We dont want no zionist

What the fuck is wrong with you people voting for geert? This guys is a fucking ex-mossad zionist. We already have enough of those kikes in politics.


>Even Intelligence agencys know


TLDR; Vote FvD and fuck woman rights.

Other urls found in this thread:


You're right, but this is NuPol. We are cucks now.


He kind of look like Trump. That's why.

why does it even matter all we want is 0 muslims it's not like jews are going to replace the European population

Better him the a Lefty.

Even as a Pali from a Muslim background I don't understand why you guys hate Jews so much. We obviously hate them because muh clay, but why do you?

Neither are the muslims but well... Sup Forums paranoia again.

He's the biggest Jew cuck in politics

Protip; you dont have to tell youre paki, we have flags here

because they create and perpetuate cultural marxism, the no.1 enemy of the white race and western civilization

>t. jobless Walloon Scum

>it's not like we're behind the policy of immigration in most of european countries, seriously guys

>live in a country so shitty even sandniggers displaced from wartorn countries don't want to seek refuge there
>h-haha muslims totally aren't taking over yurop

Can someone give me a slow walkup on Geert's time spent with/involvement with Mossad?

I'm a Palestinian, my German friend, not a Pakistani.

>you're all the same

Okay, okay

Netherlands are simply gone too far. People here laugh about Germany and their mass immigration, truth is the Dutch already did this 20 years ago, same time UK and Sweden opened the floodgates.

The dutch representatives in the EU, like Frans Timmermans, are the most radical mass immigration enforcers out there:


Netherlands were the very first european nation that fell to jewry, in the 17th century when sephardic jews took over the dutch government. From the Netherlands and with dutch help, the jews took control of the UK and the Bank of England. Netherlands are fucked beyond repair.

Because the problematic jews are not the ones inside their container.

Is there ANY nationalist movement that isn't kosher approved outside of national socialist movements?

Mohammed bathes in pork shit while getting fucked in the ass by Ali Baba and his forty thieves.

Zionist or Islamist... which one deny science the most? And we r done here.

>What the fuck is wrong with you people voting for geert? This guys is a fucking ex-mossad zionist. We already have enough of those kikes in politics.

Don't worry, he's fallen behind :^)

I'm a walloon with a father so succesful i can still be student in my mid twenties. How is your minimum wage job Dirk?

gert wilders and sadiq khan, are the new era final stage incoming era politician, erasing the people produced by the older systems, the question is...

What's next...... After the old white and blue collars are erased, what replaces them, do they just become drones for the rest of their lives, drones to who? Are they forced to play out lower tier 3rd world characters, or become globalist workers, Obviously they won't be allowed to become uncle tom heaven fearing conservatives, so we will wait and see.

But it is way more just about group control and dominance than it is about who actually has a better system for the future, so expect the quality of life to remain poop tier, regardless of material wealth, which is put on the statistics sheets.

Your pic makes no sense, Trump backstabbed them at every turn.
Of course, he said he would do things and that he was pro Israel, but until now I haven't seen him stay on their side (only the time he went against UN or NATO in their favor).


Because the ex-mossad zionist has a better chance of removing kebab than people like you.
You pick Palestinians over Israel and muslims over Christians because mu joos and muh ethnic nationalism. While every normie and sane person would rather live in Israel than any muslim country and would rather not destroy their culture and religion for some weird cringey neopagan larping utopia.

People are finally starting to wake up. Now they realize that the Jews are not a natural enemy, and can be powerful allies of befriended.


This. All it seems to take for these people to eat shit up from politicians is mention muslims in a bad way, and they'll suck their dick in a matter of seconds, without remembering (((who))) was the cause of the migrant crisis in the first place. Its like right out of the kikes playbook, and Sup Forums is being played. Pretty embarrassing tbqh.

Pulling another brick out of the EU has to be the priority.

>this candidate may be the cloest to our short term goals while also being the most likely to win but he thinks Israel is a country so you better not vote at all and allow the left to form government ha ha ha im so smart and redpilled

This is you.
Sort yourself put.

Fuck off, kike shill. You know very well it's either this or Sweden-tier cucks.

>False dichotomy
back2plebbit, leaf.

You guys seem pretty fucked either way.

Have you noticed all of Sup Forumss /ourguy/ are all rabbid zionists?


Go fuck yourself. Israel needs to be purged, and the Temple needs a bronze and ivory statue of Zeus on top of it.

Based jew

It's the running theme in Politics. Goys are lining up behind their masters.

>i can still be student in my mid twenties

Is this something to be proud of?

who is the middle right guy on this pic????