What was Worse Sup Forums? WWI or WWII?
What was Worse Sup Forums? WWI or WWII?
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For the common soldier ww1 was way worse than ww2
Ww1 didn't witness the atrocities of ww2 as far as I know
Define what you mean by worse.
If you mean what was worse for the individual soldier probably the west front in the first world war was as bad as it gets. But if you mean from an economical standpoint or similar world war two might contest here. Specify, then we can argue about it.
For Civilians, WW2, For Soldiers, WW1.
For Civilization, WW1 was definitely the worse
WWI just becasue you had new technology outdated tactics and two sides where they both came to the conclusion that the only way to beat the enemy was to grind the into dust.
WW1 I'd say, that was the first true war with all these new warfare technologies and strategies. Soldiers didn't know what to expect, and the front lines were hell on earth +1.
WW2 had more deaths and was bad as well, but by then we already expected the impact of air combat, tanks, machine guns, the world was different then.
Can I get a quick redpilled rundown on ww1?
The Great War was without a doubt the end of Europe. All the problems that exist in Europe now, had some start in 1914.
Well new tactics developed couldnt compete with the new technology developed in world war two either. In that sense I would definetly consider the second world war worse.
WW1 was the worst war this world has ever seen.
Nobody fucking cares about ww1 you fucking retard !!! Only ww2 maters because the nazis gassed 6 million jews including my grandparents !!! Fuck all of the other faggots who died !! They all deserve it !!!
It was savage, you would of died
You never had napoleanic formations walking headlong into machine gun fire in WWII though. Modern warfare was born in WWI.
WW1 was definitely more miserable. Between the gas and the trench foot and the complete lack of progress year after year the Great War is definitely the worst war to fight in.
WW2, however was EXPENSIVE. Tanks and planes were thrown into meatgrinder battles with reckless abandon and strategic bombing did massive economic damage. What's more, the battles were more dynamic and collateral damage far more widespread.
WW1 had worse ways to die.
WW2 had more ways to die
Probably WW1
Trench warfare sounds like hell.
>charge into and open field while being shot at with mortars and gunfire only to make little to no gain with almost no strategic value
>medicine severely limited back then so infections and disease were common in trenches
At least it seemed like in WW2, the world had adapted their tactics and it didn't seem so hopeless.
The great war
IT was easy to die in ww2 but it was on average less painfull than ww1
Correct but you had people sitting in foxholes while being shelled by hundreds of rockets, definetly not the same thing, but comparable.
Why do they always say the dude in the lower left was shell shocked? Was that proven or what? He could've just been told a funny joke at that instance.
Be young kid hear about the glorys of combat and how you can make a name for yourself and it would be a glorious adventure. Get sent to the front surrounded by death and mud hide in a hole in the ground while being shelled by an enemy you can't see. Go over the top and get cutdown by machine gun like wheat to a scythe.
True but for the most part WWII was very mobile you weren't stuck in that hole for years at a time. Even the worst sieges like Stalingrad more died due to hunger then the shells.
For humanity: WW2 because the Jews defeated the white race
>it was on average less painfull than ww1
Tell that to the 17 million Jews in concentration camps across Germany and Poland you Nazi bastard.
This is the correct answer, not only because of the horrific warfare techniques, but because of the legacy. What did your teachers tell you was a primary cause of WW1? Most people learned a major factor was because of "Nationalism". That stigma is still attached to nationalism today.
>MFW jews start a war to destroy the ideals of nations so thoroughly that the repercussions are still felt 100 years later.
>tfw you feet so wet for weeks that there's no longer flesh on it, just a juice of mud rotten flesh and maggots.
>Bilbo the trench dog wants to lick it.
WWI by far.
You were basically just sitting in a trench all day with your feet rotting off,waiting for an artillery shell to land on your head or to be gassedtfo
ww1 for soldiers
ww2 for civilians
ww3 for me
Wasted GET
ww1 was worse for the soldiers. ww2 was worse for all of the world and mankind as a whole. every jew must be wiped out
>only 17 million Jews
get out you anti-semite. Every goy knows at least 100 million Jews were gassed by Hitler, personally.
And don't forget part of the legacy of WWI was also the rise of communism in Europe and socialism in America. Woodrow Wilson fucked this country pretty much forever too with the rise of the Federal Reserve
Same my fellow Black Brother.
