Would you date a girl who was a Feminist?

Would you date a girl who was a Feminist?

I don't date men.

No. Baby killing witches don't align with my values.

Depend on what she is now but if you mean she got conservative after being a feminist I'd say yes, everyone can wake up and deserve a second chance (expect niggers and jews)

If feminist like pic related, sure, women often change their political views to match their partner's

yes absolutely, what you mean you guys actually want to date moronic women?

This isn't r9k.

I already do. What do you have against women being treated equally? Or salary incentives for equal work?

Nothing, but feminists don't represent what you just listed

nah, most girls say they support women rights but don't like feminism anyway these days

Sure why not.

They are about equality are they not.

Wome are inferior to men and deserve to be paid less because their work will most of the time not be as good as a man

Yeah, sure.

Wouldn't you expect a woman to be a feminist?

I would marry Eliza in a heartbeat

But that leads to sexist gender distribution in the workforce which perpetuates mysogynist stereotypes and female oppression. Besides that, if women earn more that doesn't mean men will be earning any less than they do now. That translates directly into each household having more disposable income which will stimulate the economy. There's literally no arguments against feminism.

why do women always wear makeup REEEEEEEE

i think the pic u posted OP she is attractive

Those aren't feminists, they're sjw.

Simple not true, delusion mother fucker is real in you

절대로 그런 여자를 교제 할거에요


That's not what feminism is about. White men already made it required to pay people equally (Equal Pay Act of 1963) and no law or company policy says to treat women worse than men. If one did, they'd be sued into oblivion because our courts don't support that behavior.

There's nothing viable left for them to fight for, so now they scream about non-issues.


back to redd*t

depend on what kind of feminism, classic or neo?

I rarely wear make-up and when I do I'm light on it, but I definitely felt out of place for not wearing it growing up. It's more of a societal thing. There's a lot of pressure to look 'perfect' due to this weird kind of standard of beauty that is held up over you that people try to compare you to.

sage and report

Yes, I would use her too.

OF COURSE< she puts out easier.

hurr durr, just gotta put up with her bullshit "idiology"
and your golden

Margaret Sanger-tier feminist yes but not third wave.

busy dating a girl who is a feminist, we just don't talk about it. she doesn't try to change my views and I don't try to change hers

Yes. Girls are dumb. I've dated many who calls themselves "feminist". It doesn't matter, she can put whatever label she wants on herself, she's still going to follow my lead and be obedient and submissive to me.

The 21st century, radical feminist type? If I found out she were like that, I'd be quick to tell her that we'd need to see other people.

Why not? It's rather interesting and challenging to influence her and make a normal woman again.

You already look perfect

If she's clean.

can u explain the eyebrow phenomenon plz

i understand women plucking unibrows and shit but why do they remove so much of the eyebrow and then apply fake eyebrow makeup

Want to shave my armpits?

If she hot, yea

>Would you date a girl who was a Feminist?
No. Wouldn't date a girl who IS a feminist. Wouldn't date a girl who WAS a feminist. Wouldn't date a girl who WILL BE a feminist (telltale signs will tell you they're on their way).

>we just don't talk about it
how seriously do you plan on that relationship growing?

I'm not the girl in the OP picture, if that's what you're getting at. But that's how I see it honestly. A phrase I love is that perfection is the antithesis of authenticity. I love myself, imperfections and all.

>make a normal woman again.
What do you mean?

To get the 'perfect' look they want to achieve. It's really just another in a long line of stupid trends in a pursuit for perceived perfection. I keep mine maintained but some others just go nuts with it.

Auggy has long thin messy armpit hair.

I mean to throw all that feminist shit out of her head.

this. Becky voted for Trump because it was the first time she had ever seen Chad come home happy and ready to fuck

Only if she acted resentful and called me a shitlord while I pilfered her anus.