How do Conservashits justify voting against their economic interests ?
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Imagine if niggers and cholos suddenly disappeared from the usa
>free shit for everyone
Why the Fuck would you disarm yourselves? Do you want only the police to have guns? The same police that kill black people?
The delusion on these cucks
What are they going to do, pay for everything with rainbows and power everything with love?
They would be invaded by a non cucked country within the first week
how much would the murder rates drop if the liberal strongholds fell off the face of the earth?
>put sage in your options
Reported for spam.
>ban on carbon emissions
>electric cars
Have fun generating electricity with no carbon emissions
median income from trump voters is 70k
Just gonna hook my electric car up to the solar/wind grid. Oops, it's cloudy and no wind. And we don't have solar or wind plants nearby because not in my backyard. You think I wanna look at those eyesores next to my cuckshed?
all conservatives should be killed
By being rich in poor states?
Holy shit, I can't sage hard enough
Because my Ideological interests and principles > personal gain.
Why do leftists sell themselves like slaves while giving up their principles?
because under Bernie, I would be taxed 90%
This is such horseshit. Red states overwhelmingly take more than they give.
Bootlicking krauts don't know shit about The reality of America
This is about personal earnings, you Hispanic intellectual.
>Ban on Carbon Emissions
>Be libshit
>get imprisoned
>Stop breathing
Im all for their succession.
Everyone would starve since red states are the breadbasket of the country?
Poor Montana.
The red states are predominantly reliant on food growth which requires subsidies from the state. Same thing happens here in Europe.
I understand wanting a lot of these things, but I don't understanding wanting this + lots of immigration from the third world. That makes NO sense to me, because it will rapidly increase the cost burden on everything. How do they think the system would sustain itself?
Every day, every day you post the same troll thread.
With unsound Occupy Democrats level memes.
That have no basis in fact.
Dude, it's autistic as fuck. You have a serious issue.
California alone could feed the entire country
It pays good to troll bootlicking retards
>mexicans are not my economic interest and niether is paying to ship in somalians
imagine an OP without a dick in his ass, mouth, and ears!!!
>Red states overwhelmingly take more than they give
It couldn't. With what water?
It really doesn't. There are industrial red states like Texas that give more than they take but most red states are either food producers or contain significant welfare populations (niggers).
I cant believe i used to support this shit. Jesus christ thats cringy. Sage
How do they? They work and in a country wwhere most people don't paying taxes works against you if you do work.
So basically this says without red states America could enjoy communism? Yeah, no thanks. Back to lefty Sup Forums commie scum
>Hey guys, picture this
>In a two party system, if we would remove our opponents, we would have what we vote for
>Isn't that amazing?
No, it's because there's a lot of niggers in red states on welfare. Just because red states receive more handouts it doesn't mean conservatives in those red states are receiving the handouts, you illogical idiot. Democrats exist even in red states, you fool.
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With what? activated almonds?
100 times this
Yeah, here's the redpill dipshit, Red States are flooded with niggers in the South who are all on welfare, and VETERANS everywhere else who are all on VA, but Republicans themselves are not impoverished.
Part of the reason we're opposed to welfare is that it's encouraging these impoverished communities to grow in our states, while all the champagne socialists in the North force their niggers and poor people onto the margins through inflated pricing.
Obama was in power for 8 years and we didn't get any of that either so i think their point is moot.
Sorry, but you're not going to feed the entire nation on almonds and grapes.
8 years, with a two year super majority.
>their economic interests
Imagine a world without blue states. Then we wouldn't be flooded with shitskins
>ban on carbon emissions
Holy fuck. Rip literally everything. I guess we'll use bikes to transport cargo.
California has one of the strongest economies in the world and could support every blue state in the US and still have money to spare.
who's richer california or bulgaria? keep in mind bulgaria is a whole country
Because they are subsidised to make more food for blue states
You realize there's a difference between poor people who are on welfare and poor people who work, right?
Libs have absolute disgust for working class people, don't you forget it.
Blue states don't need your corn . We got kale n shit
Liberal economic policies are the only lifeline for the working class you enormous ignorant faggot . Red state economics create divisions of elites and serfs
Imagine a world without Commies...
Commiefornia would be starving within a week.
Because Mexico is such a productive place...
Easy, I'm voting against my interests of right now in favor of the interests of my Children 20 years from now.
Liberals can't think more than a week ahead.
They are idiots. And proud of it. Basically slaves to their own ignorance.
>driving to the office in my electric car, couldn't charge it fully because it wasn't sunny or windy enough for our green energy stations to work
>arrive at work
>company is going under because the boss can't afford everyone's humane wage and they are on strike, but he can't lay anyone off
>atleast it's payday, hopefully not the last before the company collapses
>70% of my income taken away to pay for gibs
>my electric car runs out of juice on the way home and I have to walk
>a cherished immigrant accosts me and steals my wallet at knife point, luckily I wasn't tempted to defend myself because guns are banned
>he stabs me anyway
>I crawl to the hospital and sit in a waiting room for 7 hours, but atleast my treatment will be """free"""
That dude looks inbred as fuck . No wonder he's a DRUMPF corporate cock sucking supporter
>ban on carbon emissions
Are these people retarded or what?
And why can't these state just impose these policies on themselves?
>Frames (?) by fedora tippers
And why do progressive policies necessarily coincide with atheism? I could speculate that they're trying to create heaven on earth when they don't think it exists after death, but that doesn't mean that unlimited government even creates the best world even on side of the grave.
The implication also is that whether a state should secede or be allowed to secede is based on the effect it would have on the other states, as if Texas had a right to secede, but California does not.
Finally, people should really sage when responding to threads like these, in which even if the discussion is thought-provoking, the OPs behind these threads really do not deserve to have their threads bumped.
yes, yes, we'd be rules by Satanists and that's all just a cover for them become the worlds most powerful mega-wealthy. nice .jpg
you're welcome
t. a Republican
You do understand that the OP is talking about the USA not Great Britain, you inbred island monkey?
>Be Republicans
>Win 30.5 out of 50 states in presidential election
>Control 33 out of 50 governorships
>Control 237 out of 435 house seats
>Control 52 out of 100 senate seats
>Have party be strongest it's been in 90 years
>Always be accused of only being voted for in southern states (which are only about 12 out of 50 depending on your definition of southern)
>no guns
I know that whole list of bullshit, but the above in particular had me giggling. How would guns disappear overnight if red states seceded or simply didn't exist?
On the contrary, a world without blue states sounds pretty good.
>not having obamacare shoved down your throat
>not being penalized for not having obamacare
>not having exorbiant healthcare rates thanks to you paying for baby boomers and fat cunts like boogie, because obamacare
>polite and armed society
>reasonable wages (e.g., no $15/hr minimum wage for burger flippers)
>common sense immigration policy created by those who aren't bleeding heart leftists living in gated white neighborhoods
>traditional marriage
>no gore-tier fearmongering over global warm-...my bad, "climate change"
>safe but fun cars that aren't neutered, gay-looking abominations
>stronger workplace protections for those who have to sit in an office with a bunch touchy feminists 40 hours a week
Et cetera...