Ehh.. low energy.
The Great War probably had worse food
Top bantz hue bro.
Tell me about the kikes senpai
And if you survive all that, get gassed and lose your eyesight.
The dude in the lower left corner seems to be enjoying it
wwi brought wwii
wwii brought 70 years without major conflicts in europe
don't know which conflict was worse but surely this gives you a perspective of when the actual good guys won
You're an infantryman and you have a chance to be transferred to the air force because reasons. You'd escape the trenches and its horrors and live in a somewhat comfortable airfield behind the lines. On the other hand, there is a chance that you won't even survive training and your life expectancy is likely to be around a few weeks. What do.
>would of
Notice the guy laughing down left.
Crop of this image has been posted with title "russian spy laughs before execution in finland", kek
youve clearly never read a book on stalingrad
Although WW2 had generally updated medical knowledge and treatment along with updated weaponry (machine guns, explosives etc) WW1 had all the new updated weaponry WITHOUT the updated medical knowledge. Before the great war there was no comprehension of PTSD and most people suffering it were treated like traitors or criminals for instance.
Remember that those people saying "yeah sure in the perspective of the average soldier, WW1 was worse" well in WW1 there was pretty much only average soldiers and sailors. Afterwards there were more tank drivers, pilots, etc. previously though we might as well have been ants armed with artillery guns.
I honestly think that World War 1 drove the world slightly mad. The sheer scale of death should have been enough to prove that a war using modern technology would have been worthless. Instead Europe tore itself apart. Sure in terms of technology we have improved, but in some sense of reality there is still a wound that has yet to heal.
>70 years without major conflicts in europe
>impending civilization ending disaster with demographic change, culture clash and the destruction of the foundations of society like the family unit
>actual good guys won
>Night fell. The cold became intense. This is the time, when the battle is over, that the wounded that we haven’t yet found, cry out loud in their pain and suffering. And these shouts, these plaintive cries, these moans torment all those who can hear them; an especially cruel punishment for soldiers who must stick to their post, when all they wanted to do was run to the gasping comrades, to tend to them, to comfort them. But they cannot, they must remain static, weighed down by a heavy heart, raw nerves, actually trembling at the unceasing frantic calls in the night. ‘Drink! Are we going to let me die here?’ ‘Stretcher-bearers!’ ‘Drink!’ ‘Stretcher-bearers!’ ‘I hear one my men say, ‘Yes, what the bloody hell are they doing, the stretcher-bearers? They only know how to hide, those pigs! It’s like the police; you never see one when you need one!’
>And before us the dark shadow seems to groan with all the wounds that bled and were not dressed. Faint voices, weary from crying out: ‘What have I done to get killed in this war?’ ‘Mother, oh mother!’ ‘Jeanne, my little Jeanne! Oh, say that you can hear me, my Jeanne?’ ‘I’m thirsty! I’m thirsty! I’m thirsty! I’m thirsty!’ The cries appal us, they cut us to the quick. ‘I don’t want to die here, oh God!’ ‘Stretcher-bearers! Stretcher-bearers!’ ‘Bastards! Is there no one with any pity?’
>A German (he can’t have been more than 20 metres away) intones, ‘Kamerad Franzose! Kamerad! Kamerad Franzose!’ And lower down, pleading: ‘Hilfe! Hilfe!’ His voice bends, breaks and quavers like a crying child. Then his screeching grows and all night long he was like a dog howling to the moon. It was a dreadful night.
>WW1: Absolute hell for 2 weeks max, get pulled off for R&R, get put back in for 2 weeks, repeat.
>Experiencing Gas, Massive Artillery, Machine Guns vs Infantry, Flamethrowers, The First Armored Assaults, Hearing the sounds of Dying Horses, Getting shot by your own Officers
WW2: Absolute hell for Weeks, just wait for the Enemy to retreat. If you were a Bomber crew, you most likely got killed before you made 25 missions (Requirement to go home).
>Experience the first actual Special Forces, Getting to wear parachutes in planes, Japanese troops, Freezing to death in Eastern Europe.
It honestly depended on who you were facing, and where.
I would much rather have served in WW2.
