>no wall
>no lock her up
>shitty little ""muslim ban""
>israel is our greatest ally
>no mass deportations
>no drain the swamp
>obamacare 2.0
>cabinet full of globalists and billionaires (drain the swamp FAIL)
>most hated president in history
>no reversal of the demographic shift
Dang.... How are you guys feelin'? Pic related?
Trump is a FAILURE
Other urls found in this thread:
>israel is our greatest ally
All I read
All I need to read
People that are anti-Israel are muslim loving fuckin g retards desu.
You're the dumbest of the dumb if you think that sites like Sup Forums weren't shilled out by the Russians to destabilize America and make Democracies look weak.
There's proof that the Russians had paid internet trolls working on this, and you idiots that actually believed in Trump ate up the most insane bullshit because it reaffirmed your beliefs. At least this ship is sinking with you on the lower decks. Enjoy dying of preventable illnesses when Ryan revamps healthcare.
He is still doing a job that favours us more than Hillary and Bernie, that's all we were expecting.
pol/ only wants to be on the winning team, they dont care what that means.
youve already seen it happening, as trump popularity falls, youll see more and more posts about nu/pol/ and how Sup Forums is becoming too leftist. This will crescendo just before the midterm elections.
Sup Forums has no beliefs; Sup Forums only desires to not be betafags - this will always be true
This 100%.
Really made me think. Saat mitä tilaat.
these shitty baits are still a thing huh
>us government is ultra unreliable
>russian propaganda made themselves appear reliable
>poltards take the bait
>votes for anti establishment
>they shill for russia and (((alt right))) for free
>months later
>wake me up inside
soviets are still alive and smarter than ever
oh also, eu is done too. brexit is the beginning of the dominoes. next is NATO, and russians will conquer as they divided. but not with weapons, with leaders.
>us government lies about russia 99 times
>tells the truth once
>nobody believes since they got 99% chance to lie.
game over, europe.
Don't you shills at ShareBlue have to be at lunch soon?
Can't handle the truth?
>everyone that i disagree are shills
people like you are alive proof that USA failed at doing their own propaganda, Russia won.
Dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang... dang...
presumably they stagger their lunches
Giving (You)s to shill
Just like maybe europe beleieved the propaganda that islam is peaceful, and immigration is good.
Feeling great! Very optimistic about the economy! How is your view from your parents' basement? Almost done with your gender studies degree?
one being bad doesnt make another saint.
No, but because we don't blindly follow the edicts of our leaders we aren't also blind toward Trump and are aware of his strengths, but also his failures.
>The documentary about the Kurdish family in Turkey was created by Passionate Productions and was broadcast on Friday 17 March 2006. The narrator is Jemima Harrison.