Please help me Sup Forums I'm arguing with a turkroach right now...

Please help me Sup Forums I'm arguing with a turkroach right now, I don't know enough of this shithole of a country to begin with.
This could be a redpilling session for my friends too so help me out there.

The turkroach is basically saying :
>Muh turkey will be a superpower in 15 years
>Muh thorium and bore
>Erdogan is in his right for imprisoning journalists
>Campaigning outside of his shithole country is a normal behavior

etc. I'm not knowledgeable enough to counter him, I need support from you fellow Sup Forumstards.

Other urls found in this thread:

Just wave your flag already, Mohammad

>arguing with an insect

Theres your problem.

just fuck it.this shitty country will be failed in a year.

>arguing with çomars
you wasting your tiem my dude

Mention Armenia or the fact that the Kurds are the largest ethnic group without a country and that they fighting isis but roaches are killing kurds instead of Isis so they basically isis supporters

call him a turkroach and then get your friends to call him a turkroach or call him a terrorist sympathizer

Just spray Raid in his face and drop the can.

Ask him if there's any instances of cousin marriages in his family.


Better just talk shit and humiliate him.

This might also help, Goodluck,