Super Mario is so cucked. I bought 2 Nintendo 2DS for my boys for christmas. The older one got Pokemon, and the younger one (3yo) one with Super Mario Bros 2. He really tried and got better and better.

After obvious often fails the game unlocked a white leaf that makes you invincible because it recognizes a "bad" player.

I mean, WTF. Its gread that he can beat bowsers castle under 4yo. But I remember my youth where nobody gave shit if I am disappointed or not. I just kept trying and got better. My son learns that you dont have to put effort into anything and accomplish your goals.

This is the pacifistic shit they teach at schools and at Kindergarten. Everything is fine, every effort is to much. Just dont disappoint a child and teach him to fight for things you want.

Thats how SJW are born!

Fuck this liberal shit.


I really fucking hate Japan

Nintendo and anime are largely responsible for the destruction of western civilization.

2/5. Novel concept but sloppy execution.


Make him beat Dark Souls.

Video games are for losers. Congratulations on contributing to your kids' future NEET lifestyle. Should have bought them books and weights desu

What a dumbass ass.
2DS already has near perfect emulation.

You're probably a shitty father for allowing your children to play the electric Jew, but never mind that.

You sadist... or masochist... or both

Did you consider the possibility that that was a joke?

I'm serious.

>not hacking the 2ds for free games
No excuse

How is there anything novel in taking something something perfectly innocuous and interpreting it as some Jewish plot? Seems like it happens all the time on Sup Forums, particularly for video games .

Wow, way to be 4 years late faggot. The only cuck here is (you).

Oh. Meh, I might do the same thing for my kids, but that's because I wouldn't want to them to play video games at all and Dark Souls at least presents an immense challenge, though actually considerably less than what many popular NES have.

Never really interpreted it as SJW propaganda but it makes sense now that you point it out. Just give him super mario bros 3 (the one made in the 90s with old school graphics), those games are fucking impossible for young kids.

Universities teach all this social justice bs. Why? Because they don't want to learn people to think critically. Learning and being smart is bad, it means you are unlikely to grow to follow their cult.

What you describe has the same attributions. By giving the child a free pass, they never learn to overcome the challenge. They don't learn that you need to strive and work hard to come out on top.
It creates a generation of people who have no drive or will or ability, which makes them easy targets for the SJW indoctrination.

OP, you should play board games with your kids, teach them that you don't always win.
Take them out to play more often, try to find hobbies for them where they can be creative.

Dark Souls is no fucking joke sir, at least not for a four year old. After that he needs to beat Ikaruga playing both P1 and P2 at the same time with zero continues and both players alive at the end of the game by the time he is seven or be cast into the pit of starving scrubs.

>actually using the leaf
SM3DL actually refuses to give you one of the savefile stars if you ever touch a leaf or p-wing.
Too bad this feature was removed in NSMB2.

Your reading to far into it. They push this sjw/humanities shit because it's impossible to fail those coursed.

Easy courses=easy money for the school administration. No real work or research needs to be done just cashing checks and preaching nonsense.

In most European countries, the propaganda is much more sublime. Not loud as in the USA. Can't really compare the two.

already downloaded it. Is to hard for him so he always switch to the new one.

What enrages me btw: SMB3 is possible in Multiplayer, but not the battlemode on 2DS.

And here you are on a Japanese Anime board.
Besides Nintendo (most Jap developers) doesn't do identity politics. Western developers are much worse with pushing their liberal agenda wherever they can. Japs are the only saving grace for gaming.

they finally got their revenge for the nukes


Its not like they are allowed to play the day. Maximum is 1 hour.

I grew up with video games, so I didnt see a reason, why they shouldnt. We play as much as we can board games.

Somebody said we should read books. My 7yo already reads books. I already know that Star Wars is cucked, but it is important to me. He reads Star Wars books for 10yo+. I also called my younger son Luke

Make them play Bloodborne

Sup Forums is that way -------->

I was called a Nazi because I didnt want my son to learn about Islam for 1 year. I said : FU. He goes to another class that time.

I dont want it, that my sons learn that Mohammed is in any way great. I am not a real christian, but enough to know the Islam is evil.

This thread is not about video games. It is about SJW and PC culture in video games especially this one targeting kids just as young as 4.


>Don't want them to play video games at all

I already know your kids will resent you their entire life for forcing them to not have fun, because it isn't fun to you.

In case you haven't noticed, forcing kids to not do something because you hate it, causes them to lash out. They will do even worse self destructive behaviors like alcohol, drugs. Maybe even date a nigger if they really hate you.

If you don't want your son to come home with his nigger husband, let the kid have some fucking freedom.

exactly this is what I mean!!!

what the flying fuck. trudeau needs to be assassinated right now.

Nintendo =/= degenerate weeb shit. Kys faggot

In little league we had the "slaughter rule". Ahead by 10 runs and the game is over regardless of what inning we were in. Children today will never know that feel of glory when you obliterate your opponent.

Feels bad man.......

kek the first football match i played was with 10 or so, we won 24:1 and i cried because i was the goalkeeper who received one goal

This. Nintendo is pure

I mean, whatever. Sports doesnt suppose to make just "fun". There are 2 teams, the better wins. If you always lose, its perhaps not your destiny and try something else. Or keep fighting.


Yoshi's Wolly World has a "mellow" mode where you can just fly the entire time



My god I want to fuck Paya

I remember losing it so hard that I couldnt beat Ninja Gaiden I was literally whiplashing the NES pad by the cord against the floor.

I broke 2 controllers this way and I learned how to fix them.

thats what I mean. every failure is the first step to a potential success