame the weather ;-)
Right now it's really hard to say. If I could predict anything i'd say VVD first, Wilders second. I don't expect a lot of deviation from the polls, but who knows. Anything can happen.
But somewhere, I have the feeling the real winner of the elections will be the left wing. I don't know why, I have a gut feeling. The green party had a very effective campaign and I personally know a lot of people that voted them. D66, an average middle party, also had a surprisingly good campaign.
I'm curious and excited, no matter what the results will be.
weather today was god-tier, jesus
I see, so you guys have a bunch of parties and I assume you usually have coalitions to form government? Is there any party that will enter a coalition with PVV if Geert ends up first or is he getting Le Pen'd no matter what?
Thanks for the thorough analysis btw, appreciate it mate. Good luck and my best wishes for your beautiful country.
Praise be kek
It's nice to see that so many people are interested in our elections!
Geert will most definitely have a really tough time if he wants to form a coalition. All but maybe one of the bigger parties is downright against them and will 99% sure refuse them.
Some people say Wilders does this on purpose, because he doesn't want to be in a position with actual responsibility. The opposition is the best place for him to sit.
Shaliday my dudes
Naw bro, we gonna remove muslims from europe
Is it possible to have a coalition of more than two parties? Even then, looking at the seat counts it doesn't really look possible, but you have something like 28 parties running if im not mistaken.
It's not only possible, it's required to have a coalition of more than two parties. You need to end up with 76 seats, the biggest party will probably get around 30.
We have a lot of parties, yes, but around 5 or 6 of them will actually end up with a significant amount of seats. Pretty much all of those parties have excluded the PVV.
Of the smaller parties, yeah you can try, but getting like 4 parties with 2 seats each doesn't help either.
I don't want to say it's impossible, but it's very close to impossible for Wilders to form a coalition.
I hope with 'we are gonna remove muslims' you don't mean 'we are going to bring you some democracy'. I kinda like my country.
What will happen if PVV "wins," but can't form a coalition of 76 seats, then? I suspect Rutte will win, but just hypothetically.
Then Rutte can form a coalition with the seats he has. Yes. That also means Rutte becomes prime minister again, because the leader of the biggest party in a coalition becomes PM.
Thanks for clearing that up! Eagerly awaiting the results here in the U.S.A.
>Polls while the elections are still going on, are illegal.
It's the same thing in France, the local news are forbidden from making polls but foreign medias always seems to find stuff. So yeah, no Crusading for you.
When did you realise Wilders is just Pym Fortuyn with a wig ?
>The EU will die within the next 10 years.
Say bongs since 1975
If Greens surpass Geert you can all die
I'm mad with my Tyrolese cousins for VdB but if the turkish row really helped the Greens like the polls says your population is the master cuck of Europe
Not gonna lie, former Geert voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Geert crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
At this moment I really don't know. I wonder what effect the Turkish situation had on the elections. I think it mostly confirmed people's trust in their candidate, rather than bring in a lot of new ones.
We'll have to see.
> nuclear codes
> netherlands
Good one
They found Atlantidean nukes in the polders
He's right, we did.
The polls are totally to be trusted goyim, dont bother voting as youve already lost!
His party will still have representation via seats. It's not like the US where its all or nothing
Now we'll see if the sudden drop of geert votes was real or a total invention
And by extension, if Macron is really the anti-marine messiah, that looks suspicious as fuck
Lets hope the three biggest parties are right wing
Blow me Abhijeet
Why the fuck do you retard even bump this shill thread for? And now I had to bump it to call you retards, fuck you.
So according to all the exit polls
Wilders is somewhere between 10% and 55%
Thanks a lot
shut up cuck
8 and 12 % in the exit polls
>voting green
wtf is wrong with you people, even canada isn't that cuked and that's saying something, just look at our prime minister.
Yeah the Green Party leader is a pretty accurate copy of Trudeau. His optimism attracted quite a sizable following.
Geert will Win and Bolsonaro will be elected in 2018
nobody cares about the netherlands. the majority of the world couldn't find these cucks on a map. they have literally no history and the only thing they may be known for is amsterdam and dude weed lmao
a literally who country
Ha ha exist polls now show him at around 75%
I want to know.
Is 10% good enough to win?
yes it means he won 10% while the rest won 90%
There are no exit polls and exit polls while the voting booths are still open are illegal. Don't fall for the bait. The only real exit polls will be released 45 minutes from now.
> People openly admitting when asked
Only americucks can't find shit om maps, retard.
Fuck you're right, wilders WILL be president!
You are for Wilders in last 3 days on Sup Forums, so you were sleeping last couple of years or what? 10% is a lot for 3 days.
surely turnout will be over 100%
That's never stopped anything people really wanted
This, admitting to vote Wilders is basically admitting to be ""islamophobe""
In the UK Geert would be in jail with a knife in the guts
sauce m80
echt waar ?
>50+ choices listed
Trump's twitter timeline. He just deleted it tho, sorry.
Hillary is winning she's +12
En foxnews.com ook nog! check it
Nah, there's no way that the Greens get more, last (((poll))) the greens has like 11 seats and PVV 19 seats, being on the second place, while the ruling party, the centre-right VVD has 35 seats. These are polls but I don't expect it to change a whole lot. Voting booths will close in 45 minutes and the results will be fully determined some time tonight, with more reliable predictions being made an hour after the voting booths close.
Sauce for fellow Dutchfags
\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/
CTR still gets paid?
To little, to late Heinrich.
they were rolled into shareblue. david brock just got $450 million in funding to shill and spam everywhere
in comparison he paid $11 million during the election to shill. it means not only are they hitting all media hard, they are also outright paying people off. im sure site owners and mods across the internet are being offered big sums of money to remove pro-right posters and shit
Isn't this just an edited Trump copy pasta?
He's going to lose. Only butthurt manlets are white nationalists and most people in the Netherlands are above 6 foot.
Checked and Praised!
Lord Kek, accept the energy of this humble reply and cleanse Europe of the vines that restrain.
Geert. baka
95% of my friends voted for Shillary, and look how that turned out.
Have some faith in the PVV. Kek has willed a victory. The globalists are forever done.
>Sweden: cucked
>Germany: cucked
>Austria: cucked
>Netherlands: cucked
>France: probably cucked
Western Europe is done. Let's burn this shit to the ground and start something new.
>muh zionists
Fuck off Mohamed.
Yeah, I guess I am in an age demographic that is more likely to vote green party than older age demographics. We'll find out in 30 minutes!
Watch it you'll get a court date mate
waaa why wont europe turn nazi again
60.000.000 you fuck
I'm excited. Europe needs to be saved, and Brexit was the first domino to fall. A chain reaction is inevitable.
I thought it was still a kingdom.
Go cry to papa Erdogan, fucking roach.
goat rapists BTFO
holy shit
will kek touch me as well?
shut up janusz, you're not even a real germanic
Thanks amiribro
Americans like you give the rest a bad reputation.
Hey Jop
Netherland have a lot of history.