WW1 was way worse but WW2 was multitudes more exicting and not as dull strategically.
WW1 was just plain stupid. Entitlement from monarchial times that had passed already plus military maneuvres that failed to keep up with the weapons.
WW2 was really sad, because it only happened because the stupidity did not stop with the end of WW1, it continued with a ""peace treaty"" that wasn't one and was bound to lead to more trouble later.
The lesson was really only learned after WW2, with NATO and the beginnings of the EEC.
>inb4 UN
They were never useful and continue to be just an expensive waste of money.
WW1 because not enough Jews were killed.
I remember, it's the SCP-106 Dude, pretty spooky
It had chemical weapons and shit, it was fucking brutal as fuck.
>All the glory of battle
>Except your country has partially educated you
>You're smart enough to know you're about to get fucked, but too dumb to escape it
fav ww1 poem:
Bent double, like old beggars under sacks,
Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge,
Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs,
And towards our distant rest began to trudge.
Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots,
But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame; all blind;
Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots
Of gas-shells dropping softly behind.
Gas! GAS! Quick, boys!—An ecstasy of fumbling
Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time,
But someone still was yelling out and stumbling
And flound’ring like a man in fire or lime.—
Dim through the misty panes and thick green light,
As under a green sea, I saw him drowning.
In all my dreams before my helpless sight,
He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.
If in some smothering dreams, you too could pace
Behind the wagon that we flung him in,
And watch the white eyes writhing in his face,
His hanging face, like a devil’s sick of sin;
If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood
Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,
Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud
Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,—
My friend, you would not tell with such high zest
To children ardent for some desperate glory,
The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est
Pro patria mori.
Classic. I know from memory that that fucker was called Wilfred Owen, the last paragraph says "It is sweet and fitting to die for your country", and the poor bastard died 1 week before the war ended.
WW1 because jews were ispired enough to make up gassing stories because of it.
>be in trench in WW1
>fumble around with gas mask
>its too late
>feel your eyeballs melt from your skull and skin begin to bubble up and slough off
>german jumps into the trench and mercifully guts you, letting you die a few minutes earlier than the gas would have
My father also was gassed. By jew Stalinists when he was only 9y. Gassed along with 6 gazzillion other prisoners.
Read "All quiet on the Western Front"
I know its super popular but some of that shit is intense as fuck.
>Literally searching for days for this guy who is dying
>He is lying on his stomach so his screams are dissipated and scattered so you can't locate his voice
>Friends die searching for this poor bastard
>Give up looking for him while his screams into the mud
>Eventually he goes quiet after 24/7 moaning/crying/screaming
>Your friend gets some high quality British Pilot boots that prevent Trench Foot
>Your friend dies and your other friend robs him of them because everyone knows he is just waiting to die
>The friend who took the boots dies and you get them
>You don't even care about the emotional part, you're a machine who is constantly trying to update itself to survive the war
>During an counterattack, while camouflaged in the mud, you stab the young kid who ran into your foxhole
>You immediately regret this mistake after fatally wounding him
>Use all of your supplies to try and heal him back to health and save him
>Kid slowly dies in your foxhole, and you barely make it out alive
>Your comrades essentially gave up on thinking you would return
Hard. As. Fuck.
>when he was only 9y
WW 1 for soldiers
WW2 for europe
I read this and Johnny got his gun in 8th grade because my mom didn't know much about them.
They scared the Fuck out of me. Really opened me up to the brutality of life. I think it redpilled me so hard at such a young age that I purposely blue pilled myself in my high school days to avoid it.
The part where he describes all of the soldiers with their noses sawed off from serated bayonets is chilling in AQOTWF
Can't find the file on my computer but there was this story from a German soldier during a gas attack:
>Get surprised by an artillery attack
>Feel shrapnel hit your leg
>Look down, somehow your equipment blocked the shrapnel
>Artillery turns out to be gas
>Everyone is scrambling for their masks
>Look down, your gas mask blocked the shrapnel
>Mask is torn apart
>See 14 year old kid who got hit in the arm from the artillery attack
>Struggling to put his mask on
>Grab his mask
>He isn't strong enough to fight against you and the gas
>Exhausted, he gives up
>You put on his mask
>Watch him choke to death
>You survive the gas attack
That sounds like fun
Here are some pics from my great-grandfather about how fucked up the armies treated their soldiers.
