This is happening at my university right now. What should I do?
This is happening at my university right now. What should I do?
That is good..just like how the colleges treat test scores..
Start yelling "the bell curve is real"
Open up a bell curve bake sale next to it
race and gender are protected classes and it is illegal to discriminate based on them. report them, film the cops shutting them down
is this a trick question? you just dont buy anything from them. jesus you guys are fucking weak
This is actually good, it redpills normies on ridiculous affirmative action is.
Tell them you identify as a woman
Ask them what the price is for Jews. Then remind them of the Shoah and demand one for free.
Identify as a woman and make profit.
So are they trying to show people that affirmative action is unfair?
Republican college groups do this to make fun of affirmative action. This has been a thing for 20 years. Stop hitting yourself.
This. Take everything and make monies
Say you self identify as a black woman
Get a black guy (or a woman if you're lucky( to buy your book for you. You pay less, the people selling see it and get pissed, but can't really do anything if they already sold it.
Say you identify as a black woman
Also you're gay and jewish and trans otherkin and that they should give you money in addition to cookies for reparations
Give them a dollar. If they object ask if they just assumed your gender AND transnigger status
school shooting
Wrong answer. You ask a black guy to buy two and split the cost with him. You gain a friend and a treat, the sellers look dumb. Everyone that matters wins
please do both of these user
Make a black friend
tell them you are transgender and collect unlimited .25$, buy a house and find a nice girl. have many babys and die of old age.
Just take a fucking flame thrower at everyone in that fucking place. I hope your a murican chink mutt.
Buy something and give them the ol WP
This is retarded. Native Americans are much poorer than blacks and still have to pay 25 cent more?
>republican bakesale
its obviously taking the piss out of AA. inb4 ten million yous from autits taking it seriously
Make people take an IQ test.
Their price is inversely proportional to their score.
So like $3.00 - IQ score.
Say you identify as a raceless woman and "buy" all of the goods.
This, throw on a wig, don't bother shaving. Say you identify as a woman. Buy them the fuck out. Pull up a table next to them. sell them all for 2$ when the get anrgy, just turn to them and go, you where out smarted, (pull off wig) by a white man.
Start an argument don't be too extreme on your position, find a cute, debate a little, go for a drink, get laid, start a happy relantionship and forget that you were supposed to care about this dumb things.
do this. redpill the redpillers
Claim to be a black woman because race and gender are both social constructs. Enjoy $1 baked goods.
Let them know that you identify as a strong black woman. You were born the wrong race and gender. So gibs.
>open a better bake sale next to them
>offer better quality products
>offer more competitive prices
>drive them to bankruptcy
>the free market strikes again
>reading comprehension
This looks like a positive thing.
GO back to your dorm room and shave your legs and put that miniskirt back on FAGGIT.. $0.25 muffins? shit stock up fag. be a nice break from ramen .
Good. Buy one, support them. admission office should know what kind of shit show of affirmative action they are pulling off now.
Just tell them you sexually identify as a black gay women, but it all and then sell it overpriced = ez money.
Lmao you should check out uiuc facebook all the sjws calling it raycist when this is actually based on affirmative action.
>Ask a friendly nigger to buy all muffins and give her money to do that ($1 per muffin)
>Go to 100% liberal white neighborhood
>Ask nigger to sell those muffins for $2.00 each
>Split profits 50-50
>You can profit from both racism and anti-racism at once
Okay Billy
Without going full-hitler this is a great way to roll out the purple privilege carpet
Ask a woman to "buy" all the cookies.
Get a bunch of cookies and free money. Win-Win
keep your shekel senses checked schlomo. they're doing it ironically
Haha I hope you did that on purpose.
Get a black female to buy it out for $1 a piece and set up next to them offering ~$1.50 per product to the asians and white males.
>asians charged more than whites
Also, say you identify as a woman OP. If they don't take it then throw a shit fit and start telling everyone that they're bigoted and won't sell to MtF transsexuals accordingly.
Oh shit
Open up a communist bake sale next to them, but throw every other customer in a gulag and let them starve to death.
At least they acknowledge Asian privilege.
i'm retarded, why is the asian price the highest?
Shouldn't it cost more for minorities? This goes against the point they're trying to prove
The pricing is based on affirmative action.
Identify yourself as a woman.
You know these bake sales are to point out how fucking stupid affirmative action is? It's not bake sales made by liberals to push their stupid shit
>Every man visiting the stand claims to self-identify as a woman
paradigm shift
Start a capitalist bake sale next to them, make better baked goods at a lower price. No one will even go to their stand.
Why do Asians have to pay less when they earn more.
how the fuck do you charge someone negative 0.25?
you mean they get 0.25 + a bake?
fucking KEK
it means that women get a 25 cent discount, leaf
Asians make great workers so that would explain why I have to pay extra for one.
claim to identify as a native american woman
they cant say anything against that argument, or they are racist bigots who oppress my sexuality
they probably mean that, '[if you're a woman you also get .25 cents off of whatever the racial price is]'
from what price? i see 5 different prices
wtf is "other" ? isnt that racist?
why does slavshit look so aesthetic, rugged, but still beatiful, just like T-72
This is what the term "cuckservative" was coined to describe.
other means not listed.
a white woman would be charged 1.75 - .25. its easy stuff. don't they teach math in quebec?
Because Asians get fucked under affirmative action. If there weren't affirmative action and we just went by SAT's and grades, all the Ivies would be like 85% Asian.
Crazy Tiger Moms lock their children in rooms with SAT prep questions starting at age 4. They should have just taught their kids to throw tantrums about raciss's.
>charging a racial minority extra
Holy shit this is going to get shut down so fast.
Say they forgot to add Jews to the list and it is $2000 for a cake
Yes! YES! Do this. Bankrupt them. Or have some other bitch do it for you.
>I identify as a woman, gimme all your food
do I get to buy at white prices?
I think Ezra Levant or someone else at TheRebel did this.
If they are outperforming others, they should be the majority of performer jobs
Well done
>Get a black guy
Hey! 25 cents are 25 cents you know!
>I'm a woman
>gib all yo' cookies and monies
OP will deliver
Let's just wait
Force a discussion about why blacks are worth more than hispanics. Include everybody in it. Leave when everybody is raging
Record it
Demand the lowest value
If they discriminate on race, sue them. It's illegal to sell something and discriminate on race, or religion.
Wear a wig and get free shit
Lmao good one
Roaches get a free stay at a motel
Better: go there with as masculine clothes as you can. Identify yourself as a women and demand to pay 25 cents. Get enraged when they dont give and call them sexists. Easiest liner BTFO in history. Say you are allowed to pee in womens bathroom but not demand be counting as a woman.
Get a wig and obtain free food plus payment.
Why is FP always BP?
Drop trau, piss all over sign.
Tell them you were discussing the prices if you can't run fast.
So only women getting food then, that will cost them.