Let's do another one of these, boys.
Other urls found in this thread:
whats with ayrabs and shoes?
its like their middle finger i guess
the bottom of your shoe is covered in camel shit
Does anyone have that "Democracy hour" picture?
Egyptains are redpilled as fuck. Muliticulturalism, faggotry, these only a minor problem compared to feminism.
fucking kek
Are these memri memes redpilling the masses on how muslims think?
lmao even they know
Is that the taxi driver from How I met Your Mother?
/r/ing "Canada deserves a nuclear holocaust"
s a g e
/pol knows they are BASED people.
>MEMRIs like the corners of my mind.
Wew lad
did they do it?
why the hate albania so much ?
still my favorite
Who doesn't hate albanians?
haha I could've sworn it was canada.
saving anyway.
This one is perplexing. Is there some sort of context?
lel comes from italian.
i understand, but why arabs hate them ?
Because they're parasitic little shits who cry to uncle sam for help when they get casually bitchslapped by Serbs for misbehaving.
gay excuse, muslims are satanic creatures.
he had an anal disease that could only be cured with semen
i think it was something related to this guy: en.wikipedia.org
and in this context "albanians" refers to followers of his teachings. don't quote me on that though
Everyone hates them. Surely even albanians hate themselves.
>all these possibilities
>all these infinite timelines
>all those different lifeforms wandering on earth
>born albanian
This is absolute insanity.
>No Shareblue Comments
>No CTR Comments
They sit and read what they are fighting for. Beautiful.
Heh. Its funny because he doesn't look very smart.
fuck arab women are hot
It's Shitite slander against the Sunnis.
Are these actually real?
Not that I doubt they are, but some of the subs are like a parody of themselves.
wow I'm totally with muslims now!
Canada is usually shooped on them because fucking leafs are ruining this board.
im a camera man and i work with memri TV
ask me anything
YT link?
best one
is memri tv kike propaganda to make muslims look bad?
You're literally the same fucking Hungarian faggot who did this last time.
This legitimately pisses me off. Shes too pure for such things
>tfw she will never be your modest, obedient wife who makes you kebabs or whatever sand niggers also eat
Fucking A+