What happens if I get feelings for a black girl?
Do I lose my Sup Forums card and friends?
What happens if I get feelings for a black girl?
Do I lose my Sup Forums card and friends?
As long as you produce offspring are white, I could care less what you stick your dick in prehand.
May you both produce a big litter of kangz
>Indian shitposting
Is she normal or ghetto QWAYN spear-chucker?
Just fuck her and fuck her and fuck her until you cum them out of your system
Go for it. Black chicks are insatiable. Make sure the jungle is clean before you take your trip.
> Sup Forums
> friends
Fuck off Russia
Have you ever fucked an abo? What's it like?
>what happens if
Fucking retarded neo nazis always looking for a reason to race mix.
enjoy your STD's.
>1 post by this id
I usually give them a pat on the head and keep walking if that happens.
you also get roped
Kek, you're alright Pajeet
No, but I have fucked an African American.
Abos hold zero appeal, it's why we as white australians have so little abo DNA in us.
Some AAs can be hot though. I know most are disgusting though.
your one to fucking talk, Poo in the Loo
>American English
It's the truth, Tubby
>Open GPS app.
>Type "Martin Luther King Blvd"
>hit go.
>Arrive, get out of car
>Walk around
>Mugged and beaten
>Cured of nigger affinity
Do it.
who gives a fuck what Sup Forums thinks? If these things bring happiness to your life you are doing better that 90% of the miserable edgelord rejected losers in this place
I just come here to shit post.
1 post by this ID.
Underrated poo.