is she really a roach?
i thot she was swedish living in roachistan
Is she really a roach?
Keep practicing with that brain of yours, maybe it'll function properly someday.
yup, without all that make up, she looks like every other turkroach.
Jag ska kulturberika det precis som dets kusiner kulturberikar våra kvinnor
when will this meme die..
roach yes, "she" maybe
jag hatar du
Anzu really is a boy.
This! Is HE!
no habla angliash porr favour
how tall is anzu
nose and fat turkish cheeks etc. There is no mistake.
fake and gay
:( Vale mi friend no make my cabrear
She's a typical rape baby. Probably Slavish.
You date them because the white women won't touch your disgusting body. Asians looking for a permanent residence card are the only ones desperate enough to look at you.
Turkish girls come in all colours and flavours
>adam's apple
si si, vamos a luchar contra su cochino árabe de mierda?
and slav or romanian rapebaby
adam's apple on a grill indicate higher testosterone and therefore higher sex drive. my ex had one, and she was a freak in bed
Hän then
You were having sex with a dude.
post anzu without makeup
gtfo, chang
>w/o makeup
i don't have that pic saved, user
ja! Döda muslimer i gillar
Post pic without makeup so i can see her actual fucking face features.
sHE'S a witch! not a roach! she cast magic spell! cast that magic spell on yee! *navigates the labyrinth*
gör spanien great again, franco junior när?
She's fully Turkish, retard
anybody have the pic that shows off her sexy ribs?
>franco junior när?
Ojala pronto amigo mio :(
without makeup and a wig*
You don't want to see that trust me
jesus you trap loving degenerates need to die.
If she's fully Turkish, then America is a white country.
>ywn hand feed Anzu kebabs to help her recover from being a skeleton
why live...
Can confirm.
Raskriget närmar sig, den etniska europeiska populationen är den enda som kommer överleva. Bort med alla smutsiga undermänniskor.
Well, it is. POC are simply living in it.
I love her so much.
she's cute
ive always been attracted to more androgynous looking girls pol does that mean i have gay tendencies
Eso ya es muy dificil para mi, que te den por culo, no te entiendo.
Got to respect her decision Sup Forums. Stop calling her a him.
anzu is a little roach retard and im going to kiss her
Yes. Just don't suck any dicks or get pegged and you should be fine.
Nothing gay about liking boy pucci
It means you had an emotionally sheltered childhood and feel threatened by mature women with well developed secondary sex characteristics.