He served in an Austro-Hungarian regiment in Northern Italy for a few months before being supposedly granted leave in Serbia in 1917. Instead they were just regrouping with recently released POW's from Russia who formerly belonged to the regiment.
Instead of granting any of the men leave (many of whom had been captured for over over 2-3 years) they were going to put them immediately back to action in Italy.
Many of the soldiers mutinied, and in the aftermath over 40 men were executed. My great-grandfather and the other men in his regiment were forced to watch.
Pic 1/3
Aftermath 2/3
Implying these events weren't the same war, with a break in the middle, engineered by jews to exterminate the last race in europe that still had its pride and self determination.
WW1, not even close.
Holy fuck I must have blocked that out of my head. I'm going to re-read it.
Also the potato cakes made me really depressed. Like nothing about it is especially horrible, its just the state his life and family is in.
WW 1
3/3, his unit in happier times.
Ironically my other great-grandfather on that side of the family was an officer but captured on the Galicia defensive right away in early 1915. Since officer's POW camps in Russia were near the border and not Siberia when the Bolsheviks began revolting around 1917 he was "liberated" before Russia withdrew. When he made it back home they immediately told him to get back into combat against Russia, so he let himself get captured again, escaped again, and took a long time getting home to ensure the war would be over when he returned.
what would you have done?
My great-gramps was there as well. Treatment of soldiers depended on the unit and the commanders, but it usually tended to be between "very strict, but just and fair" and ridiculously bad. 20th century Hungarian literature and film touches on the subject of PTSD on occasions, the feels it gives can be unbearable.
but shotguns were too "inhumane"
He's in shellshock, nigguh. Notice the thousand yard stare.
WWI was worse for PvE deaths
WWII was worse for PvP deaths
WW2 was better cause lots of joos died (((supposedly)))
Those 70 years and counting are only going to make the next global conflict a whole lot worse, lad.
In term of cause of the war, WWI was worse, the cause was so fucking stupid it cause the death of many people for the dumbest fucking thing in the world.
I honestly am not sure what I would have done. That's what makes it so horrible. I don't want to imagine myself in a situation where I pull the short straw, and I rip the regular straw out of a another persons hands.
Great way to describe it.
I don't believe you
My great grandfather lied about his age to fight for the us in WWI.
he signed on as Calvary but that was liquidated and he ended up becoming a machine gunner. He was a machine gunner in France at 17.
He lived through the war came home and apparently didn't leave his room for 2 weeks and just screamed.
After that he started our family business which has been around for almost 100 years but was recently sold because international megacorps are buying everyone out.
Anyways he travelled the world after he started the business. Sometimes my dad said that after gramps had been in the scotch he would find my dad, a kid then, digging around in the attic through his old war stuff. One day my dad found a rusty bayonet. My dad asked him why it was rusty and he said from stabbing people.
Yeah I don't envy those who faced the trenches in WW1. That sounds like some nightmare level shit.
The generation who experienced WWI were so traumatized to the point of making society dysfunctional.
This led to rampant degeneracy throughout the West, especially Germany and Russia. In response, reactionary governments took power but ultimately defeated by the governments who had become infiltrated by the Jews.
The generation that fought in the second world war were completely inept because of poor parenting, and they allowed their children to pretty much spoil everything for future generations.
None of this would have happened without WWI which makes it objectively worse than WWII.
It was also worse for the common soldier because trench warfare is psychological and physical torture.
I spent a week last year in Verdun and its region, visiting everything related to WW1, from trenches to old military German bunkers and field covered with gigantic holes due to what we call the "land mines' war". WW1 surely was the worst war especially when it comes to the soldiers.
As a soldier? WWI.
WW1 was the definition of inhumane, if there were one event that could destroy any hope you had in humanity it would be WW1. They told these kids the war would be a great adventure and turned around and slaughtered them. We're talking walking young men in a line towards a machine gun nest waiting to die, rotting in trenches almost indistinguishable from the dead around you just waiting on your turn to feed the rats.
For the soldiers, WW1 by a landslide.
Here...grab this bolt action rifle and trench knife...now charge that enemy trench across no man's land with no cover from artillery, poison gas, and massed machine gun.
