Can someone explain american tax shit to me

can someone explain american tax shit to me
isnt it obvious that donald trump should have paid more tax than obama because he earns alot,
isnt federal income tax progressive in US of A

so the notion of
"lmao obama paid 18,7% tax rates and bernie 13% hahah" doesn't make sense?

Look, maybe you enjoy getting 63% of your income taken away to support people who refuse to adapt or even work, but we don't.

but the argument that "obama paid 18,7% tax rates compared to trump that paid 25% what a hyppocrite" doesnt hold because obama paid what he was legally obligated and trump paid a little extra at his own discretion

Obama got out of the presidency, and bought a for million dollar home.
A presidents salary is 400,000.
I'll explain taxes to you, right after you explain to me how he could afford that, legally.

*A four million dollar home

Which he immediately built a wall around.

Rich don't pay taxes

Yeah, except the 38m trump paid on 150m

35 million of 150 million.
Sure, it might be 'low', it's not tax evasion though.

Did Obama pay 35 million in taxes for one year? I hadn't heard about that.I did hear about how he spent 1 trillion of taxpayer dollars per year though.

OK ShareBlue,

I pay someone almost 300 dollars a year to ensure that I pay an effective tax rate close to ~18%. It's much easier to do, and to get lower percentages, when you are actually rich, and not a pleb like myself.

We get to choose how much % the feds withhold from us annually. The more you let them withhold,the more you get back on your returns. For people who make a lot of money, you are granted tax breaks and certain exemptions for having a higher rate, as far as I understand it.

Obama and Bernie literally chose to pay less in taxes.

It should be progressive . Ideally it's what works best but the rich know how to cheat

ah i see now, thanks

It's not about how much you pay, it's about how much money you're willing to give up from the amount of money you made.

Trump paid a higher portion of his earning to taxes than bernie sanders and Obama did, therefore they are hypocrits because they were major proponents against trump acusing him of not paying any or enough taxes when they themselves don't even pay same percentage trump did.

Yea but trump-nation will cost $10 trillion additional debt before end of the first term (hopefully he'll be gone by then)

This. Claim less "deductions" up front, pay taxes throughout the year, then IRS owes YOU. Slap a bunch of expenses on top of that, you lower the rate, raising your refund...

JESUS. I just realized part of the problem is most of these ShareBlue people probably never took a personal finance class!!!

In the end it doesn't matter because either political party, rich, whatever --- either way they'll fuck us over

Who fucking cares? This is the least important bit about his tax returns. The important bits are the other 1000+ pages that show how he earned his money and who he owes money to. These tax returns were obviously leaked by Trump or a Trump advocate...why would anyone release these ridiculously limited 2 pages otherwise?

they really really heavily emphasized loans and how they work but everything else was pretty basic
t:20 year old who took economics classes back in gymnasium 4 years ago

Basically, the Jews took over our country again in 1913 by establishing the Federal Reserve and the income tax and all kinds of other bullshit. The income tax is totally meaningless and indeed in 1981 Congress held an investigation and confirmed that "not one nickel" (in their words) of the income tax pays for anything. It all just enriches the (((international bankers))) who own the federal reserve.

So any time somebody rattles on about income taxes, just remind them that they're completely irrelevant, and the less of them you pay the more kikes you're helping to send to the oven where they belong.

This is why I'm not GOP. They cut taxes but don't cut spending because that's too risky for re-election. Result is massive deficits and we are approaching a time when debt interest payments will be the biggest expenditure and you and I are on the hook for that at gun point. This and other policy aspects will precipitate the next big crash which we will also pay for in 5 or 6 figures in lost income due to layoffs and career impediments. The last one has already had a huge impact on my lifetime earnings and nobody went to jail for it.

Why are you here? Do you enjoy pain?

See you at the end of term two faggot

Blue lib female here!
Took plenty business admin classes , have common sense, morals,.. doesn't mean I would take part in immoral loopholes and take advantage of the system
The system is flawed. Doesn't matter what the political party affiliation
The rich fuck it up for the poor

Um, not a shill, but that's not surprising at all. If he didn't make that much from selling his books, then he could have easily afforded the mortgage payments and the down payment, especially since he's getting paid fifteen times that for his memoirs, in addition to the hundreds of thousands he's going to make every month or so giving speeches.

In addition to the power of being president, the real and perpetual lasting advantage is how much more valuable your opinions and speeches become, in which you're set for life in doing little more work than preparing speeches written for you by some underpaid intern or speechwriter, earning tens of thousands of dollars an hour giving a speech.

This, and neither do white people, who don't know what true poverty is like. Fuck Trump and fuck white people.

:D fuck u too

I agree

Did they teach you that by having a private central bank where (almost) all currency issued is a foreign debt instrument that the debt mathematically could not ever be payed back anyway, and that the only possible way to keep the system going is endlessly increasing debt balanced out by inflation rates to keep it effectively under wraps, all predicated on global domination?

Is Jew Banking moral enough for you yet? And you're worried about whether it's moral to Jew the "eye for an eye" tribe that wants to enslave and exterminate you?

>Blue lib female here!

Shut the fuck up, attention whore. Go suck antifa needledick.

it's not like he paid cash. I imagine obama has pretty good credit

Maybe Tony Rezko helped him out again

Hey now I'm on the same page as u are, I don't like how any of it is set up. I feel like burning my textbooks, especially since the election.
Money is the most evil object in physical existence and we have to survive on a meaningless numerical value

Trump is audited annually. If there is something awry and the feds don't feel the need to point it out, then there is something greater wrong going on in the reserve than Trump's business dealings.

The more money you make in America, the higher scrutiny you are going to be under because the Federal reserve knows you'll make enough to pay your fair share. Rich people get audited and hounded way more frequently than anyone else. It's why regular civilians can probably get away with not filing taxes for a few years, but rich people are always moving around and splitting their wealth; to avoid taxes in the most legal way possible.

Seems to me most normal people agree on most of the basics most of the time. Shame we spend so much time arguing details of what's bad compared to teaming up on what's good.

Perhaps if we can achieve greater geopolitical, cultural, and economic stability we can have firmer ground to stand on in order to tackle some of the more fundamental problems.

Obama Bernie and Trump are all in the same tax bracket.

They should have paid the same percentages

Um nah, I got a man with a huge cock

Judging by your comments, u must have a TINY itty-bitty penis


I feel better knowing someone on here has some kind of common sense . Don't see that much these days

Strangest form of LARP.

paying taxes and contributing back to the society that gives you roads is too low energy for Sup Forums

>Um nah, I got a man with a huge cock.

You must have missed two of the fundamental precepts of the Trump campaign:

1. At the federal level, pivot back toward tariffs rather than income taxes (the system that built this country in the first place and that struck fear in to the European estabilshment of the time)

2. Pivot from federal overreach back toward state and local. It is after all state and local that is supposed to run the roads, even if matters of national infrastructure, like the Eisenhower Interstate system are indeed a legitimate sort of thing for the feds to fund and oversee.

>Money is the most evil.
>Not the love of money, which spurs on catastrophe whenever poor communists like yourself think they deserve someone else's wealth.

Shut up whore, you know nothing.

>isnt it obvious that donald trump should have paid more tax than obama because he earns alot,

He did ya dufus. He could've paid less but chose not to.

>actual $10T debt increase under Obongo (spent on war and corruption) is fine
>hypothetical $10T debt under Trump (spent on infrastructure) is bad
oh look, another thing liberals all of a sudden care about again - deficits!