Oh, you made the trench? Ok, now clear it using short range weapons and hand to hand combat using clubs and knives vs an enemy prepared and waiting for you.
Oh, you cleared the trench of the enemy and took it? Awesome! Now sit and endure the inevitable artillery barrage for the next day or two because it was already sighted in for this eventuality. No breaks, constant bombardment and high explosives going off. Don't plan on sleeping, you won't be able to during the barrage.
Ok, now that the barrage is over.....do it again. Go take the next trench. Repeat.
Now keep in mind another thing people forget about WW1....most of the soldiers involved in that war had never ridden in a car or truck. Many had never even seen one. They typically grew up on farms and in rural areas, and if they DID see an automobile they likely had never ridden in one. So these green farmboy hicks, who grew up riding horses and hoeing potatoes and tending chickens and cows....we took them and tossed them onto a train (many for the first time ever, most people did little or no travelling or vacationing in those days) to the east coast. Then we threw them on a ship (for the first time in most of their lives) took them overseas to france and dumped them off. Dumped them off into massed machine gun fire, poison gas, trenches full of rats and decaying body parts, snipers, barbed and razor wire, trench fighting/being stabbed or clubbed to death, and finally, artillery. Artillery for days at a time.
It's completely fucked what they went through. WW2, even at its worst on the russian front and street to street fighting was a walk in the park in comparison.
Well, that's a bit tough on the ww2 generation. I think they grew up hearing horror stories from their parents, they also grew up in an economic horror story, the great depression. So then they go off to a war, which while maybe not as bad as ww1 was still no walk in the park, and after all that they wanted to give their kids a better life than they had so they spoiled them. Just like how most self made rich men spoil their kids, and the kids turn out to be useless rotten cunts. Same thing, just on a bigger scale.
Does anyone have that memoir of a German soldier who stole a wounded friend's gas mask? I'm trying to find it but I can't. Shit's intense.
I think it was honestly the womens rights movement.
There was the "White Feathers" where Women who thought they now had the right to spit on War Vets, and thought they could now decide who was socially a coward would put a white feather on those who didn't enter military service.
These suffragettes wanted an involuntary universal draft for those who couldn't fucking VOTE
The guys who got pinned by a white feather often would be medically unfit (and suicidal, as they wished they could serve), or in many cases they would just be servicemen who were out of uniform. One time, one of these cunts who was a leader in the suffrage movement and white feather movement attempted to give a white feather to a man called "George Samson" who was on his way to receive the Victoria Cross (the highest medal given in the British Empire/Commonwealth).
Women were able to vote, but often did not work in the time before WW1 and between WW2. This led to the degeneracy of feeling like they were allowed to comment on things they have no idea about.
After WW2 (the significant amount of time post WW2) is where Degeneracy started to appear again, "coincidentally" with another wave of feminism and "free love". People who hadn't experienced the hard times of war, and those who hadn't actually worked (Fathers who served and Mothers who worked in Factories were good, honest people and made America the greatest place in the world) started to grow up. Those who complained about actual work and fought the combat abilities of Troops in Vietnam were also the same people who embraced communism and the agents that reported back to the USSR. Women who weren't at risk of going over and dying in the Jungles, and who embraced the new wave of Feminism thought they were allowed to spit on men and throw blood at Troops who were returning home (who didn't want to necessarily fight, but wanted to serve their country, much like troops in WW1).
I like the part how the Brits and Germans had a ceasefire in Christmas 1914 and on some places on the front it got to where they were playing soccer with each other and exchanging christmas gifts. In some places the ceasefire went on for a couple of months. Then the British generals found out about it and ordered it to stop. They lured out the germans with the ongoing practice of ceasefire and then attacked, killing more germans in that point in the war than any other point. This strategy basically guaranteed the war was going to last to the death of one of the sides.
Then, I especially like how later Britain and France promised to defend Poland if Germany tried to take back historically german lands and then 6 years later gave the entirety of eastern europe including poland to Stalin.
And I really really like how Britain was the defacto head of the League of Nations and then the EU for like the past 100 years, and advocated post-colonialist mass immigration and unification of europe and then just bailed and threw the football to germany at the point the worst immigration crisis in europes history was happening.